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How To Plant Green Peppers

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Differences Between Wheat Germ & Wheatgrass
The term "germ" refers to germination. Wheat germ provides more protein, ounce for ounce, than most forms of meat, and contains 23 other nutrients, including potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
Santa Monica
Companion Plants for Cantaloupe
Tall plants such as corn work as nurse plants to shade smaller plants and suppress weed growth.Cucumber beetles and aphids are sometimes a problem on young cantaloupe plants. Some plants release chemicals that suppress weed seed germination.
Santa Monica
How to Make Fertilizer for Hibiscus
When using fabric such as pantyhose or cheesecloth, stretch the cloth over the empty bucket and secure using twine or rubber bands before pouring the tea through the cloth into the bucket.
Santa Monica
Natural Plants That Kill Roaches
Although cockroaches dislike the smell of this fruit, it will attract and kill them when the fruit is crushed. However, there are numerous plants that can kill these insect pests or make them take up residence elsewhere.Cockroaches can be found all over...
Santa Monica
How to Extract Glucose From Plants
Cook for an hour or until the beets are tender.Line a strainer with cheesecloth. Tighten the lids after the jars have cooled completely. Set the cooked beets aside for dinner, canning or freezing.Set the beet sugar water back onto the stove.
Santa Monica
Fooled You Jalapeno Peppers--A Painless Flavor Sensation
I love the flavor but I'm just a wimp when it comes to spicy foods. The chemical that gives hot peppers their "heat" is called capsaicin.Some people believe that eating foods containing capsaicin (namely hot peppers) releases endorphins, allowing them...
El Segundo
Ten Texas Native and Wild Plants
Texas is a large state historically filled with larger than life characters. The Texans I have had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime have all had an endearing, never-say-quit spirit.
El Segundo
The Green Bean that\'s an Open Pollinated Wonder: The Kentucky Wonder!
Most teepee (tripod) type supports like I have for my other beans are not suitable. I always thought green beans were just that: ordinary green beans? The vines grow very thick and sturdy so they need a strong trellis.
El Segundo
Spinach as a Cool-season, Autumn Crop
Add onions and minced garlic to drippings in skillet. It sports shorter, sometimes heart-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves. The recipe possibilities are tantalizing!Spinach is is very high in other essential vitamins.
El Segundo
Tips for Making a Bee-Friendly Landscape
When the bees have a good place to nest, they are less likely to seek shelter in the walls of your house, but to be on the safe side, fill holes and caulk gaps in your siding to ensure they can't find a way in.
Santa Monica
Can I Add the Pulp From My Juicer to My Garden Soil?
When you combine your pulp with other organic materials such as fallen leaves and grass clippings, it becomes more nutritious to your plants than pulp alone.Worm composting, or vermicomposting, is the practice of utilizing red wiggler composting worms...
Santa Monica
Why Are Mushrooms Growing Out of My Compost?
These fungi grow from mycelium, fine threads of fungus, in the compost pile itself. When the environment becomes warm and wet, the fungus produces a mushroom or toadstool. You can reduce the incidence of toadstools in your compost by turning the pile...
Santa Monica
The Best Areas in the United States to Grow Vegetables
Gilroy, California, is the garlic capital and Idaho has gained fame from its baker potatoes. Tomatoes, all lettuce, all sweet corn and onions round out the top five vegetables."Virtually every state in America grows vegetables.
Santa Monica
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
The mower does not have a motor but instead the sharp blades turn as the mower is pushed. Purchasing a reel mower is economical and will not break your bank.You can't attach a bag to a reel mower, which means you can't collect the clippings from the lawn.
El Segundo
No Curse in These Black Pearls
Who could forget "The Curse of the Black Pearl," the first of the blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean movies from a few summers ago? Hybrid tomato is a tasty beauty. Like most vining cherry tomatoes, these plants produce tons of fruit well into fall.
El Segundo
Irresistible Chocolate Garden Color
She agrees, "It's stunning when contrasted with light colored flowers." Salpiglossis grow 12 to 18 inches andScabiosas (annuals or tender perennials depending on your zone)exhibit a variety of bloom colors, including several.
El Segundo
Growing Scotch Bonnet Peppers
For many hot pepper fans, just knowing that it is Scotch Bonnet seems to be enough. Most seed suppliers don't state the particular cultivar., since I'm a fan of plants with burgundy, or brownish color tones.
El Segundo
Tips On How To Grow Collard Greens
If aphids are spotted, keep an eye on the underside of the leaves of collard greens. Learning how to grow collard greens provides an abundant supply of this dark-green, leafy vegetable at other times of the year.Collard greens are a cool season vegetable...
Winter Salad Greens: Tips On Growing Greens In Winter
This can be achieved a few ways, depending upon just how cold it is. This keeps the space inside from overheating and, importantly, prevents buildup of excessive moisture and disease or insect infestation.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Growing A Salad Bowl Garden: Learn How To Grow Greens In A Pot
That means that you have a continual supply of fresh greens when growing greens in containers. Greens can also be harvested by just plucking the leaves instead of the whole plant. Plus, growing greens in containers allows you to select the types of greens...
Greens, Pepper Sauce, and Cornbread: Southern Cuisine
Our pepper sauce was made the preceding summer when the cayenne, jalapeno, and banana peppers were in season. The leaves are washed in the sink at least three times. Folks who were born and raised in the South enjoy foods and recipes that have been passed...
El Segundo
Weed Killer for Dandelions That Is Safe & Won\'t Kill Grass
Remove dandelions as soon as possible, because once they move from the yellow flower stage to the dried, white seed-head stage, they become capable of spreading hundreds of seeds throughout your lawn.While the EPA endorses hand-weeding and preventative...
Santa Monica
Planting Mustard Greens – How To Grow Mustard Greens
Older leaves will get tough and increasingly bitter as they get older. Keep reading more to learn how to plant mustard greens and the steps for mustard greens growing.Planting mustard greens is done either from seed or from seedlings.
Asian Mizuna Greens: How To Grow Mizuna Greens In The Garden
They are likely originally from China, but throughout Asia they are considered a Japanese vegetable. There are two main varieties of mizuna: Mizuna Early and Mizuna Purple.Mizuna Early is tolerant to both heat and cold and slow to go to seed, making it...
Komatsuna Plant Care: Tips On Growing Komatsuna Greens
Read on to discover a wealth of interesting komatsuna facts.) is an incredibly hardy green sometimes referred to as Japanese mustard, although it really isn't spinach but a member of the Brassica family.
Leafy Garden Greens: Different Types Of Garden Greens
Other greens are best harvested at mature size. Cover seeds with ¼ to ½ inch of well-worked soil. It's not often that we eat plant leaves, but in the case of greens, they provide a wide range of flavor and a nutrient punch.
Cowpeas please! The History and Importance of the Cowpea Plant
In the mysteries that surround Southern food, questions always arise when the talk comes to peas. We Southerners grow and eat our peas with a delight and devotion rarely seen anywhere, much to the curiosity of anyone north of the Ohio River.
El Segundo