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Hummingbird Plants Plants For Sale In Oxnard

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Killer Cranberry Salvia, Littleleaf Sage
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Salvias are considered the #1 plant for Hummingbirds with their tubular flowers designed for pollination by these amazing flyers. In late winter it can be cut back to about 6-12" high if desired.
  • Native To / Origin: US Gardens - Luen Miller, Royal Oaks, CA - circa 2015
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8,9,10,11
  • Grows To: 24-36"H x 30-40"W
  • Deer Resistance: Not Likely to be Bothered
Orange Aphelandra
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

If you know this cultivar or species please feel free to contact us. Candelabra-like spikes of orange bracts that subtend rich orangey coral colored 2" tubular flowers that are designed for hummingbird pollination are produced throughout much of the year...
  • Outdoor Light: Light shade, Filtered shade, Early AM sun
  • Grows To: 2-4'H+ x 2-3'W+
  • Native To / Origin: South or Central America - this may be a garden hybrid
  • Indoor Light: High
Little Dutch Blue Lily of the Nile, Agapanthus
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

A compact growing sport of Blue Heaven, Little Dutch Blue Agapanthus has the compact habit of Peter Pan with a longer summer flowering season. Evergreen in mild winter areas. All rights reserved.
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8,9,10,11
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate
  • Deer Resistance: Seldom Bothered
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Love and Wishes Salvia
Prices start at : 6.99 USD

Provide a mostly sunny position and moderately fertile, well-drained soil for the best results. Love and Wishes Sage is a free flowering and sun loving Salvia but its tropical parentage limit its cold hardiness.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9B,10,11,(9A?)
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Soil & Moisture: Well-drained, average moist, moderately fertile soils.
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Grows To: 3-4'H x 2-3'W
Trumpet Creeper
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

These are seedling grown and so the flower color may be range from a rich orange to nearly yellow to a dark brick red. Mowing and careful pruning can often help to control suckers.
  • Deer Resistance: Seldom Bothered
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Native To / Origin: US - native to all but a handful of states
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Lipstick Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Texas Sage, Gregg\'s Sage
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Established plants require little additional maintenance once established but may benefit from a light summer shearing. Full sun and excellent drainage generally provide the best results.
  • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline, Alkaline
  • Grows To: 24-36''H x 24-36''W
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
Sky King Iochroma, Tubeflower, Mini Angel\'s Trumpet
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

Provide good drainage and fertile, average moist soil in partial to filtered sun for the best results. Sky King is a reliably free flowering selection on a vigorous growing upright to spreading, naturally evergreen tropical shrub.
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9B,10,11 (8B? with protection)
  • Grows To: 3-6'H x 3-5'W
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High
Apricot Sunrise Hummingbird Mint, Agastache, Giant Hyssop
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Provide Agastache with a full or near full sun location and allow the soil to become slightly dry between waterings. Plant in mass for the best effect. Apricot Sunrise produces an endless display of brilliant orange to golden yellow tubular flowers in...
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch R / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Grows To: 3-4'H x 2-3'W
  • Native To / Origin: Garden Hybrid
  • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 6,7,8,9,10
Hot Lips Salvia, Hot Lips Autumn Sage
Prices start at : 5.99 USD

Salvias are considered the #1 plant for Hummingbirds with their tubular flowers designed for pollination by these amazing flyers. It creates a mounding upright to spreading plant that loves the heat and sun.
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Grows To: 2-3'H x 2-3'W
  • Native To / Origin: Gardens
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9,10,11
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Sweet Lips Turk\'s Cap, Turk\'s Turban, Ladies\' Eardrops, Scotchman\'s Purse, Wild Fuchsia
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

The light coral pink flowers of this Turkscap are blushed a darker near red on the outside edges of the curling petals creating a sweet two toned bi-color effect. Shade tolerant, deer resistant, moderately salt tolerant, and moderately drought resistant...
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline, Alkaline
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7B,8,9,10,11
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Grows To: 3-5'H x 4-6'W
Argentine Skies Salvia, Anise Sage, Brazilian Sage
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

It has been known to spread by rhizomes but under most conditions stays neatly where it's put and where hardy will return year after year. Anise or Brazilian Sage, Salvia guaranitica , is an upright growing perennial that may flower nearly continuously...
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9,10,11
  • Soil & Moisture: Average moist, well-drained, fertile soils.
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Texas Pink Garden Phlox, Summer Border Phlox, Fall Phlox
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Periodic deadheading will help keep them looking clean as well as helping to extend the flowering season. Their showing begins in early summer lasting for several weeks and possibly longer if they are deadheaded.
  • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
  • Salt Tolerance: Poor
  • Soil & Moisture: Moist to average moist, well-draining soils rich in organic matter and moderate fertility.
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
  • Native To / Origin: US
David Verity Cigar Plant, cuphea
Prices start at : 5.99 USD

In the portion of its range where freezes occur it can be grown as an annual or if protected with a mulch it is generally reliably perennial well into zone 8. An upright to arching shrubby perennial.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8B,9,10,11,12
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • Grows To: 24-30''H x 24-30''W
Ashcott Red Iochroma, Tubeflower
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Ashcott Red Iochroma, or Tubeflower, makes an easy to enjoy container specimen or use it as a small shrub in tropical climates. Large clusters of rich orange-red, 2" long tubular flowers are produced throughout the growing season on a well branched mannerly...
  • Soil & Moisture: Fertile, average moist, well-drained soils
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Grows To: 2-4'H x 1-2'W
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11 (9B? with protection)
Red Shrimp Plant, False Hope, Shrimp Plant, Shrimp Bush
Prices start at : 5.99 USD

