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How to Transplant an Oleander
Backfill halfway and water until the soil settles around the roots. Keep the mulch 4 to 6 inches from the oleander's base.Water any time the top inch of soil feels dry during the first year after transplanting.
Santa Monica
How to Get an Iris to Bloom
Heavy, wet soils cause iris roots to rot, so avoid those. Leaving spent flowers on an iris can also weaken the plants and reduce flowering the next year, because the irises expend energy fueling seed production instead of storing energy and nutrients...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate an Oleander
Place the plant pots on a sunny windowsill or other bright, frost-free spot.Water oleander cuttings regularly so that the potting soil remains constantly moist but never sodden. Firm the seeds lightly into the soil with your fingertips or sprinkle a fine...
Santa Monica
How to Water an Anthurium
Dilute the fertilizer in water at half the rate recommended on the fertilizer label and water the anthurium with the solution. For this reason they are often sold as potted holiday plants.
Santa Monica
An Introduction to Colourful Ireland
Just as with green, there are numerous shades of blue from the delicate pale forget-me-not to the stronger and almost electric begonia but the sky is probably the richest as it will move from pastel to a menacing dark indigo when storm clouds start building.
El Segundo
How to Train an Oleander
Remove all suckers or water sprouts that emerge from the base of the oleander or its roots every year. The following autumn, cut back half of the remaining old stems and trim back the long shoots from the previous year's new growth.
Santa Monica
How to Convert an Aquarium to a Terrarium
Place the terrarium in indirect light to avoid overheating. Remove any filters, sand, gravel plant debris or other items from the aquarium, and wash the inside and the outside with hot, soapy water.
Santa Monica
How to Care For an Anthurium
Cut the stem just below the roots using a clean knife or gardening shears and plant it in a pot. Anthuriums have no serious disease or insect problems other than those that commonly afflict potted plants growing indoors.Anthuriums contain calcium oxalate...
Santa Monica
How to Plant an Oleander Hedge
Oleander is a plant that thrives in warm climates and in bright sun although it can also grow in partial shade. It grows in USDA hardiness zones 8 to 10, generally throughout the deep South, in Florida and in Texas.Oleander makes an attractive and easy-care...
Santa Monica
How To Maintain An Electric Fence
This is caused by two reasons: one, because frozen ground is not nearly as effective at conducting electricity as warmer ground that contains liquid water. Ideally, fence owners should keep their fence lines trimmed and free of weeds .
How To Grow An Organic Garden
The tubes can be made easily from clean soda pop bottles; simply cut the tops and bottoms out and surround the young plants.Netting is used by many gardeners to keep flying insects away from both young and older plants in the garden.
How to Re-Pot an Anthurium
These plants flower almost year-round when properly cared for, thriving in warm rooms when supplied with adequate moisture and minimal fertilization. Use a pot one size larger than the current pot the anthurium is growing in, choosing one with at least...
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree
For best results, plant your tree sometime, before the summer sun is at its brightest. The best mulch for avocados is wood, with pieces about 2inches in diameter. If you're unsure, pick a single fruit and place it in your kitchen.
Santa Monica
How to Bonsai an Orange Tree
Loosen the wire when the tree grows to the point that the wire is tight. Cut back the orange tree limbs to the size that they were before planting the tree in the first pot.Lift the tree from the pot and tease out the roots gently with your fingers.
Santa Monica
How to Revive an Indoor Cactus
Keep your plant away from heating vents, too, as hot air drafts can dry out cacti too much. Choose a slightly larger pot with multiple drainage holes. Like excessive heat, too much cold can harm a cactus too.
Santa Monica
How To Make An Affordable Composter
I learned the hard way that it's best to have the side of the rectangle with the 2×6 protruding off of it placed on the inside of the composter. In three simple steps you can make this compost bin from inexpensive materials and be on your way to making...
How to Grow an Almond Tree
It's the earliest-flowering stone fruit, and makes an ornamental flowering tree. For a one-year-old tree, divide the 8 ounces into three or four applications of about 1/4 cup each, beginning just after the leaves emerge and continuing every four to six...
Santa Monica
How to Remove an Olive Tree
Removing olive trees consists of mechanical and chemical methods to kill the trunk and roots. Use a chain saw to cut the olive tree trunk off as close to the ground as possible.Cut up the fallen olive tree into sizes that you can lift, place them in a...
Santa Monica
How to Trim an Oleander Bush
Tolerant of urban conditions, it's a good choice for use in parking lots or along streets. If you live in an area that gets frost, stop deadheading in late summer or early fall, as new growth needs time to harden off before frost arrives.Rejuvenate old...
Santa Monica
How to Prune an Umbrella Tree
Pruning also serves to maintain the health of the plant so that it continues to bloom for years.Plant an umbrella tree at any time of year. Just like with pruning for size, you can also direct the shape of the umbrella tree for aesthetic purposes.
Santa Monica
How to Germinate an Avocado Seed
Kept in a humid environment and provided plenty of water and sun, an avocado seed germinates in about two months, on average. Carefully remove the skin and flesh to reveal the seed within the fruit.Allow the avocado seed to dry out for two to three days...
Santa Monica
How to Start an Urban Beehive
There he keeps five full-size beehives. Start With 2 Bee Swarms If something happens to one of the swarms, you can use the second swarm to raise new bees to replace the first. “I open up the hives at least once a week to check that a queen is available...
An Excuse to Set Up Shop
And, my favorite event of the year, the Chiavari Winter Farm Fair, is coming up next weekend. It's too wet to do anything anyway, so I'll just have to be patient a while longer. Well, I'd love to be writing about all the exciting developments in the garden,...
How to Make an Orchid Bloom
A stagnant atmosphere discourages healthy growth and bloom development. Mix 1/4 teaspoon to one gallon of room-temperature water. They grow and flower for fairly long periods of time without fertilizer but produce more blooms when fertilized regularly.Use...
Santa Monica
How to Fertilize an Indian Hawthorn
Fertilize the shrub once a year—in spring, after the last hard frost has passed and the soil is workable. Water sufficiently to a depth of 8 to 10 inches if the Indian hawthorn is young and small.
Santa Monica
How to Prune an Oakleaf Hydrangea
Remove the flowers at their bases any time of year, such as after they fade to pink or tan, as desired. Because its flowers appear on wood that grew the previous year, pruning the shrub after it flowers avoids removing wood that will produce flowers the...
Santa Monica
How to Build an Outdoor Bar
Screed off the top surface with a scrap board, using a back-and-forth sawing motion as you draw the board from one end to the other. Caulk the inside edges and the corner seams.Smooth out the caulk and let it dry.
Santa Monica