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How To Season Greens

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Grow Greens Year-Round With Below-Grade Trench Planting
To further insulate deep, wide trenches, you could also line the sides with straw bales. Sow the seeds into the bottom of the trench in late summer or early fall to ensure they're already growing well before very cold weather arrives.
Winter Gardening: What You Can Expect
Pests Although most of the bugs are gone, the deer and rabbits will smell your fresh produce and come from everywhere. Some might be obvious (cold, for instance), but others maybe not so much (heat and pests come to mind).
3 Ways Of Overwintering Artichokes In Cold Climates
Growing artichokes in the north is not the challenge many gardeners believe it to be. Artichoke plants are susceptible to freezing. Once the danger of frost has passed, the transplants can be moved out into the garden, to a site that receives a minimum...
Winter Gardening: 3 Ways To Have Radishes For Christmas Dinner
While most of us think of radish as a spring crop, fall is an excellent time to sow more seeds of this crispy veggie. We raise and prepare our own turkeys, cook our stored sweet potatoes and eat our own frozen heirloom corn.
Build A Raised Bed High Tunnel To Extend The Harvest
Jessica Walliser Screw the first bracket into one of the long sides of your bed, about one to two inches from its corner. Step 8: Secure The Plastic Fasten the plastic to the raised bed frame, pulling the plastic taunt as you go.
7 Steps to the Easiest Cold Frame You\'ll Ever Make
They spend a good two weeks in the cold frame before being transplanted into the garden. Step 5 Shovel 6 to 8 inches of horse, poultry or cow manure into the framed bed, then cover it with some of the soil on the tarp until it's level with the outside...
7 Winter Activities to Improve Your Garden
Order Seeds Winter is a good time to plan your seed orders —you can start a list of what you'd like to order based on this year's successes and failures. If your season ends after the spring or early summer harvest, planting a cover crop, such as oats...
Turning the Page: Autumnal Equinox
And I am a bit weary. It's just that our focus now (literally) is toward putting things away rather than on the new beginnings that spring and summer offer us. But it states how I am thinking and feeling.
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Why You Should Plant More Cucumbers In Early July
To protect cucumber plants from light frosts, cover the vines with a double layer of floating row cover. Four-lined plant bugs, flea beetles and several other vegetable pests are far less problematic in the late summer than they are in the spring.
Build a Cold Frame from a Storm Door
Install the dividers by fastening them to the sides of the 2×2 cleats. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the door opens and closes properly; then screw the door frame to the frame of the cold frame box.
How to Delay Bolting of Your Spring Greens
Cover the plants with a dark plastic pot or black storage tub to completely block out all the light to shave several hours off of the natural day length. There are several ways to do this.
How To Keep Growing Poinsettias After Christmas
Some of the leaves and bracts (the colored “leaves”) may drop off over the coming weeks. In early July, prune the plant again, removing about a third of the plant's height. Once the poinsettia begins to show color, about eight weeks later, you can...
4 Tips to Keep your Garden Producing Into Fall
Succession crops need to reach maturity in just two to three months. « More Dirt on Gardening » Tags Lists , succession planting Use smart succession planting to fill your fridge with fresh, homegrown vegetables for far longer than you thought possible.
How to Propagate Succulents: 2 Techniques for Success
If you're not already familiar with how to propagate succulents, let me introduce you to a few different ways to get started. How to Propagate Succulents Plant propagation can take place by collecting and planting seeds of a particular plant.
Ag Bites: Make The Most Of Your Garden Hoop House, Year-Round
Grow short-term cover crops, and don't allow them to go to seed. Cover the soil inside the hoop house with plastic, and close up the structure for four to eight weeks during the hottest weather.
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
You have to take care not to roll over your power cord, which will result in either damaging it or severing it completely.These mowers are not as high powered, so it is best to mow more frequently to keep the grass at a manageable level.Your yard needs...
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6 Household Items You Can Upcycle for the Garden
Punch a few holes in the bag to allow water to escape to the holes beneath. Even the springs from older cribs can be utilized when fastened to remain upright. Tags garden , gardening , Lists , trellis , upcycle
3 Ways to Start the Spring Garden with Cold Frames
To harden off seedlings in a cold frame, you'll need to use a thermometer to monitor the temperature inside. Some cold-loving vegetables that can be planted as seedlings include: broccoli Brussels sprouts cabbage collards kale lettuce onions 3.
The Best Squash And Pumpkin Varieties For Storage
Musque de Provence Also known as Cinderella pumpkins , these round, flattened pumpkins look a lot like a wheel of cheese. They're easy to plant and care for, and most of these varieties are quite prolific.
4 Reasons Your Greenhouse Tomatoes Are Failing
This formula determines how many tomato plants you should be growing in your greenhouse: Multiply the length of the greenhouse in feet by the width. “Varieties bred for the greenhouse environment need to be used, rather than field- or garden-type tomatoes,”...
Tips On How To Grow Collard Greens
Plant seeds in rows at least 3 feet apart, as growing collard greens get large and need room to grow. Include the thinned seedlings in salads or coleslaw for a tasty addition to these dishes.Harvest collard greens growing in summer before bolting can...
Winter Salad Greens: Tips On Growing Greens In Winter
Keeping them cool in the summer is just as important as keeping them warm in the winter. You can make it a reality, though, with some crafty gardening. Garden-fresh vegetables in winter.
Growing A Salad Bowl Garden: Learn How To Grow Greens In A Pot
You may also wish to include some edible flowers or herbs to add pizzazz to your salads. They wouldn't be included in with your delicate greens, but could be container grown alongside the salad bowl garden.To grow salad in a pot, select a tray, pot or...
Greens, Pepper Sauce, and Cornbread: Southern Cuisine
Or we may choose to make our favorite wilted mustard salad. Stir well to dislodge any bacon bits.Pour onto salad just before serving, while mixture is warm.Stuff clean peppers into sterilized bottles or jars.Then, bring enough white vinegar to cover the...
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Planting Mustard Greens – How To Grow Mustard Greens
Like planting mustard green seeds, you can plant new seedlings every three weeks for a successive harvest.Mustard greens growing in your garden need little care. You can fertilize with a balanced fertilizer, but often these vegetables don't need it inMustard...
Fruits and Vegetables - Planting and Eating With the Season
For states with a shorter growing season you may want to focus on fruits or vegetables that require a shorter season such as beans, melons, strawberries, and cucumbers.The southern states have a longer planting season than the northern states and sometimes...
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5 Simple Steps to Build Low Tunnels
Attach the peak of each hoop to this long PVC piece with plastic zip ties (as shown in the photograph). Purchase enough rust-resistant, deck-mounted flagpole holders to position opposing pairs every 3 to 4 feet down the sides of the bed.