Antiques add character to the decor of a home. Do you appreciate the rich patina of an antique? More commonly called heirloom flowers they are easily obtainable at garden centers, on the internet and by mail-order.Perhaps you long to add a touch of reminiscence...
You should mix the little seeds with sand to spread them evenly, and think about using an empty salt shaker to distribute them thinly.If you would rather grow shorter, red, purple, green or pink plants, your best bet is to pick them up at a garden center,...
They are easily grown from seed. If you are not familiar with these plants, read-on! While the flowers are white to purple-tinted, they are often highly fragrant. If you don't grow them, try them this year!
Will history repeat itself? It's not too late to do it yet this year. Stay tuned.Thanks to the following DG members for the use of their photos:ViolaAnn for 'Venus,' Bert for 'Candle Wax,' Joy for 'Lakeside Hoola Hoop,' largosmom for 'Lemon Lime,' Mctavish...
X sanderae 'Tinkerbell' by fairy1004; N. Although most are scentless, a few of the hybrids even preserve some of the species nicotiana's perfume. Take care not to plant nicotiana near vegetables which are also members of the nightshade family, such as...
In this program, over 2000 plants are rated throughout the summer. At the end of summer, these scores are averaged. Listening to experts like UGA can save us money and increase our chances of selecting plants that will excel in our gardens.All photographs...
You'll be glad you did. Peonies are seen in Song dynasty (960-1279) artwork, the flower has been a central theme in a great variety of Oriental art and tattoos, and in 1957, the peony was named the state flower of Indiana.Herbaceous peonies are native...
Some Rights Reserved.Image of full plant, Gaillardia 'Tizzy': courtesy of DG member TomH3787, via Plant Files. All Rights Reserved.Image of 'Tizzy' Blanket Flower: courtesy of DG member Turektaylor (Mary Ann Taylor), via Plant Files.
Rudbeckia cultivars exhibit dark and light brown colors, perfect blends for a chocolate garden. Look for those with the largest chocolate centers, like the 4 to 5 foot hardy annual,(shown), or all dark sunflowers; such as the 18 to 36 inch tall ornamental...
They're easier to control but spread quickly by seed. Use a sharp hoe to skim the surface and dislodge or slice the seedlings. But all those weeds will eventually rot down, helping to feed the soil for the plants that follow.
When laid on the soil surface 5-10cm (2-4in) thick it does a great job of suppressing annual weeds. Wood-derived Mulches Wood products such as sawdust, wood chips, bark chips and pine needles (pine straw) have a bad reputation.
Very steep slopes that require steps to navigate need beds that sit atop one another and must be maintained from the sides, while more moderate slopes can include pathways between shallower tiered beds.
The remains of reseeding flowers and herbs can be given their own space in the garden 4. The corn plants may not use up all the fertilizer applied to the row middles, so it's a cushy planting niche for heavy-feeding fall crops like collards and spinach.
This matters, because many fruits, including peppers and tomatoes, emit ethylene to promote ripening. Some plants produce many tens of fruits over the growing season, so keeping on top of fruit removal may prove to be a daily task.
Plum trees may produce generous harvests of some of the most mouth-wateringly juicy fruits, but they're not without their problems. This is healthier for the tree, unless there is a recurring issue with silver leaf or other diseases.
Arrange the chili peppers by spacing them out in a spiral formation – each chili should be offset about 30 to 60 degrees from the previous one. Even thorough scrubbing fails to remove all traces of chilli pepper's spicy capsaicin; as you might imagine,...
Fruit trees, canes and bushes can be mulched with chunkier materials such as bark chippings, or fibrous materials like straw. The moisture in the drill will drain through, encouraging the seedling's roots to follow.
Protecting Potatoes from the Cold Containers have the obvious advantage of being portable, so when cold weather threatens it's easy enough to move plants completely under the cover of a greenhouse, polythene tunnel or conservatory.
Their smaller fruitlets may be thinned using just your thumb and finger to detach the surplus. Now remove the smallest fruits and any that are awkwardly positioned. The fruits left to grow on will enjoy more airflow, sunlight and energy from the tree...
With an initial assault complete, it's now time to apply an organic insecticidal soap, again taking great care to cover all areas of the leaf including, crucially, those undersides.
Many gardeners don't allow their silver sage to send up a flower stalk as it takes an incredible amount of energy out of the plant. As you can tell from the picture, this is not your typical sage, that's for sure.
Without a picture of the plant, you will need every descriptive characteristic that you can gather. All plants are specialists to some degree. It is impossible to identify everything.
Leave those zucchinis to swell into marrows and you'll inadvertently slow the initiation of new flowers and fruits. Consider cutting back overhanging foliage and act promptly to remove spent crops so that those remaining enjoy plenty of sunshine and good...
When it comes to dealing with pests, a two-pronged organic approach is the most effective in the long term: protection and making the garden less appealing to pests. Hold your nerve, and if your predatory platoon of frogs, hoverflies, ladybugs and so...
Plant your seedlings into prepared ground. Savoy and other winter cabbages benefit from a light frost to bring out their flavor. Red cabbages are popular for braising or pickling. Spring cabbages , which may also be harvested young as ‘spring greens',...
Avid gardeners are busy gardeners. A water feature of any size can add interest and soothing background noise Add Interest with Sound and Movement Stimulate the senses with sound, color and movement.