The garden was almost ready for winter, except for the mums which were still bloming. My son helped with shoveling, while my daughter and I showed my grandson the snow - first one for him! He is already a garden helper, very happy to "meet" the plants...
Apparently, the idea was to hang a hammock in the shade of the trees, but there has never been a hammock hung. One afternoon, he introduced a landscape architect who was there to impart his wisdom to us.
Many people think that pruning trees and shrubs in late fall or early winter makes for a neater garden, however, here in the Mid-South we have so many warm days scattered in with the colder ones that often freshly pruned shrubs will break dormancy too...
The birds believe in spring.I even saw a flock of birds, earlybirds I guess, headed north the other day.There is evidence that I believe in spring because I taught a class of kids at my church about winter sowing last Sunday, and had them put their jugs...
While tiny snow crystals -- simple hexagonal prisms -- can appear quite similar, even under an optical microscope, one complex branching snowflake differs from another in hundreds of ways.
The soil must be kept moist for proper germination but once the plant is established, it is very drought tolerant.Established plants may be propagated by division in the fall or by cuttings.Space the snow in summer flower 12 to 24 inches apart to give...
Snowstorms and thunderstorms are not the same, and I'm certainly no meteorologist. So I would have to take worldwide precipitation and winter storm activity into account before I really start complaining.of the Pacific and Indian Oceans show not snow,...
The weather is usually mild to warm but not hot. It will be a couple months before wildflower season gets started, but I look forward to it just as I look forward to Christmas.I believe that ultimately, the Christmas spirit comes from inside a person.
Now, slowly pour the colored water over the design. We had several inches of snow followed by an ice storm a few days later. And have fun making your snow design.While living in Floridia, and later Missouri, I often dreaded the arrival of winter.
Each bulb bears five to ten blooms on thick short brown stems. The name indicates their occasional habit of peeking out through a carpet of late season snow. A few of the naturalized species you might find growing wild in Turkish fields include:There...
This will feed the plant for up to 3 months, providing it nutrition to both flower and produce foliage. If necessary, you may want to encourage more blooms by using ato the soil around non-flowering snow in summer plants.
Here are some factors to consider. Expecting a lot of snowfall this winter? Snow Blower Pros: The biggest advantage that snow blowers offer is their ability to propel the snow away from the path you're clearing, rather than shoving it off to the side...
Solid forms are much more vigorous than the variegated ones and will soon overtake the area.Bishop's weed requires very little care. The plants spread by means of brittle underground rhizomes, and digging up unwanted plants often causes them to spread...
, bishop's weed is a rambunctious plant native to western Asia and Europe. This form, (‘Variegatum') displays small, bluish-green leaves with white edges. You may even notice areas of solid green leaves and variegated leaves mixed together in a single...
I could not wait till April for the taste of strawberries. It wasn't the foot of snow that bothered me, it was the fact that I was craving strawberries in the dead of winter. I grabbed a broom that Ninna used to sweep the snow off the back porch, and...
If one-half to one-third of the original root system is still in the soil, with the remaining exposed roots compact and undi, it might be possible to set the tree upright and brace with guy wires.Large limbs can weigh over 2,000 pounds and most mature...
What if the white stuff never falls? This is a period of minimal cellular activity, a strategy employed by plants to survive times when conditions are harsh, such as droughts and freezing winters when sunlight is minimal.
Start by heating the syrup slowly over medium heat until the edges start to bubble, or simmer. If the hot syrup just dissolves in the snow, making a maple slush, cook the syrup a few minutes longer.
I try to curtail my addiction when it comes to crossing creeks in high heels now, and I usually ask if I see sweetpeas growing up balconies. That went very well for a few years, until I had a brilliant idea.
It felt really good to dig—extra good, as a matter of fact, after such a long, life-sucking winter. I promised we would plant carrots next and lettuce and broccoli, but it will have to wait until after the Easter holiday.
I've been trying my best to keep the feeders and suet cages full. I'm beginning to think we will have snow on the ground until the end of March! Looking out my living room window, I can see the tops of my hellebores and some of my Echinacea seed heads.
To be honest, I rather enjoy the changing of the seasons from spring to summer to fall to winter, because each season has its good points. Unfortunately, it's still not warm enough for the temperatures to stay above freezing for more than a few hours...
It's rare that snow mold will kill the crowns of your turfgrass, but it preys heavily on the leaves.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });.
I cross referenced it with my seed ordering list to be sure I didn't miss anything. Unfortunately, no amount of snow removal is going to perk up our ornamental grasses. If it all works correctly, it will be beautiful.
When the insulating snow blanket melts in spring, it also gives plants the boost of moisture they need to start making the most of the growing season. Although this kind of mild, waffling weather is nice for us humans, it can wreak havoc on plants and...
Warming temperatures earlier this week complicated matters; melting snow can refreeze into a layer of ice that adds extra pressure to barn roofs and allows additional snow to build up on top.
If it seems like loud machines are a big part of life on the farm, well, that's because they are. Tractors can generate noise in the 90-to-100-decibel range, and some power tools can be even louder.