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How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
Plants and stone always look great together, so it is often a top choice for hillside beds less than 18 inches (45cm) high. Natural stone is often free if you live in a mountainous area, and as long as you stack a low wall so that it tilts slightly backward,...
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
Get Ready for Planting Garlic Finally, it's never too soon to get ready to plant garlic, which deserves loose, deeply dug soil that has been generously amended with compost. Plants Related to this Article Spinach Grow Guide Corn Grow Guide Winter Peas...
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
Ripening will always be more effective when the fruits are left on the plant. Secure it at the sides with rocks or bricks. Rice also traps ethylene, a fact that hasn't gone unnoticed by many Indian households who sink the fruits into containers of rice.
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
Pruning in summer helps plums to avoid disease Before any pruning task, stand back and take a look at your tree. If you need to cut back to the main trunk, cut close to the raised ‘collar' but not into it.
How to Dry Chili Peppers
You can store them in containers, thread them into a chili ristra, grind them into a paste and even infuse oil or vinegar with these warming wonders. The warm flow of air will see the fruits dried out within 24 hours or so.
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Once you're done sowing, cover the seeds back over but don't water again until after germination. This extra layer serves a few purposes: it shades the soil from the sun, helping to keep it cooler, and it acts as a lid on the soil, dramatically reducing...
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
The seeds are exactly the same as those sold for spring planting, only these ones have been held back in a cold store to stop them developing any further; they're literally in suspended animation.
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Plums are notorious for over-producing – with often-disastrous results. We need to thin them to just one or two fruits per cluster. It also stops trees from cropping heavily one year, only to produce very few fruits the next – a phenomenon known as...
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
If that all sounds a bit grim, it is. Begin with a good, strong blast from the hose to knock the whitefly off your plants and onto the ground where they'll perish. Flowers will help to draw hoverflies and other greenhouse whitefly predators to your garden...
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Pickings from fruiting and pod-producing vegetables such as beans and tomatoes are coming thick and fast right now, but as summer wanes both the quantity of what you pick and how often you are able to pick it will begin to tail off.
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
Or, if you keep chickens let them search and destroy for you! Healthy soil helps to make your plants strong enough to resist insect attacks, so add organic matter regularly – annually at the very least, and preferably more often.
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
Additional rows of spring or summer cabbage should be set around the same distance apart, while fall and winter types need a little more space between rows – about two feet (60cm) is ideal.
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Well-considered seating is the answer. Wind chimes give an immediate impact but consider the neighbors; wood or bamboo wind chimes are less invasive and more natural sounding than metal ones.
Try Asian Radishes this Fall
Diversify your fall garden with red-skinned Chinese radishes (top), white daikon radishes (right), and watermelon radishes (left) Daikon radishes have long, upright leaves with wavy edges, and some varieties can develop roots more than 12 inches (30cm)...
3 Ways to Use Up Your Glut
There are, of course, many other ways to preserve some of the growing season's generosity (a kinder word than ‘glut', which sounds a little ungrateful!). Have you tried bottling, preserving in vinegar, flavoring oils or making your own fruit liqueurs?
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
By any name, they are a top storage crop to grow in the fall garden. The largest rutabaga I've ever grown got mixed up with the Brussels sprouts and enjoyed plenty of elbow room. The root word, rotabagge , is Swedish for thick root, which hints at the...
Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions...And More!
But if you need the space, you can hurry things along by cutting the heads a little earlier. They're ready to pick and collect when the pods themselves turn leathery or crisp to the touch.
Nicking Plant Seeds: Why Should You Nick Seed Coats Before Planting
In fact, some seeds need to be nicked in order to germinate. This technique is also known as scarification.Which seeds need to be nicked? Seeds with an impermeable (waterproof) seed coat can benefit the most from nicking.
Seed Pods Are Soggy – Why Are My Seed Pods Mushy
Cover them with more paper and gently press to remove excess moisture.If the seeds are hard and mature, you can safely dry them and store them for future use. If they are mature, you have a very good chance of saving them.
What Is Reseeding: How To Manage Self-Seeders In Gardens
For example, you may want a fewthe plants to self-seed, you are going to have a problem on your hands the next season. Alternatively, move the plant to a location where that family group had not been growing for some years.Another consideration is total...
Natural Rooting Methods – Organic Rooting Options For Cuttings
While it is sometimes just that easy, the success rate for this process is not particularly high. You can make your ownCut a few new shoots from a willow and slice them into 1 inch (3 cm) pieces.Steep the willow pieces in water for a few days to create...
What Are Plantable Containers: Gardening With Biodegradable Plant Containers
They are beneficial to use because they can help reduce transplanting shock (which will help with your survival rate), reduce transplanting expenses, and avoid disposable plastics.
Fungus Control When Seed Starting: Tips On Controlling Fungus In Seed Trays
Read on to learn about fungus in seed trays and tips for fungus control when seed starting.To help prevent fungal problems, use the following tips for fungus control when seed starting:Start with fresh, uncontaminated seed-starting mix.
What Is Plant Layering: Learn About Plant Propagation By Layering
There are a number of layering propagation techniques, but all of them work by causing the plant to grow roots along a stem, and then cutting the rooted stem top from the base plant.
Controlling Cross Pollination – How To Stop Cross Pollination
You need to take some extra steps though to ensure that cross pollination does not occur.Prevent Cross Pollination by Growing One Species of PlantOne method is to only grow one variety of a species in your garden.
Seed Starting Times: When To Start Seeds For Your Garden
They separate the zones according to temperature. Give the plant enough time to germinate and grow to an appropriate transplant size.. But when to start seeds? Any container that has good drainage is appropriate, but even just a flat will work since seedlings...
Community Seed Banks: How To Start A Seed Bank
Keep the seeds in a cool, dry location for a season or two, depending upon the species.Access community seed bank information and learn how to start a seed bank from youror gardening clubs and groups.