Determine your plan of escape in the event the tree fails to fall in the direction you need it to. If this is the only way to cut the tree down, leave it to a professional who has the right equipment to get the job done.
Gas Or Electric? Unless you're a logging professional felling giant trees on a routine basis, you'll probably find that a guide bar between 1 and 1½ feet in length is the ideal size for you.
They are truly low-maintenance, high performing plants.The butter daisy is known by such common names as butter daisy, star daisy, gold medallion flower, and I'm sure there are others.
Dyed mulches can be very aesthetically pleasing and make landscape plants and beds stand out, but not all dyed mulches are safe or healthy for plants. Colored mulch in gardens can actually rob the plants of the nitrogen they need to survive., natural...
Don't use grass clippings if you've used any kind offreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Fall much for plants also doubles as a weed suppressant.
When you layer tea tree mulch in gardens just on top of the soil, it creates a physical barrier to weed growth. What can mulch do? A good mulch regulates soil temperature, but also accomplishes much more magic.
An area measuring 20 square feet requires about 280 pounds of glass mulch. Let's learn more about using glass mulch in the landscape.. Using tumbled glass mulch made from used glass bottles, old windows and other glass products keeps glass out of the...
Artillery fungi are tiny, cream or orange-brown cup-like structures which shoot their spores and attach to any surface they hit, leaving black spots on foliage and home or deck siding that is hard to remove.are another example of a mulch issue; however,...
But what does it mean to water well when planting? Ideally, you want your planting site's soil to drain at a rate of about 1-6” per hour. Continue reading to learn how to water new garden plants.Before planting, it is a good idea to observe the drainage...
Spring applications will help increase tilth, keep heat in the soil and reduce those spring weeds.This cheap, plentiful mulch will have you finding all sorts of pine straw mulch uses in your garden.
Dried leaves as mulch break down more quickly and shred easily. Some of us, purchase manures or even buy soil additives. Leaf litter mulch in gardens has numerous attributes and mulching with leaves is an inexpensive and renewable way to achieve garden...
It does indeed break down, but unless you have a very wet environment it shouldn't get moldy. We tend to use the words interchangeably, but there is a big difference:Hay is grass that has been cut while it is still green and full of nutrients, but before...
It may alsoIs reflective mulch effective against pests? Bury the edges with soil or hold them down with stakes, rocks, etc. It also helps retard weeds and conserve moisture just as other forms offreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
If soil freezing and thawing is an issue in your climate, wait and apply the mulch after the first frost.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Don't apply mulch against tree trunks, as it promotes moisture...
Alternatively, apply approximately an inch of water every week in spring, increasing to 2 inches when the weather is warm and dry.After you water a few times, you'll know how long to run the hose.
Consumers that wonder “is hemlock mulch safe to use,” are usually mistaking the poison hemlock for the conifer hemlock, which is not toxic.Using hemlock mulch around ornamental plants and trees is a healthy and attractive soil amendment.
Overwatering is also environmentally unfriendly and encourages pollution risks from garden care products.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });plants need varies according to season and landscape, but most...
So can you use peanut shells in nut shell garden mulch? Nonetheless, most of us think of them as nuts. Juglone concentrations are highest in walnut buds, nut hulls and roots but are also found in lesser quantity in leaves and stems.
Don't remove the box until the treated weeds have time to dry completely.If you haven't applied mulch yet, landscape fabric oris a safe way to block weeds while still allowing water to pass through to the soil.
Most inorganic mulches aren't easily displaced by wind or water, so replacement is rarely necessary. Many landscape professionals advise gardeners not to place organic mulch within 5 feet (1.5 m.) of homes or wooden decks, especially in areas prone to...
It takes about 80 tires to make enough rubber mulch to fill one cubic yard of space. When the water runs off the plastic, it can also carry pesticides into other areas, causing a buildup.
Pine will break down quickly while cedar may take years.You can use either chipped wood or bark mulch with confidence, knowing that you are helping your garden and the environment.
Do your homework when choosing a drip irrigation system beforehand and future issues can be avoided. When asked what I do for a living, I sometimes joke and say, “I'm Mother Nature at a garden center.” While I do many things at work, like designing...
When applied thick enough or used with plastic or fabric, they successfully suppress weeds. Inorganic mulches are made from non-living materials. However, rocks do not add any nutrients to the soil or help retain moisture.In fact, rocks can absorb and...
Roof run off can also contain heavy metals, like lead and zinc.Clean rain barrels at least once a year with bleach and water. It is usually safe for drinking and, therefore, safe for using on edible plants.
If you are interested in improving your soil fertility, choose organic mulch that suits your needs.Gardeners wishing to keep their gardens completely organic should be careful when choosing natural mulch that contains dyes.For gardeners with a large landscaped...
Organic mulches, like wood chips and pine needles, are always a good choice, but crushed stone is swiftly gaining in popularity. Mulching is an important part of gardening that sometimes gets overlooked.