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How To Plant Rutabaga

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Common Rutabaga Problems: Learn About Rutabaga Pests And Disease
Control any emergent weeds with shallow cultivation so as to not damage the bulb.Several disease problems which commonly afflict the rutabaga plant include:Rutabagas also suffer from the same problems as other members of the cabbage group, includingTo...
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
No sooner than I entered the gate, I was smitten with the bright yellow daisy-like, nickel size flowers of the butter daisies. Furthermore, their self cleaning characteristic means that no deadheading is needed.
El Segundo
Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
Plants Related to this Article Carrot Grow Guide Cabbage (Spring) Grow Guide Beet Grow Guide < All Guides Keep the rooted plants in a cold place like an unheated garage or outbuilding.
Win the War on Weeds!
Intensive cropping using leafy vegetables to stop light from reaching the ground is another efficient way to ‘clean' the soil of weeds. Remove any staples or tape then position each sheet of cardboard with generous overlaps to make it harder for weeds...
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
Of course, if you have any trees in or near your garden you may find that you have a ready supply. Grass clippings are readily taken down into the soil by earthworms and other soil fauna, and also add a small supplement of nitrogen to the soil.
How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
It's like being on a stair-step machine sometimes but you get used to it, which may be one of the reasons why living in the mountains is associated with longer life. Measuring a slope's rise and run is a first step in creating a hillside garden Don't...
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
Last year, I cut off the corn stalks at 14-inch (35cm) height, and used the tall stubs to support a row cover, which protected the fall greens from insects, deer and harsh weather.
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
Simply pop the fruit(s) into a paper bag then loosely close it at the top. This may seem like bizarre advice, but by making a plant work harder it will concentrate more of its efforts on fruit production and ripening.
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
Silver Leaf Disease in Plum Trees Silver leaf disease can affect other fruits such as apples and cherries, as well as some other trees and shrubs, but it is most usually associated with plums.
How to Dry Chili Peppers
Begin by tying a knot into one end of the line. If necessary, wipe the fruits with a dry cloth to remove any traces of dirt. Lay them out onto your trays and set them to dry. You can store them in containers, thread them into a chili ristra, grind them...
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Mulching to Keep Soil Cool and Moist Mulches are a must during any summer drought, and a mulch of organic material such as compost, leaf mold or even dried grass clippings is best.
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
Seed potatoes for second cropping are sold by garden suppliers and potato merchants anytime from mid to late summer. Position the seed potatoes 30cm (12in) apart along the bottom of trenches spaced at least 60cm (24in) apart.
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Thin peaches in stages: to one fruit every four inches (10cm) once they reach the size of a hazelnut, then again at golf ball size to their final spacing of 8-10 inches (20-25cm). Thinning helps to produce bigger, healthier apples How to Thin an Apple...
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
And it gets worse. They will attack plants growing outdoors as well as in the greenhouse. They are perhaps best reserved for use within a closed environment such as a greenhouse, but be aware that results may disappoint and potentially could do more harm...
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Keep Plants Warm to Extend the Harvest into Fall Later on in the season stragglers can be encouraged to keep producing for a week or two longer by adding the thermal comfort of a floating row cover.
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
Despite my tongue-in-cheek warfare references, it's important to remember that we're not really in a war against pests. Make sure your garden provides year-round shelter for allies such as frogs, toads, insect-eating birds and beneficial insects such...
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
Mark out drills about half an inch (1cm) deep and six inches (15cm) apart. So here's how to do it! Types of Cabbage There's a fantastic range of cabbage varieties to choose from, offering different shapes, colors and textures.
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of your garden while the weather's still clement – or ways to improve it for next summer! Make an area for relaxing in the garden where you can enjoy the results of all your hard work! The Perfect Place...
Try Asian Radishes this Fall
They will keep for months. Popular varieties include ‘Red Meat', ‘Mantanghong', ‘Misato Rose' and ‘Stargazer'. To prolong storage life, it's also important to trim off the leaves as the radishes are harvested.
3 Ways to Use Up Your Glut
Label each bag with the date and details of what's inside – you'll quickly forget and it can be hard to identify frozen produce through the haze of ice crystals. Many recipes abound, so it's worth rooting around in books and the Internet to find the...
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
Napobrassica ) include swedes, winter turnips, yellow turnips, Swedish turnips, Russian turnips, Canadian turnips, and neeps. Avoiding Problems When Growing Rutabagas Like most other root crops, rutabagas need sunny, well-drained soil with a near-neutral...
Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions...And More!
Spread them out onto newspaper to dry out on a warm windowsill for seven to ten days. Once the plant displays its fluffy seed heads, pull it out of the ground and hang it upside down indoors to dry.
Nicking Plant Seeds: Why Should You Nick Seed Coats Before Planting
Be careful to avoid damaging the plant embryo inside the seed – you want to cut just through the seed coat while leaving the plant embryo and other structures within the seed unharmed.Many seeds have a hilum, a scar left where the seed was attached...
Seed Pods Are Soggy – Why Are My Seed Pods Mushy
Dry thoroughly in the shade or under a fan. Dry on paper towels and store separately from other seeds. Seeds can deteriorate very fast in such wet and damp conditions. They may contaminate the seed trays and spoil the seedlings too.or such other pests,...
What Is Reseeding: How To Manage Self-Seeders In Gardens
You may also find your fruits and vegetables are prolific reseeders, sometimes. Any old plant matter, and sometimes the soil itself, can harbor insect pests specific to that plant family or disease.
Natural Rooting Methods – Organic Rooting Options For Cuttings
Honey in 2 cups boiling water. That's right — give your cuttings a lick just before planting to enhance root productivity.: Just be absolutely sure your plant isn't poisonous first!is a natural killer of fungus and bacteria that can be applied directly...
What Are Plantable Containers: Gardening With Biodegradable Plant Containers
There are pros and cons with each pot; read this guide to help select the type of plantable pot that is best for you. For example; peat, wood fiber, and manure absorb more water than bioplastics and rice hulls.