Maroon and white 1" tubular blooms arch from a spike of reddish-maroon bracts. An upright to sprawling perennial becoming full and dense with age.
  • Native To / Origin: Mexico
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Grows To: 18-24''H x 12-18''W
Indigo Iochroma, Tubeflower, Mini Angel\'s Trumpet
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

Provide good drainage and fertile, average moist soil in partial to filtered sun for the best results. One of the darkest Iochromas, Indigo is a prolific flowering selection on a vigorous growing upright to spreading, naturally evergreen tropical shrub.
  • Deer Resistance: Not Likely to Be Bothered
  • Native To / Origin: Probable parent species - Iochroma cyanea - Ecuador
  • Grows To: 4-6'H x 2-4'W
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9B,10,11 (8B? with protection)
Fuzzy Bolivian Sage, Salvia
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

Provide a moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Excellent for hummingbirds. Salvias are considered the #1 plant for Hummingbirds with their tubular flowers designed for pollination by these amazing flyers.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8,9,10,11
  • Soil & Moisture: Average moist, well-drained, moderately fertile soils.
  • Native To / Origin: Bolivia
  • Outdoor Light: *Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
Furman\'s Red Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Texas Sage, Gregg\'s Sage
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

Welch's article " Autumn Sage: Salvia greggii " from the Texas Cooperative Extension. Established plants require little additional maintenance once established but may benefit from a light summer shearing.
  • Soil & Moisture: Well-draining, dry to average moist soils. Moderately drought resistant once well-established.
  • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9,10,11
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Finger False Dragonhead, Obedient Plant
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

Personally I would rather have called it the Foxglove False Dragonhead:) Adored by Hummingbirds and other long-tonged pollinators. This large and robust Physostegia is typically found in consistently moist to wet areas growing in ditches and along stream...
  • Native To / Origin: US- W LA and E TX
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
  • Soil & Moisture: Moist to wet soils. Does fine under average garden conditions.
  • Grows To: 4-7'H x 1-2'W
Firespike, Cardinal\'s Guard
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

Plant it once the danger of frost has passed to give it the best chance of getting established before the first frost and freeze. An upright yet bushy shrubby perennial that enjoys shady conditions.
  • Native To / Origin: Central America
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High
  • Outdoor Light: AM sun, Light shade, Filtered shade, Shade
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8B,9,10,11,(8A?)
Bolero Hummingbird Mint, Agastache, Giant Hyssop
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

These are deer resistant plants with a long flowering season and are sure to attract any and all pollinators that can reach the nectar reward of its tubular flowers. The nectar rich flowers of Bolero Hummingbird Mint or Agastache are sure to attract a...
  • Soil & Moisture: Average to well-drained soils.
  • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9,10
  • Grows To: 12-18"H x 14-18"W
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch R / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Red Fountains Skullcap, Hummingbird Plant, Trailing Skullcap
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

An excellent choice for hanging baskets, spilling from containers, or in the garden where hardy. Clusters of deep red, 1 1/2", tubular blooms are borne throughout most of the year on this beautiful tropical spreading to mounding perennial with beautiful...
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade
  • Grows To: 8-12''H x 18-24''W
  • Soil & Moisture: Average moist, moderately fertile soils with good drainage.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9,10,11,(8B? with protection)
Purple Fountains Skullcap, Trailing Skullcap, Hummingbird Plant
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

We previously offered this as Ventenat's Hot Pink Skullcap but that designation was incorrect as this is apparently Scutellaria longifolia . Glossy green slightly quilted foliage on arching to trailing stems.
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Native To / Origin: Central America - Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica
Louisiana Bluestar, Sandhill Bluestar
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

Also known as Sandhill Bluestar it is more tolerant of drier sites than other Bluestars once established. Louisiana Bluestar is a rare and unusual Amsonia with large rounded velvety foliage with a silvery reverse.
  • Soil & Moisture: Moist to average moist to semi dry, well-drained soils.
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • Container Size: Quart / 30 fl.oz. / 887 ml
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
  • Deer Resistance: Not Likely to be Bothered
Trumpet Creeper
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

These are seedling grown and so the flower color may be range from a rich orange to nearly yellow to a dark brick red. Mowing and careful pruning can often help to control suckers.
  • Soil & Moisture: Adaptable to most soil types if they are not overly wet. Average moisture but drought tolerant once established.
  • Deer Resistance: Seldom Bothered
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • Container Size: Quart / 30 fl.oz. / 887 ml
  • Grows To: 20-40'H x 6-10'W
Flaming Glorybower, Java Glorybower
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

The nectar rich flowers of the Flaming Glory Bower are produced throughout summer and into fall and attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. The last three images, those furthest to right, capture hummingbirds visiting this free flowering plant and...
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High light
  • Native To / Origin: Java
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9,10,11
  • Soil & Moisture: Average moist, fertile, well-drained soils.
Eastern Bluestar
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

For an excellent article on Amsonias click the "More Info from Universities..." link below to read a comparative study from the Chicago Botanic Gardens written by Richard G. The Eastern Bluestar makes a wonderful garden addition with a mannerly clump...
  • Grows To: 2-3'H x 3-4'W
  • Native To / Origin: USA-Eastern North America
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Deer Resistance: Not Likely to be Bothered
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9