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How to Use Copper Sulfate to Kill Tree Roots
Copper sulfate will not kill the entire tree, however, because the killing agent isn't capable of moving through the tree's roots.Refrain from allowing pets or animals to come in contact with copper sulfate.Pour 1/2 cup of medium-size copper sulfate crystals...
Santa Monica
How to Repair Overwatered Tomato Plants
The presence of wilting leaves and very wet soil indicates the plants have been overwatered.Prune the plants—by pinching or with scissors—to increase airflow, which may in turn prevent mold or mildew.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
Saw the trunk at an angle such as 45 degrees for an oval slab. Set the log lengthwise on a ground mount such as other wood for round and oval slabs.Cut the end of the log evenly across while facing the side of the trunk for a circle slab.
Santa Monica
Does Cutting the Top off a Pine Tree Kill It?
Cutting back the damage to just above healthy limbs could save the tree. Early pruning prevents this unsightly growth. Left for a few years, the multiple leaders gain height but develop branches only on their sunny sides and compete for light and space.
Santa Monica
How to Attach Flower Boxes Without Drilling Holes
You'll need to check both the weight limit on the package and the weight of your flower box (filled).Consider installing boxes on balcony or stair railings instead of a window. Flower boxes, also commonly called window boxes, are one way you can bring...
Santa Monica
Can Gatorade Make Plants Grow Faster?
While other aspects of using Gatorade have negative effects on plants, this particular aspect of Gatorade is beneficial, but the negative effects of Gatorade on plants negate the positive effects of these nutrients.
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Growing to 30 feet in height, the best way to get your plumeria to bloom is by applying fertilizer.The best fertilizer for plumeria trees is one that is high in phosphorous, such as 10-30-10.
Santa Monica
How to Repair a Broken House Palm Tree
Secure the trunk above the break to one of the stakes with a plant tie. Wrap the tape around the stem to 2 inches above the break the same way you would wrap a bandage around a sprained knee.
Santa Monica
How to Cure Tomato Blight
This practice buries the tiny seeds of the fungus, which can live in the topsoil for years. In addition, dark, water-soaked lesions appear on leaves that develop into spots with white mold edges.
Santa Monica
What Happens When Cutting the Tip off a Pine Tree?
Also remove leaders early in the growing season, to give dormant buds plenty of time to develop into vigorous new buds--keeping in mind that those new buds determine all shoot growth for the following year.
Santa Monica
The Average Size of Oak Trees
Examples of such trees are the white oak, northern red oak, pin oak and the live oak. The white oak is the tallest, reaching as high as 100 feet with a spread of 80 feet.The life expectancy differs depending on the type of oak tree.
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Trim a Blue Spruce
It thrives best in moist soil, but adapts well to period of drought. Commonly referred to as the Colorado blue spruce, the blue spruce is an evergreen of the Pine family. These dead areas occur when the heavy foliage begins to block the air and sunlight...
Santa Monica
What Happens When Plants Have Too Much Water?
A larger plant with rotting roots may be unable to hold itself up and eventually fall. Many novice gardeners attribute this to lack of water and make the situation worse by adding more.
Santa Monica
Banana Pepper Facts
Till the ground 10 or more inches deep with a garden tiller and add 4 or more inches of compost. All of these peppers originated in the Americas, but banana peppers and other peppers in the chili pepper family have spread across the entire world.Prepare...
Santa Monica
Does Antifreeze Affect Plant Growth?
Its purpose is to change the freezing and boiling temperature points of water to help keep vehicle radiators from either freezing or overheating. Vehicle antifreeze is made from one of two primary chemical compounds: Ethylene glycol (EG) or propylene...
Santa Monica
How to Cut Ceramic Pots
Start with a coarse, 80-grit sandpaper to dull the edge. Clay pots are more attractive than their plastic counterparts, but much harder to cut down if you need to customize the size.
Santa Monica
The Maximum Growth Rate of Rhododendrons
Rhododendrons grow from 1 to more than 20 feet tall, depending on the species, according to a National Gardening Association website article. Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.) are flowering shrubs that are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant...
Santa Monica
How to Prune a TI Plant
Ti plant is a fast grower, and before you know it, it can reach heights of more than 3 feet. Hold the stalk steady in one hand and prune the stalk the desired height with sharp garden shears.
Santa Monica
Fertilizer for Cedar Trees
Cedar of Lebanon is also hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9. Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara), which grows in USDA zones 7 through 9, has drooping branch tips and a pyramidal shape. Scatter the granules evenly over the soil surface around the tree, extending...
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Instead, the general purpose tractor is usually used for row crops. These implements are attached by hitches or lifting mechanisms, according to "Mother Earth News." The utility tractor is not good for working with row crops.
Santa Monica
Teak vs. Bamboo
Teak, a deciduous tree, drops its leaves at the end of the growing season. Bamboo grows throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, with some types thriving in the warmer temperate areas.
Santa Monica
How to Induce Flowering in Dragon Fruit
However, after it has flowered, the plant may begin producing the dragon fruit. The dragon fruit plant, also known as the pitahaya or pitaya plant, is a vine-like cactus native to Central and South America.
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Succulents
Succulents also don't tolerate having wet roots, however. Make the hole 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep. Over the top of the soil, place 6 to 8 inches of sharp sand. Place the root part of the plant in the hole, andallow the fleshy or stem parts...
Santa Monica
Framing Square: The Carpenter\'s Computer
My use of a framing square, like my use of a computer, has always been relatively simple, checking board ends for a square cut and marking boards and beams for cuts. Next week, we'll take a look at some of the countless ways a framing square and these...
Disadvantages of a Roof Garden
While some roof gardens produce healthy foods and flowers with minimal problems, others experience difficulties.Roof gardens offer urban residents plant growing options but may pose problems.Buildings requiring a lot of water for general maintenance may...
Santa Monica
Recipe for Lawn Filler Sand & Seed Soil Mixture
Sawdust helps to hold moisture in the soil. Take samples from several locations in the landscape, both sunny and shade areas. Use a pitchfork or shovel to thoroughly blend the soil, compost, peat moss and sand mixture.
Santa Monica
7 Steps to Repair Wooden-Handled Tools
Drive a wooden wedge in to expand the handle a little bit, keeping the head in place. If the handle isn't broken but the original shellac has become worn by time and weather, or has become dried and splintery, sand the wood and give it a coat of boiled...