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Tomatoes: Planning & Planting for an Outstanding Harvest
If you run a soaker hose along your row of plants, it's easy to give the roots a good drink (which they love) without getting the foliage wet (which can encourage disease). Just take the same steps for digging and amending the soil in your tomato patch...
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What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
So what to do with the flavorful, fragrant stalks? But where I am, in Texas, the best shot I?ve got for getting this tender perennial to make it through the winter is to cut it back to just a few inches tall and mulch over it.
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What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In Syria and Lebanon, fennel leaves are a common addition to ejjeh, a type of frittata.In Greece, fennel leaves are used in savory pies, and to season chicken and fish dishes.Florence Fennel (a cultivar with a bulbous leaf base) can be eaten as a vegetable,...
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How to use the Garden Showcase
If your plant is a named cultivar you can then select the cultivar name from the second field. Members have the ability to keep detailed albums showing off all of their gardens and the tagging system is great for instant, handy reference.
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What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
A little bit of the herb goes a long way, so even a small chives bed can feel like more chives than you will ever be able to use. This may be because they start so easily from seed, and grow into dense grass-like clumps.
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The Summery Flavor of Lavender
Coincidentally, at the tail end of May or the very first part of June, lavender flowers begin blooming in Texas. Lavender can add a lovely floral note to foods and pairs especially well with the sweet flavors of summer.
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20 Ways to Soup Up Your Soup
Add edible flowers. Use a mandolin to cup paper-thin slices of cucumber (or tomato) that you then sprinkle with herbs and float on the soup bowls. Add rice, pasta, barley or other grains.
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Seed Starting 101: Grow the best TOMATOES ever from seed
With over thirty-five hundred entries in, you have an amazing variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to choose from. From this point on, bottom watering will help preventand reduce fungus gnat and algae problems.
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What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
Parsley is a biannual, which means that in the second year it will bolt and go to seed. However, it is self-seeding, which means if it likes the area where you've planted it, not only will the plant replace itself, but you might get a lot more seedlings...
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What to do with all that . . . basil
When you plant basil, you know you are planting an annual and we tend to forget that in the excitement when we pluck off those first fragrant leaves to toss into a salad. Let cook for about half an hour, then sprinkle with chopped basil a minute or two...
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Garden Railroading
Will you flatten the space, or sculpt hills (keep in mind that trains can only make it up certain slopes). One railroad setup I've seen allows for the engine to drive directly into a garage at shelf height.
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Amaryllis Adventure: Colorful Surprises Grown from Seed
To save space, I'll likely pot them in clumps. By next year, they may be big enough to spend the summer planted out in the tropical bed by my deck.For more information on growing and propagating Hippeastrum, please visit theFor amaryllis sources, check...
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Eating from the Lipstick Tree
In the French-Speaking Caribbean, it is often used when making blaff (lime smoked fish). The spice is known as roucou in Trinidad and Tobago, achuete by Filipinos, and urucul by the Tupi-Guarani Indians of the Amazon region.
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In Search of the Mayhaw
However, these cultivated trees are equipped with nets to catch the berries as they fall.The fruits are then collected and cleaned of leaves and other debris.Then Ann puts the extra berries in the freezer.
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Eating Cactus
You can also buy prepared cactus strips in jars.Use care if you decide to prepare the cactus yourself. The peeled tunas can also be processed as for any other firm fleshed fruit. If you enjoy the flavor of nopales, I'm sure you will find new and unique...
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Make Pressed Flower Bookmarks
Pressing flowers is a relatively straightforward process.You simply choose your flowers and lay them carefully in an unneeded book. Consider pressing your flowers, and using them to create projects that showcase the loveliness of your flowers, such as...
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Make Your Own Scented Sugar
You can often find scented sugar (sometimes called flavored sugar) at a gourmet shop. But it is such a simple process to scent sucrose, why not add a personal touch-while saving some cash and make your own?
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Preserving Pears
Add the bundle to the vegetable mixture along with the sugar, vinegar and celery seeds. Discard the cheesecloth bundle and ladle the pear butter into hot, sterilized half-pint jars, leaving 1/4 " head space.
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Make Your Own Lavender Dryer Sachets
So I started using dryer sachets, which make my brain even happier, because the clothes never have a "fake" scent. But I missed having a soft, fresh scent that told the olfactory part of my brain that the clothes were clean.
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Jumping Headfirst into the Art of Bonsai
My second mistake may have been choosing a pot that was too big for the plant I ended up with.I suppose I also cheated a little bit because I bought a pot that came pre-screened.As with all containerized plantings, drainage in bonsai is very important.
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Herbes de Provence
Cooks were able to pick the fresh herbs and add them to their roasting meats and stewpots in ratios that suited each dish, and they dried herbs for winter use much as people dry herbs elsewhere.
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Baking Herb Breads
And that fragrance is even richer and more interesting when there are herbs in the bread. Artisan style breads are easy to make (the long prep time you see in bread recipes is mostly the time it spends rising all on its own, while you can be doing other...
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Traditional Herbal Candies
Sugar, a couple tablespoons honey, and 1 tsp. Roll in sugar, if desired, and allow to harden completely.Mints serve a practical purpose, too - freshening the breath and refreshing the palate.
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The Flexible Flavor of Ginger
The recipe below is for a naturally fermented version (which may be different than what you expect to find in a can).Combine the ginger, sugar, and 1/2 cup of the water in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved.
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Glace (Candied) Fruit
Candied fruit can also be referred to a crystalized fruit or glace fruit. For candying, you remove the inside pulp and cut the rest into wedges. It can also allow you to make treats out of what would otherwise be unpalatable - such as strips of orange...
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Making Your Own Screen Printed Tea Towel
Photo-techniques aside, this lends itself to somewhat simplified line drawings. This prevents ink from escaping through the edges of the frame and creating a "box" effect around your print.
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Paper Crafting with Garden Catalogs and Magazines
Make sure that you do not glue the paper, as this can cause wrinkles. Fold the new envelope along the same lines as the one you used as a template. This has a strong enough frome that you could attach a hanger to the back.
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