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How To Propagate African Violets

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Yellow African Violet Leaves: What To Do When African Violet Leaves Are Yellow
It's a common trait for the older leaves to fade and turn yellow before they die and drop off, leaving room for new foliage. Leaves will recover if you move the plant to a brighter location in indirect light.– Lack of food is another cause of African...
African Violet Plants – How To Grow African Violets
Reduced flowering and paler leaf color indicate that growing African violets are not getting enough fertilizer.Pinch blooms from the growing African violets when they are spent. Water with lukewarm or tepid water that was allowed to stand for 48 hours.
Crown Rot On African Violets: Learn About African Violet Crown Rot Treatment
Unfortunately, the roots are hidden underground, so you won't be able to notice this telltale symptom. The best way to avoid this is to pay attention to soil moisture.Don't let the soil dry out completely, but let it become dry to the touch between waterings.
Reasons African Violets Are Leggy: Fixing Leggy African Violets
Most plants start out cute and little in garden centers and nurseries. Exposure of this cambium layer promotes growth. Just as age changes our bodies, age can change a plant's shape and structure as well.
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
After much consideration and research, I ended up deciding to use both my gardening and creative gifts, to come up with my perfect party favor: home-propagated African Violets in hand-made clay pots.
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African Violets 101: Make More Plants by Propagating African Violets from Leaf Cuttings
In addition, you can lightly scrape along one side of the stem with your fingernail or with your knife. Patience is the grow, so don't be in a hurry to remove them from the "mother" leaf.
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African Violet Diseases: What Causes Ring Spot On African Violet
Both Poesch (1940) and Eliot (1946) noted that African violets can experience foliage damage when the temperature of the water is around 46 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees C.) lower than the plant tissues.Inside the leaf, the cold surface water is doing...
Tips For Easy African Violet Propagation
Two to six months after the process starts, the new plants should have two to three leaves. There are several ways to accomplish propagating African violet plants: growing from seed, rooting African violets and by division.?” is a good question because...
Dividing An African Violet Plant – How To Separate African Violet Suckers
Are cheery little plants that don't appreciate a lot of fuss and muss. Place the pot in bright, indirect light. You can also use a clean plastic milk jug with the “spout” end cut off.
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
As a bonus, grooming your plant generally provides leaves and cuttings for propagation.Not all plants of trailing varieties sucker readily at first.You want to encourage your plant to produce suckers, because the suckers turn into desirable additional...
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Growing African Violets for Foliage: Variegated African Violet Plants
The developing plantlets need the green chlorophyll in the mother leaf to provide energy. Imagine leaves so lovely that blooms are a bonus... Variegation tends to be variable. Trading leaves and plantlets with other forum enthusiasts is also an excellent...
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Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
Try using decorative dishes as cache pots. Check out the bonsai section of your local nursery. You can find them in a wide range of leaf shapes, foliage types, and blossom colors, just as with their non-trailing cousins.
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African Violets - You Can Grow Them!
Within two weeks, your leaves will have roots and soon after they will have their first leaf. The first thing you need to know is that African Violets are just like us.They like for their homes to be about the same temperature that we do.
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Running Out of Room for Houseplants? Try Miniature African Violets
Welcome to the charming world of MINIATURE African violets. The smaller scale of the mini AVs can make them a little challenging to work with. I also add just a pinch of polymer moisture crystals, without which I'd probably have to water these little...
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African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
But I've fallen in love with the look of these ruffled, cupped, light-centered leaves. Be sure to blot water carefully from the leaves with the end of a paper towel or a microfiber cloth, especially if water collects on the crown of the plant.
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Watering African Violets 101: Different Strokes for Different Folks
This method waters the roots and keeps the foliage dry and happy. So stick your finger in the potting mix to test for moisture before pouring on more water to "rescue" a drooping plant.Having so many possibilities to choose from can seem complicated,...
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African Violets 101: Getting Started with Your New Plant
Fiddle with the roots to remove as much of the old, heavy mix as you can.If you are reusing a pot, give it a hot wash or bleach dip.Moisten the potting mix with just enough water that the mixcan be squeezed into a ball that falls apart as you open your...
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Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
Whether we accept them as a genetic quirk or attribute them to Leprechaun antics, green blooming plants are fun!For more information, check out the FAQ and the extensive list of links in the "sticky" thread at the top of the(subscribers only).
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Gesneriads: The Blooming-est Houseplants
Suffering under the delusion that all flowering plants needed lots of light, I frequently allowed the poor things to sunburn. Since I seem to have picked mostly my purple-flowering plants for this article, I should point out that gesneriads do come in...
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Hardy \'African Violets\' - Ramonda, Haberlea and Jankaea
That is just a fantasy...or is it? These hardy African violets are not easy to find. As it happens , there are several hardy gesneriads (African violet relatives) that will surive outside in zone 5, and maybe even lower! Read on to learn more about these...
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Aquarium to Terrarium
That perfect blend of humidity and warmth, a mini tropical paradise. Finally, bet you thought we'd never get here, is the soil. This article will explain how to create that paradise.
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House Plants as Decor: From Jumbled to Just Right
As a result, indoor gardeners often end up with a plant on every surface, sill and shelf in their homes. If you would describe yourself as ?decorating dumb? While this look is probably fine in our eyes, it might not strike the fancy of our spouses, house...
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Growing Osteospermum, The African Daisy
It helps prevent the cuttings from rotting.With a pointed instrument, make a hole in your mix that is just a little bigger than the stem. During periods of the summer when the nights are quite warm, there will be a period of reduced blooms.
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Types Of Bulbil Plants – Information For Growing And Planting Bulbils
These bulbils weight the plant down and so that it touches the ground a few inches from the mother plant. However, many plants can reproduce by vegetative parts such as roots, leaves and stems.
What Is Plant Propagation – Types Of Plant Propagation
Layering is usually performed in early spring or late summer.involves breaking up clumps of plants to form new ones. Rooting can take anywhere from a few days to several months.Layering involves rooting part of the parent plant prior to severing it.
Plant Division: How To Divide Plants
You might want to cut the plants back prior to replanting too. Let's look at the how and when of dividing plants.Wondering about the answer to the question, “Can I split a plant?” Since plant division involves splitting or dividing of the crown and...
Bare Root Planting – How To Plant A Bare Root Plant
At the end of a harsh winter, most gardeners start to feel the itch to dig their hands in loose soil and grow something beautiful. They should not be exposed to air or allowed to dry out.Dig a hole large enough to accommodate all the roots without bending...