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How To Sharpen Garden Shears

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Crafts With Gourds: How To Make Water Canteens From Dried Gourds
When clean, allow it to dry again.Choose a tapered cork for the top of your gourd water canteens. When the gourd feels light and sounds hollow when tapped, it will be dry. Use a small bit on a drill or dremel to pierce holes around the traced hole.
It\'s Garden Naked Day, So Let\'s Get Naked In The Garden!
At the very least, you should let your neighbors know that you intend to take part in WGND. Do it in your house, do it in your backyard, do it on a hiking trail, wherever. Oh, and you may want to avoid being naked in the garden in the evening hours, as...
The Love Of Gardening – How To Enjoy Addictive Hobbies For Less
Creative paths throughout the beds made maintenance chores easier. Instead of buying new seeds or plants each year, I decided to start my own. I created a birdbath from old bricks and a round, plastic tray.
What Is A Transplant Spade: Using Transplant Spades In The Garden
The key, however, is in the extra depth you can get with its long, narrow shape.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Transplant spades are designed for digging a ring almost straight down around a root ball...
Cold Frame Construction: How To Build A Cold Frame For Gardening
This should keep your produce crisp, but unfrozen, for the remainder of the winter. Place such veggies asand the like into the frame on a layer of straw and cover with the sash and a tarp.
What Are Cloches And Bell Jars: How To Use Cloches In Gardens
When sun is hot and high, prop up the edge of the cloche with a stick or something to allow excess hot air to escape. Exotic plants also benefit from snuggling under a garden cloche.Watch for high temperatures and vent the cloche to prevent the plant...
Wildcrafting Info: Using Plants For Decorating
Don't overlook the beauty found in seedheads or berries; these can give your projects extra charm.Herbs and a variety of flowers can be cut and bundled to dry by hanging upside down.
Choosing A Weed Eater: Tips On Using String Trimmers In The Landscape
Keep the machine clean and in good working condition. Even hitting a tree trunk a few times with a weed eater cuts the bark and allows pests and disease to enter.Turn on the engine when you are ready to work, keep the cutting end below knee height and...
Out Of Town Garden Care: Garden Tips For Travelers
Even if a friend or neighbor is on hand to provide plant care, a watering system will guarantee your plants are watered (and you'll be able to relax and enjoy your time away without worry).
Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden
They can also be constructed of different amounts of layers or ply. These coils are intended to make them kink-free. Hoses are a tool and, as with any job, it is important to select the proper tool for the job.
Cleaning The Garden In Autumn – Getting Your Garden Ready For Winter
That being said, you can certainly start fall garden clean up earlier than this if you see plants that are fading and no longer producing a harvest for you.If you live in an area that does not get frost, you can take your cue from the appearance of your...
Using Hand Weeder Tools: How To Use A Hand Weeder Tool In The Garden
It has a very similar handle in size and shape. Keep reading to learn more about using hand weeder tools and how and when to use a hand weeder tool in the garden.When people talk about a hand weeder or a hand-held garden weeder, chances are good they're...
Garden Renovation: Tips For Removing Existing Plants In The Garden
Such is the nature of gardening — the constant tinkering that most of us find an endearing endeavor, a labor of love. Garden renovation can be a daunting task when rearranging, removing and replanting.
Hardscaping Ideas – Starting Hardscape Gardening In Your Yard
Different areas of the landscape may require various hardscape elements based on their purpose.For instance, play areas might benefit from using shredded tires, which are soft enough for children to play on and available in various colors.
What Are Loppers Used For: Tips On Using Garden Loppers For Pruning
Once you place the lopper blade correctly, it's time to cut. Long-handled loppers are the perfect tool for clipping woody stems between ½ and 1 inch (1.5 to 3 cm.) in diameter.Using garden loppers gives you high leverage without much effort on your part.
Early Winter Garden Chores: Gardening To-Do List In Winter
Mix the samples together in a clean bucket and then pour 1 to 2 cups into a soil sample bag or box. These may beunless they show signs of disease of insect infestation.Next, it's time for the lopper and pruning shears.
Fire Pit Garden Ideas: Types Of Backyard Fire Pits
You can also install a fire pit table. You don't want to position the fire pit in a location that is too windy. They can be square, rectangular or even L-shaped. This includes the outer structural edging of the fire pit as well as the burning area.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Gardening Tools For Beginners: Tips On Choosing Tools For The Garden
These may also be helpful to a gardener with a physical disability.There are many different types of tools for gardening and each has a special purpose.Digging tools, like shovels and spades, can be used to cultivate, plant, or clear a plot.
Miniature Ponds – How To Build A Small Pond In Your Garden
That being said, it is always best to obtain water garden plants from a reputable nursery. Any plants taken from a natural water source should be quarantined overnight in a strong solution of potassium permanganate to kill any parasites prior to introducing...
Fountains In The Garden – Information For Creating Garden Fountains
You may have to wedge some smaller stones between the larger ones to keep the structure stable.– An attractive ceramic pot makes a lovely fountain. When your fountain is complete, you can use landscaping gravel around the base to hide the tub.There...
Do I Need A Bulb Planter: Learn About Using Bulb Planters In The Garden
They are widely available online or at nursery centers.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The simplest bulb planter is a little handheld manual device.
Preserving Plants: Learn How To Dry Flowers And Foliage
Dumping the desiccants on delicate petals may damage the flower.Flowers are dry when they feel papery. This is a simple process that involves using a rubber band to secure small bunches of flowers together and hanging them to dry.
Tips On Using A Garden Fork – Learn When To Use A Garden Fork
A good tool will also save you money over time, because you won't have to replace it every few years. Selecting a well-made tool will make using a garden fork much easier, especially if you have heavy clay or compacted soil.
Gardening During Radiation Therapy – Can I Garden While Doing Chemo
Ask your doctor whether you need to cook fresh veggies before eating them.Don't over-exert yourself. However, you should take certain precautions in the garden, and you should check with your doctor before beginning.The main concern related to gardening...
What Is A Garden Knife: Learn About Garden Knife Uses
It is an invaluable tool for weeding, transplanting, cutting sod, and dividing plants.Some garden knives have a ruler etched into the steel that is useful for measuring depths when planting bulbs or seeds.
What Is A Garden Spade – Garden Spade Uses And Tips
U-shaped handles provide maximum leverage and ergonomic efficiency. There are numerous types of specialty spades, with specialized purposes. The answer is more complex than it may seem with this versatile tool.
Forsythe Pot Propagation: Tips On How To Make And Use Forsythe Pots
Learning how to make a forsythe pot was an answer to my prayers.The two most popular ways to propagate plants is toto root. No water should drain from the hole at the bottom of this pot!Fill the plastic pot almost to the top with vermiculite.Push the...