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Deer Proof Gardening: What Vegetables Are Deer Resistant
Below is a list of plants that deer love to eat.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });So what vegetables are deer resistant? Knowing which plants are irresistible to deer can help you properly useto deter deer...
Deer Fencing Designs – How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
Make sure a wooden fence is tight and doesn't allow the deer to see the other side. The animal will be stung and, hopefully, learn to stay away.One of the more common deer fencing designs is to use deer netting.
How To Keep Deer From Eating Plants – Garden Deer Protection For Plants
However, the high-tensile fencing is typically more affordable.Since deer will also crawl under or through openings in a fence, it's important to check it often for damage, fixing any areas in need of repair.
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
Just remember that changing it up is important to its effectiveness.Another method of deterrent protection to consider is planting a border around the rose bed ofwhere you live or a local Rose Society group for more helpful information specific to your...
Deer Resistant Garden Plans – Creating A Deer Resistant Garden
Creating a deer resistant garden is a must for any gardener who suffers from these grazing marauders.. Creating a deer resistant garden should mesh together defense with beauty.Overall, there are some guidelines for plants to choose.Shrubs or bushes which...
Deer Resistant Plant List – Learn About Plants That Are Deer Resistant
Sometimes finding out what your deer will and will not eat becomes a process of elimination. Watching deer is an incredibly enjoyable pastime; however, the fun stops when the deer decide to make a lunch buffet of your garden.
Bulbs Deer Hate: Flower Bulbs That Deter Deer
Any gardener who finds deer in the neighborhood will never look at Bambi the same way again. Nature provides these properties to keep predators away; it works well with deer in most instances.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Deer Rubbing Tree Bark: Protecting Trees From Deer Rubs
Fortunately, there are ways toLiving close to nature can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but even the most dedicated lovers of wildlife may get pretty frustrated when they discover the local deer rubbed bark off trees in their yard.
Deer Eating Fruit Trees: How To Protect Fruit Trees From Deer
This type of fence is composed of two widths of 4-foot woven wire and 12-foot posts. A “zap” from an electric fence will quickly change this habit and train the deer to stay 3-4 feet from the wires, hence the fruit tree.
St. John\'s Wort Plant Care: How To Grow St. John\'s Wort
Once established, the plants need no care, and this makes them ideal for out-of-the-way locations. You won't find a plant that will thrive in more situations.Growing St. John's wort herb in a location with too much sun can lead to leaf scorch, while too...
Tips On St. John\'s Wort Pruning: When To Cut Back St. John\'s Wort
Sterilize them if necessary in a mixture of bleach and water.If you are wondering how to prune a St. John's wort shrub, here are some tips:Plan on pruning off about one-third of the total height of the shrub in mid or late March.Pruning St. John's wort...
St. John\'s Wort Control: Learn How To Control St. John\'s Wort
You may know about St. John's wort for medicinal purposes such as the relief of anxiety and sleeplessness. Don't burn off the area where St. Johns wort weed is growing though, as this encourages it to spread.
Growing Tutsan Shrubs: Tips On Tutsan Care In The Garden
These give way to small round, red fruits that become black with age.Flowers, seeds and leaves have a camphor-like odor when crushed or bruised. Enjoy the frilled golden blooms and bright berries as another performance winner and seasonal eye candy.
St. Andrew\'s Cross Plant – Can You Grow St. Andrew\'s Cross In Gardens
Mature height is 24 to 36 inches (60-91 cm.).Water St. Andrew's Cross regularly until new growth appears, indicating that the plant has rooted. Thereafter, St. Andrew's cross plants require little supplemental irrigation.
Still in Use: A Hay Rake So Old It Can Be Horse-Drawn
It's also tough enough and simple enough that on the rare occasion when it does have an issue, it's relatively easy to fix. Dating back to at least the 1950s if not earlier—this model was manufactured for many years—the 594 is described as a “side...
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
I am still grieving. It probably got tired of the frequent transplanting, the collie lifting his leg over it, and the slugs chomping on it. Cooler climates can probably give it full sun with no problems.
El Segundo
Outwitting Backyard Creatures: Bulbs & Plants They Hate!
But the best defense is a good offense: choose plants that aren't attractive to animals in the first place. In the dead of night, or sometimes in broad daylight, furry creatures help themselves to snacks from the vegetable garden and shrub border.
El Segundo
Who Ate my Althea? Deer-Resistant Plants for the Midwest
The deer much prefer the ease of foraging in the fields to dealing with our dogs, fencing and security lights.You may want to try one of these deterrents. It has been effective at discouraging the deer from entering our yard and gardens.
El Segundo
Royalty in the Garden : The Crown Imperial
Once the tops have yellowed, you can cut them off at soil level. The flowers have no discernible fragrance. The bulbs will flower for a full month the following April or May, depending on the zone in which you garden.
El Segundo
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
Five years ago this week, the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production released their report “ Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America ,” a two-year study to review the dominant industrial farm animal production...
5 Ways to Enjoy the Farm Before Dark
In the off season, you'll likely spend time indoors catching up on farm planning and finances , reading up on that new husbandry technique or cooking up some produce you canned during the harvest season—all of which are huge bonuses to this time of...
Antibody Accurately IDs Johne\'s Disease
They took blood samples for one year and then measured immune and serological responses of calves using novel tuberculosis tests. Scientists found no cross reactivity with the tuberculosis serology tests, demonstrating that animals could be vaccinated...
Holly Bushes & Deer
Unfortunately, there isn't a permanent solution. The need for a permanent solution to "the deer problem" usually begins when people wander out into their yard to discover that these garden trespassers have mowed down some beloved shrubs.
Santa Monica
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
Now, about 7 years later, John has built 46 Extreme Birdhouses. He stated, "After sitting around for a few years, I thought maybe I could still do some woodworking on a smaller scale.
El Segundo
Deer Versus Plants and Shrubs
I like both products and have had good success with them. They seem to be our herd's favorite summer treats. I generally rely on two different sprays if it becomes necessary to keep the deer out of the perennial garden during the growing season: I use...
Diary of a Class: Fall Vegetable Gardening
After a refreshing summer lunch of Cobb salad and chocolate ice cream, we reconvened in the air-conditioned cooking studio to discuss fall and winter plant varieties and growing tips.
Diary of a Class: Food Gifts, Friendship-and a Trip to Remember
Anything set in a place this spectacular had to be good! I got a room to myself (which was great as I work nights and tend to be wide awake at 4 a.m.) in a sweet little log cabin with a porch that ran along one side so we could sit and watch the sun set...