They vary in hardiness from U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 to 11.Dunk the blades of your pruning tools for at least five minutes in a disinfecting solution before using them.
Trees need time to recover from pruning wounds and sprout new growth at safe times of the year, such as in warm spring conditions.Trimming trees during the dormant season is safest for their health.To keep trees' health intact, the safest time to trim...
Fronds that point horizontally outward or point upward shouldn't be pruned. Each palm species has a set number of leaves for optimum health; the palm leaves that die each year are replaced by an equal number of new leaves forming in the crown.
American Forests estimates the pin oak to be the most common native oak in America's parks and streets. Cut away branches that grow across each other or rub, and cut off spent flowers.
The fertilizer will help prevent the palm tree from going into shock after you trim.Move your tree outdoors or lay a tarp below its pot to help protect your floor from the dead fronds you trim off.Examine the tree for dead or diseased palm tree fronds...
The first time you should be doing fig bush pruning is when you first transplant your young fig tree.When a fig tree is first planted, you should trim a fig tree back by about half.
There are different varieties of Japanese maple trees, some of them can be left alone without pruning and some, just like the Cutleaf Japanese Maple (acer palmatum dissectum), should be pruned to improve appearance and keep them healthy.
Every spring the Cleveland pear tree blooms lots of long-lasting white flowers. It doesn't happen very often in Cleveland pears, but if you allow a wood build up, the branch base might be too weak to support the weight.Remove the top 10 feet of the Cleveland...
Trim only dead or diseased branches, those growing toward the center of the tree and those creating narrow angles to keep ash trees looking their best without compromising their health.Trimming trees always provides the opportunity for insect or disease...
In addition to dead fronds, the fruit clusters also can be trimmed or removed to keep the tree looking tidy and prevent fruit litter dropping onto the lawn or sidewalk below. Never attempt to pull away the very bottom or base of the frond, as this can...
You'll also need various supplies to tie the branch to the stake and support the damaged area where the branch connects to the tree. If you have trouble getting the stake into the right position, you can also attach an extension to the stake to raise...
Pruning cassia trees helps strengthen the structure and keeps it looking neat.Prune cassia trees at planting time only if necessary to removed dead and diseased branches and those that cross and rub against each other.
It is best to remove the little stub branches before they grow over ½ inch in diameter. Keep reading to learn how to prune a walnut tree.Trimming a walnut tree properly is vital to your investment.
Read on for information about how and when to trim cedar trees.The problem with trimming a cedar tree is that every cedar has a dead zone in the center of the canopy. Check before each snip to be sure that there will be green branches on the tip of the...
The nuts may make radicles (primary roots) during the first warm period, but will probably wait until the second one to send up sprouts. The leaves photo is by Jean-Pol Grandmont and the enhanced flowers photo by Myrabella, both courtesy of Wikimedia...
You can shape it at this point and keep the plant below a certain height.General pruning will include removing old wood, diseased or broken plant material and managing any suckers and water spouts.
Cutting back sweet cherries is an exception to this rule. The primary reason for trimming cherry trees is to ensure the most optimal access to sunlight. , knowing when to prune a cherry tree and the correct method for cutting back cherries is a valuable...
You'll also need to keep an eye out for California pepper tree care is increased significantly if you choose a planting site with poorly draining soil, sinceuntil they establish extensive root systems.
Tipu trees grow quite quickly. However, even zone 9 may be too cold and you'll have to consider protection.If you are able to grow tipu trees, you'll find them to be some of the most beautiful flowering trees for warm climates.
Most chemicals to control ash borer damage require a pesticide applicator license for purchase. Prevent ash borer by inspecting firewood closely before purchasing and buy locally when possible.
It grows to some 70 feet (21 m.) tall but remains fairly slender. The tree generally grows on peat and muck soils. According to black ash tree information, the trees grow slowly and develop into tall, slender trees with attractive feather-compound leaves.
Transplant it to a larger pot and be patient – growth should pick up again in a couple of years. The seed should be large, smooth, and round. After this, however, growth will slow down.
The fungus also infects the following landscape plants:Leaves in the crown that turn pale green, then yellow, then brown.In the alternative species, it causes non-fatal leaf spot or twig dieback instead of the bleeding cankers it causes in oaks.Sudden...
According to strawberry tree information, this is a lovely little evergreen ornamental, offering lovely flowers and strawberry-like fruit. The tree produces abundant bunches of tiny white blossoms.
But that tradition has faded. Once the tree starts to lean over, finish your saw cuts quickly. Don't push the tree over. You can either go to a Christmas tree farm where they provide the saws and nicely groomed trees or you can venture out into the woods...
Read on to learn about this important disease of oaks.Oak wilt is a serious disease of oak trees, caused by the fungal pathogen, which is believed to be native. Dark circles in the otherwise lighter inner tissues are a good indicator that you need help,...
The green leaves turn a gorgeous golden yellow flecked with red. Then they deepen to bight orange and finally turn into a gorgeous blazing red.Shantung maple trees work well as small shade trees and can live a long time.