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How To Season Turnip Greens

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Tips For Turnips Growing In Your Garden
Just rake it and hoe it as usual for planting. They are easy and can be planted either in the spring, so you have turnips all summer, or in the late summer for a fall crop. Like any root vegetable, turnips (.
Bolting of Turnips: What To Do When A Turnip Plant Bolts
Turnips require soil rich in organic material. Let's learn why turnips go to seed and what to do when a turnip plant generally caused by stress which can take the form of too little watering or poor soil.
Turnip White Spot Info : What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
Use a certified disease free seed when possible and do not harvest seed of infected plants.Keep weeds, especially those in the Brassica group, away from current crops. High humidity is also a causal factor.The disease is spread by wind and rain but may...
Growing Turnip Greens: Learn About The Health Benefits Of Turnip Greens
New leaflets will come in after a week or two. This will inhibit turnip bulb formation but ensure fresh tender leaves for your recipes. They have been in cultivation for over 4,000 years and may have been eaten by ancient Romans and early Greeks.
Harvesting A Turnip Root: How And When To Harvest Turnips
They should keep for several months, just likeIf you were not sure when to harvest turnips and got a crop of woody roots, peel them and stew for more tender vegetables. Plants that grow in less than ideal conditions will take longer to mature.
Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Turnip – Treating Turnips With Alternaria Leaf Spot
The spots also show up on stems and blooms.The infection is frequently introduced on infected seed, but once established, it can live in the soil for years. Many, especially cruciferous weeds like mustard andDestroy diseased plant parts by burning, or...
Turnips With White Rust: What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
Fungal diseases like these are promoted by several key environmental conditions. Temperatures of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 C.) encourage fungal development. Once you have turnips with white rust, there is no recommended control except removal of the plants.
Fall and Winter Gardening
Then, find the number of days from seed-to-harvest on the seed packet. But, if seeds are started in the summer heat, some type of shade should be provided for the young plants. Shade cloth, or 6 mm plastic can be attached to PVC hoops spanning the beds,...
El Segundo
Purple Sprouting Broccoli Is A Winter Crop Worth Growing
Enjoy their delicious, mild broccoli flavor, their gorgeous color and the nutrients they provide at a time when other homegrown crops are hard to come by. Another alternative is to sow the seeds directly into the garden anytime from March through June,...
Grow Greens Year-Round With Below-Grade Trench Planting
Do not pick a low-lying area that could become waterlogged. To prepare the base of the trench for planting, put a few inches of the top layer of soil that you removed back into the bottom of the trench and mix it with two to three inches of finished compost.
Winter Gardening: What You Can Expect
Sunlight in most cases is far more important. For one, it can easily saturate your rain gear and quickly lower your body temperature while you're working. Cold No surprise here, but it's easy to forget: During cold, you will have to store what you harvest.
3 Ways Of Overwintering Artichokes In Cold Climates
Once the danger of frost has passed, the transplants can be moved out into the garden, to a site that receives a minimum of six to eight hours of full sun per day. Insulate the roots with a deep layer of mulch that covers the entire plant and its root...
Winter Gardening: 3 Ways To Have Radishes For Christmas Dinner
On particularly cold days, cover the pot with a tent of clear plastic sheeting, and if you live where it's very cold, keep the pot next to a window in an attached garage on particularly cold days.
Build A Raised Bed High Tunnel To Extend The Harvest
That end is weighed down with a few bricks, instead of being secured with staples. I visit my bed and sweep off the snow whenever more than an inch or two accumulates on top of it.
7 Steps to the Easiest Cold Frame You\'ll Ever Make
I leave the roof off during the day, but I put it back on at night, when the temperatures drop, to protect the seedlings from frost. Keys to Success Remember to remove or vent the roof on very warm days and replace the manure each fall before planting...
7 Winter Activities to Improve Your Garden
What new tools and infrastructure would you love to have this coming year? Perhaps a certain type of veggie didn't produce as well as you'd hoped. The root structure and biomass of the plants will help keep the soil in place and provide a protective cover...
Turning the Page: Autumnal Equinox
Summer flowers have faded, but fall has a certain beauty of its own.For one thing, the sky is full of glorious sunsets now that the earth's position relative to the sun is different.
El Segundo
Why You Should Plant More Cucumbers In Early July
This lightweight, transparent fabric rests on the plant tops, providing them with a layer of protection. Late-planted cucumbers tend to be faster growing and quicker to produce than spring-planted vines.
Build a Cold Frame from a Storm Door
Pinched Fingers The door is heavy and the edges are sharp. Measure the diagonals to make sure the box is square, and adjust the box as needed. Use the straight-cutting jig or table saw for a straight, accurate cut.
How to Delay Bolting of Your Spring Greens
Don't plant all your lettuce the first week in April; instead, sow a new row of seeds every two weeks all the way through spring. Block the Light Another surprising way to delay bolting is to create an artificial extended nighttime by completely blocking...
How To Keep Growing Poinsettias After Christmas
In early March, cut the plant back by a third. You must do this before the nighttime temperatures drop below 50 degrees F. Nights can be a bit cooler, but the temperature shouldn't dip beneath 55.
4 Tips to Keep your Garden Producing Into Fall
Succession crops need to reach maturity in just two to three months. Sow a few lettuce seeds between tomato plants, sprinkle some radishes between rows of basil, and start carrot seeds around your peppers.
How to Propagate Succulents: 2 Techniques for Success
Though some plants can be vegetatively propagated by separating tiny plants known as offsets from the mother plant, by rooting a stem cutting, or by taking a root cutting , the easiest way to propagate succulents is through a leaf cutting.
Ag Bites: Make The Most Of Your Garden Hoop House, Year-Round
Grow Seed Crops If you want to save seeds, growing crops in an under-plastic environment could force them to seed faster. Also, crops that grow better in drier climates make sense, as you have control over the amount of water your high-tunnel plants receive,...
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
You simply slide the charged battery into the mower, and you're ready to go, or in this case, mow.These mowers are super lightweight and easy to push, making mowing faster and easier.Most battery-powered mowers start with just a flip of a switch and run...
El Segundo
6 Household Items You Can Upcycle for the Garden
It just takes a little imagination to turn items that have outlived their usefulness into unique garden pieces. Ladder Plant Stand Wooden ladders can be rickety to climb after many years of service, but they make a terrific display for potted plants.
3 Ways to Start the Spring Garden with Cold Frames
Once you're organized, you can manage your seed-starting needs more effectively. Cold frames warm the soil and air by 7 to 10 degrees, meaning you can start spring vegetables about four weeks earlier.