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How To Plant Turnip Greens

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Bolting of Turnips: What To Do When A Turnip Plant Bolts
Sow the seeds 1 to 2 inches apart in rows. L.) are a popular, cool season root crop grown in many parts of the United States. Therefore, proper planting time is important.One of the best ways to prevent the bolting of turnips is to practice proper planting.
Turnip White Spot Info : What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
These are gray to brown in spite of the disease name. Plants that are overly crowded and have little ventilation are also more prone to broad incidence of the disease. Lesion edges darken as they mature while the center of the spot becomes pale and almost...
Growing Turnip Greens: Learn About The Health Benefits Of Turnip Greens
The method on how to harvest turnip greens is simple and you can continuously harvest the leaves as they appear. They should be used within a few hours.Use scissors or garden shears for “cut and come again” harvesting.
How to Extract Juice From Lemon Grass
Throw away the leaves.Add sugar or artificial sweetener to taste. Drink hot or chill and serve cold. The juice is made like tea: boiled in water and strained. Lemongrass juice can be consumed hot or cold.
Santa Monica
Harvesting A Turnip Root: How And When To Harvest Turnips
You can pull them at several stages of growth. Are a root vegetable that grow quickly and are ready for harvest in as little as two months. However, they do seem to have a sweeter flavor when exposed to mild frost.Your turnip harvest should all be pulled...
Citronella Plant Uses
Both the essential oil and the crushed leaves are effective, though the pure oil is a little stronger. According to the Essential Oil Database, good quality citronella has a distinct "grassy" scent with hints of lemon or citrus.
Santa Monica
Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Turnip – Treating Turnips With Alternaria Leaf Spot
Avoid overhead sprinklers. Never compost infected plant debris.Plow the soil thoroughly immediately after harvest and again before planting in spring.Spray aphids with insecticidal soap spray; the pests may transmit disease.Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizer,...
Turnips With White Rust: What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
Read on to learn what to do about white rust on turnips.are rich in iron and vitamins and have a zesty, tang that enhances many recipes. The symptoms are consistent with several other fungal diseases and certain cultural failings.
Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
But what about their health, the blush in their cheeks? Leaves, flowers and fruits, along with rocks, sticks and sand, were our favorite "toys" for playing. Children are so funny when they are playing! And I don't mean the computer games they're playing...
El Segundo
Differences Between Wheat Germ & Wheatgrass
You can find it in most grocery stores, either by itself or in combination with cereals, nutrition bars and breads. Not everyone who tries wheatgrass juice enjoys it, but juice bars sometimes offer orange slices or other sliced fruit to quickly help you...
Santa Monica
Companion Plants for Cantaloupe
Some plants release chemicals that suppress weed seed germination. Inspect and remove cucumber beetles from young cantaloupe plants twice a week. They are attracted to the yellow flowers of growing cantaloupe plants.
Santa Monica
How to Make Fertilizer for Hibiscus
Pour the diluted fertilizer directly onto plant roots or into a spray bottle for distribution to the plants.Liquid organic fertilizer can be sprayed on hibiscus plants.Pour 1 gallon water into a large bucket or container.
Santa Monica
Natural Plants That Kill Roaches
It can also be made into a tea and sprayed into known cockroach habitats. Although cockroaches dislike the smell of this fruit, it will attract and kill them when the fruit is crushed.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Glucose From Plants
Do not tighten the lids; allow the steam to escape. Processing your own glucose, or sugar, from plants grown in your garden is a relatively easy project. Pour the beets into the strainer and save the beet sugar water.
Santa Monica
The Green Bean that\'s an Open Pollinated Wonder: The Kentucky Wonder!
The vines grow very thick and sturdy so they need a strong trellis. Add the beans to the skillet, stirring them until they are well-coated with the bacon fat.Add the water and cover the pan tightly.
El Segundo
Spinach as a Cool-season, Autumn Crop
To get the most from your garden, you might consider sowing spinach in early spring, as it can endure some fairly chilly temperatures. I like to chop some and include in the ricotta cheese layer of lasagna, as it gives color and flavor without changing...
El Segundo
Tips for Making a Bee-Friendly Landscape
Native bee species, which are not social in the same way as honeybees, make nests in the ground, in plant stems or under piles of mulch. Provide bare patches of ground uncovered by weed barriers for these bees to dig their burrows.It's also a good idea...
Santa Monica
Can I Add the Pulp From My Juicer to My Garden Soil?
Apples and carrots are two good examples of food pulp that you can use in recipes such as muffins and even low-sugar, healthful popsicles, sorbet and ice cream. Pulp is high in fiber and adds bulk to the recipe into which you add it.
Santa Monica
Why Are Mushrooms Growing Out of My Compost?
For instance, artillery fungi (Sphaerobolus species) shoot their spores high into the air, causing unsightly black spots on plants and house siding. Fungi are also encouraged by low temperatures and high moisture levels in the compost pile.
Santa Monica
The Best Areas in the United States to Grow Vegetables
The Salinas Valley is the largest producing area of cool-weather crops including lettuce, spinach, artichokes and tomatoes. Gilroy, California, is the garlic capital and Idaho has gained fame from its baker potatoes.
Santa Monica
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint but you will also improve your health and have a great looking yard. A reel mower is a push mower with a series of blades. You simply slide the charged battery into the mower, and you're ready to go, or in...
El Segundo
Irresistible Chocolate Garden Color
For an irresistible garden, try planting a few 'dark' or 'chocolate' plants alongside plants of contrasting foliage and bloom color; the combinations are endless. She agrees, "It's stunning when contrasted with light colored flowers." Salpiglossis grow...
El Segundo
Tips On How To Grow Collard Greens
Frost actually improves the flavor of collard greens. If planted at the right time, growing collard greens will be an easy and worthwhile gardening experience. Growing collard greens is a southern tradition.
Winter Salad Greens: Tips On Growing Greens In Winter
On sunny days, even in the dead of winter, you'll need to open the flaps to allow air circulation. Garden-fresh vegetables in winter. When the temperature drops, protect your winter salad greens further with a garden quilt.If growing greens in winter...
Growing A Salad Bowl Garden: Learn How To Grow Greens In A Pot
Greens can also be harvested by just plucking the leaves instead of the whole plant. For instance, herbs are usually low maintenance, drought tolerant plants. Keep the pot moist during germination and thereafter.when they are a few inches (8 cm.) tall...
Greens, Pepper Sauce, and Cornbread: Southern Cuisine
Three of my siblings are brothers and five are sisters, one of whom is no longer with us. To make our version of cornbread, place an iron skillet on a hot stove eye, and add a bit of oil or bacon drippings.
El Segundo
Weed Killer for Dandelions That Is Safe & Won\'t Kill Grass
It will not work on existing dandelion plants, but a preemptive application of the product in early spring may head off many weed problems later. Homeowners avoid using chemical herbicides on lawns and gardens for fear of harm to the environment as well...
Santa Monica