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Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
Students who finished their work early were allowed to weed and water the plants. Then the students planted the butter daisies and watered them in well. They were much too thick, so the plants were thinned and the children took some of the seedlings home...
El Segundo
Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
After a few months in the fridge, the replanted roots are ready to bloom like crazy and produce an abundance of seeds. That's a hefty list to choose from, and I like to work with a couple of biennial vegetables every year.
Win the War on Weeds!
Use a sharp hoe to keep weed seedlings under control Zero Tolerance Tackle recently germinated weeds in existing beds by disturbing the surface of the ground as soon as they appear.
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
They'll feed the lawn, ensuring it keeps producing more healthy growth for you to cut and use. Vary the kind of mulch you use depending on the time of year and what's available in the garden Free and Easy Leaves and Leafmold The aforementioned tree surgeons,...
How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
In hugelkultur, logs or other wood are buried beneath a hilled garden which slowly benefits from the wood's decomposition. In this way, retaining logs or boards have what you might call a hugelkultur effect.
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
I won't plant my garlic until October, but between now and then I might sow a quick mustard cover crop to suppress weeds, or use the broadfork to aerate the soil deep down, all the while throwing on more compost.
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
Like many flowering plants, the most effective way to speed up ripening is to simply remove ripe fruits as they appear. Ripening Tree Fruits Indoors Most tree fruits will naturally ripen up on the tree.
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
Plum trees may produce generous harvests of some of the most mouth-wateringly juicy fruits, but they're not without their problems. It's harder for the trees to resist the disease in winter, so again summer pruning is the safer option.
How to Dry Chili Peppers
Lay them out onto your trays and set them to dry. Once all of your chilies are threaded on, tie off the line to make a loop. The fruits can be picked as soon as the seeds inside have matured, when they will have turned from small and white to full-sized...
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Allow the water to completely drain away, then fill and drain once again before you sow. Now sink your pots into the water and simply walk away, leaving them to soak up the liquid for an hour or more.
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
If you're thinking you could simply replant some of your summer-harvested potatoes, I'm afraid this will only meet with disappointment. Seed potatoes for second cropping are sold by garden suppliers and potato merchants anytime from mid to late summer.
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Their smaller fruitlets may be thinned using just your thumb and finger to detach the surplus. Thinning Other Fruit Trees Pears need less thinning than apples but will still benefit from having young fruits thinned out to give consistent harvests.
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
The real clincher for quibble-free identification is their habit of swarming away when approached or disturbed. Grow some of them next to the greenhouse door to tempt these beneficial bugs closer.
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Consider cutting back overhanging foliage and act promptly to remove spent crops so that those remaining enjoy plenty of sunshine and good air circulation. Feeding plants costs money but does mean more fruits of better quality, so the investment is well...
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
Hold your nerve, and if your predatory platoon of frogs, hoverflies, ladybugs and so on is in place, you can achieve, if not an outright conquest, then at least peaceable relations with all the inhabitants of your garden.
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
Cabbage heads, or hearts, can be rounded or conical, with leaves that are light green, dark green, red or purple. When you sow depends on what type of cabbage you're growing. Cabbages can be started in pots under cover for an earlier start Their roots...
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Make the most of late summer's abundance by seeking out imaginative recipes to turn any gluts into delicious drinks. I am no fan of the excessive glare from poorly placed spotlights or security lights.
Try Asian Radishes this Fall
Watermelon radishes have stiff, serrated leaves that resemble those of turnip, and the only tricks to growing them are to plant them early enough so they mature before cold weather, and thin them early on to at least 4 inches (10cm) apart – two needs...
3 Ways to Use Up Your Glut
To freeze, slice vegetables then blanch (boil) them for one to five minutes. Tougher vegetables, such as carrots, need four. Once they are completely dry and crisp, crunch them into airtight jars.
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
The roots will push up as they gain size, and garden-grown rutabagas tend to be more top-shaped than round. The same pests that bother other brassicas can affect rutabagas, but they usually don't.
Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions...And More!
For this reason only ever save the seeds of traditional, open-pollinated varieties. ...And the Worst Vegetables for Seed Saving Avoid saving seeds from the cabbage family. This way you will actively select for those plants that perform the strongest and...
It gives the mustard its peppery taste as well as its color.In medieval Europe, it became known as Indian Saffron, since it was widely used as an alternative to the far more expensive saffron spice.
El Segundo
Nicking Plant Seeds: Why Should You Nick Seed Coats Before Planting
Be careful to avoid damaging the plant embryo inside the seed – you want to cut just through the seed coat while leaving the plant embryo and other structures within the seed unharmed.Many seeds have a hilum, a scar left where the seed was attached...
Seed Pods Are Soggy – Why Are My Seed Pods Mushy
Cover them with more paper and gently press to remove excess moisture.If the seeds are hard and mature, you can safely dry them and store them for future use. Tan or black seeds hold more promise.
What Is Reseeding: How To Manage Self-Seeders In Gardens
Only allow a certain number of flowers to seed in order to start early containment. You can always transplant for a formal bed but at least you don't have to save or purchase seed or another plant.
Natural Rooting Methods – Organic Rooting Options For Cuttings
The very easiest method for rooting plants organically uses only one ingredient that you're guaranteed to have at home: spit. These can be bought in the store, but if you want to stay away from chemicals or simply save some money, there are plenty of...
What Are Plantable Containers: Gardening With Biodegradable Plant Containers
They are durable enough for short term production, and can be planted directly into the ground.Once in the ground roots are able to grow through the walls. There are many different types available, so it is important to consider your climate, soil, and...