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What Is Glass Mulch: Tips On Using Landscape Glass As Mulch
An area measuring 20 square feet requires about 280 pounds of glass mulch. Let's learn more about using glass mulch in the landscape.. Larger mulch measuring 1 to 2 inches or more usually requires at least twice as much to cover the ground effectively...
Garden Mulch Problems: When Issues Pop Up Using Mulch In Gardens
Generally speaking, it is one of the gardener's most prized tools, but on occasion you may incur mulch problems in the garden. You should also water sour mulch and spread it out to dry for a few days at which time it is safe to use.may grow in mulch.
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
“Be sure to water it well when planting it.” I say this phrase several times a day to my garden center customers. Allowing the soil and roots to slightly dry out between waterings encourages the roots to reach out, seeking water on their own.
Tips On Using Pine Straw For Garden Mulch
Read on to find out.Pine straw is freely available in areas with pine trees and is inexpensive to purchase in bales. Once it does begin to compost, the nutrient content in soil increases.
Leaf Mulch Info – Learn About Mulching With Leaves
To use the dried leaves as mulch, spread them at a rate of 3 to 4 inches around trees and shrubs and 2 to 3 inches over perennial beds. Perhaps this is due to the labor involved raking them up or it might be simple ennui as the season changes and cold...
Can You Mulch With Hay – Learn How To Mulch With Hay
It does indeed break down, but unless you have a very wet environment it shouldn't get moldy. We tend to use the words interchangeably, but there is a big difference:Hay is grass that has been cut while it is still green and full of nutrients, but before...
Reflective Mulch Info: Is Reflective Mulch Effective In Gardens
Even cost doesn't have to be a factor since you can make them cheaply out of aluminum foil and cardboard that has been painted white.To use reflective mulch, first remove any weeds from the bed.
Corn Cob Mulch: Tips For Mulching With Corn Cobs
Read on for information about using corn cobs as mulch.Ground corn cobs are highly resistant to compaction, so the mulch remains loose even if your garden gets plenty of foot traffic.Corn cob mulch is fire-resistant, unlike bark mulch that is highly combustible...
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
That funny-looking hose is one of the best gardening investments you can make.If a soaker hose looks a little like a car tire, that's because most soaker hoses are constructed from recycled tires.
Using Hemlock Mulch On Veggies And Garden Areas
Consumers that wonder “is hemlock mulch safe to use,” are usually mistaking the poison hemlock for the conifer hemlock, which is not toxic.Using hemlock mulch around ornamental plants and trees is a healthy and attractive soil amendment.
What Is A Rain Gauge: Garden Rain Gauge Info And Types Of Rain Gauges
Position the rain gauge twice as far away as the height of a tree or other object and be sure to empty it after every rain shower.Check with your local garden supplier or online retailers for different types of rain gauges for home use.
Nut Shell Garden Mulch: Tips For Using Nut Hulls As Mulch
However, the levels of juglone in hickory are much less than in black walnuts and are, therefore, safe for use around most plants. They are lightweight however, and aren't suited to slopes or areas of wind or water eddies.
What Is Cypress Mulch: Using Cypress Mulch In Gardens
They are key elements in wetlands and provide protections from storms. Read on for additional cypress mulch information, including the downside of using cypress mulch in gardens.Mulch is any product you use on top of the soil to protect the roots of your...
Winter Mulch Information: Tips On Mulching Plants In Winter
If your location rarely sees temperatures below freezing, mulching your plants may keep them active through the winter instead of allowing them to go dormant. It is not meant to remain in place year round.
What\'s The Best Natural Mulch For My Garden?
What are you waiting for? If hay gets wet and spoils, farmers can't use it to feed their animals anymore; it might kill them. What's a gardener to do?In her ought-to-be famous “No Work Garden Book,” Ruth Stout has a very simple solution for what to...
What Is A Root Zone: Information On The Root Zone Of Plants
In many plants, the roots will branch out densely and grow up toward the soil's surface around the drip line to absorb as much rainfall and run off as the roots and root zone can hold.
What Is Lucerne Mulch – Learn About Mulching With Lucerne Hay
Apply a thinner layer of mulch if slugs are a problem.: If possible, apply lucerne mulch immediately after a rain. However, you may find it for a good price at a farm supply store.If you use mulch around edible plants, keep in mind that unless you buy...
Buckwheat Hull Mulch: Should I Mulch With Buckwheat Hulls
This isn't much of a problem as long as the hulls are moistened every now and again when the garden is watered.The only real problem is the cost, as buckwheat hulls are considerably more expensive than some other mulch options.
What Is Coconut Coir: Tips On Using Coconut Coir As Mulch
Add coir to the compost pile at a rate of two parts coir to one part green material, or use equal parts coir and brown material.– Coir is a versatile substance used to improve difficult soil.
Mulch And Pet Safety: Tips On How To Keep Mulch Safe For Pets
If possible, keep your dog contained to an area of the yard where you don't have any mulch and be careful when you take your dog out to public areas that have mulch.Pine, cedar, and hemlock mulches are good alternatives to cocoa bean mulch if you have...
What Is Deep Mulch Gardening – How To Use Deep Mulch In Your Garden
What is deep mulch gardening? Mark out the site for your deep mulch garden, cut any weeds back and water the site thoroughly. This can easily be remedied by heaping on more mulch. It's also important to not use straw, hay or yard clipping that have been...
Cocoa Shell Mulch: Tips For Using Cocoa Hulls In The Garden
This is one of the most common questions concerning cocoa hull beans, and no cocoa hull mulch information should fail to mention its potential toxicity to dogs. Many gardeners enjoy the sweet smell and attractive appearance of cocoa shell mulch.There...
Using Rain Barrels: Learn About Collecting Rainwater For Gardening
For the home gardener, that's your roof. The simplest method for harvesting rainwater is with rain barrels.Using rain barrels involves no special plumbing. Collecting rainwater for gardening can eliminate many of these chemical salts and harmful minerals...
Mulch Weed Control – Tips On Getting Rid Of Weed Growth In Mulch
This happens when weed seeds are buried in the soil or are distributed by birds or wind. Be extremely careful not to touch nearby plants. Don't remove the box until the treated weeds have time to dry completely.If you haven't applied mulch yet, landscape...
Choosing The Best Mulch: How To Choose Garden Mulch
In case of a fire, smoldering mulch can go unnoticed for long periods of time. Mulch is available in two basic types: organic mulch and inorganic mulch. A 2- to 3-inch (5-7 cm.) layer of organic mulch helps keep weeds in check and reduces watering requirements...
Learn About Synthetic Mulch For Your Garden
It provides a brighter look to a garden, reflecting light off the pieces of recycled glass. Plastic sheeting used as mulch is easy to apply, especially in large gardens, including commercial gardens.However, using plastic mulch in gardens causes less...
Types Of Bark Mulch: Tips For Using Wood Mulch In Gardens
Another factor to consider is the longevity of the mulch. It isn't blown around by winds like lightweight mulches. Find out about the many benefits of wood mulch in this article.Using wood mulch benefits the environment because waste wood goes into the...