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Tools for Making Applesauce
But this can be a time-consuming process when you're looking at bushels of fruit to process. Drain the apples, let them cool a little, then run them through the strainer. But in my own experience, having tried several different kinds of strainers and...
El Segundo
Growing Apples in Florida: It can be done
Make certain to cut far enough below diseased area to remove all of it. Keep adding dirt and packing until hole is filled with soil.Make a depression in the soil (in the shape of a ring) around trunk as far out as the roots reach.
El Segundo
The Little Apple that Could: the story of the \
But this apple has such intense flavor and such a good balance of characteristics that it can stand alone. You can't beat an apple with great taste and a great story! At the rate that we're eating them, we'll need another half bushel or two.
El Segundo
Planning a home orchard: Cross-pollination and spacing trees for best fruit production
That meant I could fit a dozen dwarf trees (three rows of four) in a 27 by 40 foot strip along one edge of the yard. A better idea might be grafting branches from one apple tree onto another for pollination.
El Segundo
Picking the Best Apples for Your Pie
But which of those might lead me to producing “the perfect apple— Like with most foods, freshness is key when choosing apples for a pie. Lately I've had success with a store-bought apple combination of 'Granny Smith', 'Gala', 'Golden Delicious' and...
El Segundo
Freedom Apple Tree Care – How To Grow A Freedom Apple Tree
This is an especially good choice for your yard if you have struggled with these particular diseases in the past. Freedom apples are great for eating fresh, for cooking, and for drying.When growing a Freedom apple tree, make sure you find the right space...
What Is An Empire Apple: How To Grow Empire Apples
If you want a consistently good crop of fruit, however, you should plant another tree nearby for. , prized for its deep red color, sweet taste, and ability to stand up to being knocked around without bruising.
Idared Apple Info – Learn How To Grow Idared Apple Trees At Home
Continue reading to learn how to grow Idared apple trees.Jonathan and Wagener are the parent plants of Idared apples. They produce their fragrant, white apple blossoms early but fruit is harvested late, usually in fall around October to early November.When...
Rome Beauty Apple Info – Growing Rome Beauty Apples In The Landscape
Dwarf trees reach mature heights of 8 to 10 feet (2-3 m.), with a similar spread; and semi-dwarf, which reach heights of 12 to 15 feet (3.5-4.5 m.), also with a similar spread., planting another apple tree in close proximity can increase the size of the...
Topaz Apple Care: How To Grow Topaz Apples At Home
Topaz apples are usually eaten fresh or in fruit salads, but they can also be used for cooking or baking.Growing Topaz apples isn't difficult, and the trees tend to be resistant to most apple diseases.
Scab On Apple Trees: Indentifying And Treating Apple Scab Fungus
Instead, apple scab first appears on the undersides of the leaves of the blossom clusters. Sanitation is often enough to control a mild infection; just make sure to burn or double bag all the material to prevent the disease from spreading.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Golden Delicious Apple Care – Learn How To Grow A Golden Delicious Apple Tree
Branches can break under the weight of all that beautiful fruit.With proper watering, a little fertilizer in the spring, and a, your growing Golden Delicious apples will start producing fruit within 4-6 years of planting, or when trees reach about 8 feet...
Apple Tree Planting Guide: Growing An Apple Tree In Your Yard
This is because low lying frost can kill the blossoms on the tree in the spring. Growing an apple tree will require that you dig your hole double the diameter of the root ball and at least two feet deep.
Water Sprout Removal – How To Prune Apple Tree Water Sprouts
Many never produce any fruit at all. You should cut as close as possible to the parent branch, but even so, you may not be able to get the entire base of the sprout. You can easily pluck them off with your fingers when they first emerge.
Honeycrisp Apple Care – How To Grow A Honeycrisp Apple Tree
Mildew,Most pests cause cosmetic damage to the fruit such asattack new growth and flower buds, reducing vigor and yield. Apply appropriate pesticides such as horticultural soap at 7-day intervals to control sucking insects.
Apple Storage: How Long Do Apples Last
What is the best way to preserve fresh apples? Red apples will be ready to harvest when the ground color changes from leaf green to yellowish green or creamy. Stayman and Arkansas Black heirloom apples will last up to 5 months if stored properly.
Apples With Cedar Apple Rust: How Does Cedar Apple Rust Affect Apples
Even more moderate infections can be damaging. Also, keep in mind that a low level of infection will not affect your crop very much. The fungus requires two completely different host plants to complete a cycle.It infects apples and crabapples in the spring...
Apple Maggot Prevention: Apple Maggot Signs And Control
Affected trees are sprayed from around mid July to pre-harvest with continual applications (per product instructions or mixed using 3 cups kaolin clay to every 1 gallon of water) every seven to 10 days.Another apple maggot control product, which is more...
Apple Collar Rot Life Cycle: Tips For Treating Collar Rot In Fruit Trees
Keep reading to learn more.Collar rot is a fungal disease that begins at the tree union. The collar rot life cycle can sustain for many years even in winter soil. Trees are often most noticeably affected when they begin to bear, usually three to five...
What Are Akane Apples: Learn About Akane Apple Care And Uses
(-34 C.), but they also grow well in warm zones.Akane apple trees are quick to bear fruit, usually producing within three years. They are cold hardy down to -30 F. Akane is a very appealing Japanese variety of apple that is prized for its disease resistance,...
Why Grow Cortland Apples: Cortland Apple Uses And Facts
Prune Cortland apple trees annually after the tree is bearing fruit. What are Cortland apples? These apple trees set fruit without a pollinator, but another tree in close proximity improves production.
Apples With Red Flesh: Information About Red-Fleshed Apple Varieties
Read on to learn more.with red flesh inside (as well as out) occur naturally in some regions of Central Asia — basically. A very abbreviated list of cultivars follows, but be advised that there are many others to ponder when choosing for your landscape.
What Is A Red Rome Apple – Tips For Growing Red Rome Apples
The following article contains information on growing Red Rome apple trees and using Red Rome apples post-harvest.that allow fruit to form on each limb, which means more fruit! Because of their prolific yields, they were once referred to as ‘mortgage...
Honeygold Apple Info: Learn How To Grow Honeygold Apple Trees
How often and how much water depends on the size of the tree, time of year, and type of soil.If watering with a hose, fill your watering well twice, so water goes down deep rather than watering too frequently.
Apple Tree Care: When And How To Prune An Apple Tree
Select the best and remove the others.Remember, you are creating a canopy that encourages sunlight, and access to spraying and harvesting. The shape of the apple tree during the budding season and following winter will influence the number of flowers,...
Spur Bearing Apple Info: Pruning Spur Bearing Apple Trees In The Landscape
You can also prune branches to shape. Remove dead, diseased and damaged branches. Can be confusing. Most commonly sold apple trees are spur bearing. Continue reading to learn more.On spur bearing apple trees, fruit grows on small thorn-like shoots (called...
Lodi Apple Care – How To Grow Lodi Apple Trees
The fruits come from medium sized trees that usually grow 20 feet (6 m.) tall with a 25-foot (7.6 m.) spread. The soft, creamy flesh of Lodi apples lends itself well to pies and applesauce and can be sliced and frozen to extend the harvest.These early...