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How To Plant Flowers

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Antiques of the Flower Garden
Antique flower varieties are as popular as antique furniture. Why not travel back in time by creating a garden abundant with antique flowers? Do you appreciate the rich patina of an antique?
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--flowering tobaccos
(If you're interested, a trait that happens at dusk but not all night long is a vespertine one. You should mix the little seeds with sand to spread them evenly, and think about using an empty salt shaker to distribute them thinly.If you would rather grow...
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Candytuft: Fragrant Annuals and Perennials
If you don't grow them, try them this year! They include both annuals and perennials which may be grown in mild to cold regions. They may also be grown fromSo whether you prefer to grow annuals or perennials, live inor mild, there are candytufts that...
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Hostas: It\'s not Always About the Leaves
ClickColorful hosta leaf stems impart a more subtle beauty. Fragrant-flowered hostas number over 100. It's not too late to do it yet this year. Hostas originally came from China, Japan , and Korea, where they're native.(1651-1715), a doctor and botanist...
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Nicotianas, Old and New
You are unlikely to find species nicotiana for sale in garden centers, so if you want them in your garden you must start the plant from seed, either sowing indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to the last frost date, or directly in the garden after the last frost.
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University of Georgia Classic City Awards
The "Classic City Award" winners are the ones that perform best in the UGA trial garden throughout the summer season.From these trials, the highest performers are sent to retail outlets across the country for distribution to the public.
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Peerless Peonies
This is an especially important time to see that these tender shoots are protected from snap freezes. You'll be glad you did. Most are hardy from Zones 8 to 2, with a few exceptions.
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Blanket Flower, aka Gaillardia: A Blanket You\'ll WANT on Those Hot Summer Days
Other common names include Firewheel and Sundance, for obvious reasons.It is native to both North and South America, and has a quite impressive hardiness range (zones 3-10), thriving throughout all but the very coldest areas of the United States.
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Irresistible Chocolate Garden Color
Their USDA hardiness ranges from zones 9a to 10b (or 11). Twospecial Rudbeckia perennials, at first glance, appearyellow 'spots' that look like pollen around the base.Those 'spots' are buds and do bloom! Upon close inspection, cute little flowers, the...
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Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
Last fall I attended a dinner where the host used a huge garden carrot as the centerpiece. To reduce moisture loss, trim off all leaves. The giant carrot was a bit far gone for eating, but it was exactly the kind of carrot you might store through winter,...
Win the War on Weeds!
Fragments of perennial weeds can easily re-root and spread, so dispose of the roots away from your compost heap. Quell the Uprising The adage ‘one year's seeding makes seven years' weeding' is very true! Prolific weeds such as dandelion quickly spread...
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
It's essential to make sure that no weedkiller has been used on the grass, as any residues may harm your crops. It could be worth investing in a small shredder. Of course, if you have any trees in or near your garden you may find that you have a ready...
How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
By midsummer, the structure that underpins a terraced vegetable garden disappears as it is overrun by exuberant plants. As the wood decays, mycelium from the wood-feeding fungi also infiltrate adjoining soil.
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
I like to collect some to replant or share at my community seed swap, but I also dump many seed-bearing poppies, calendulas, cosmos, marigolds, nasturtiums and zinnias onto a bed where I'll know to look for seedlings in the spring.
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
There are some reliable methods to ripen green tomatoes at the end of the season. Just keep picking and the others will surely follow! How to Ripen Squashes and Pumpkins Winter squashes and pumpkins naturally color up as they mature towards the end of...
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
Bacterial canker affects plums, cherries and other trees in the Prunus family. Bacterial Canker in Plum Trees Bacterial canker is another serious disease that affects plums and other trees of the same plant family ( Prunus ).
How to Dry Chili Peppers
The warm flow of air will see the fruits dried out within 24 hours or so. You can store them in containers, thread them into a chili ristra, grind them into a paste and even infuse oil or vinegar with these warming wonders.
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Here are a few ideas to help. Again, take care to water well before laying it. Struggling with a summer drought is no fun, and keeping your plants quenched and happy can feel like a non-stop battle.
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
Potatoes need a period of dormancy before they can sprout into a new plant, so in this case you really will need to start with genuine seed potatoes. Whether or not you choose to leave potatoes in the ground depends on how cold early winter is in your...
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
But thinning further can help trees to stay in good shape and produce a more useful crop. Aim to leave one fruit every couple of inches (5-8cm), or if it's easier, one pair of plums every six inches (15cm).
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
You can buy them on cards primed with ready-to-hatch pupae to hang up near infected plants. Greenhouse (or glasshouse) whitefly are closely related to aphids but a touch smaller, at around 1-2mm (a twelfth of an inch) long.
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
Actually, that could be why the plant lasted so long. This plant deserves better. Silver sage is pretty tough in that it is somewhat drought-tolerant and deer-resistant...but please, don't abuse yours like I did mine.
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A Passing Glimpse - Identifying Plants at 60 MPH
How many times have you, like Robert Frost, been curious about a plant and frustrated because you cannot go back and find out what it was? "I often see flowers from a passing car that are gone before I can tell what they are." Thus begins one of my favorite...
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6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Here, then, are some top tips to keep those pickings coming... Grass clippings are a ready-to-hand source of instant mulch too, and will help to keep plant roots cool and moist in hot, dry weather.
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
A bug spray massacres pests. Practice crop rotation to help prevent a build-up of crop-specific pests in the soil, and if you have suffered from a soil-borne pest such as wireworm it's a good idea to dig or at least disturb the top few inches of soil...
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
Some types have a smooth, almost glossy appearance, while others like the Savoy cabbage produce deeply crinkled leaves that are perfect for mopping up sauces or gravy. Mark out drills about half an inch (1cm) deep and six inches (15cm) apart.
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Bamboo adds gentle sound and movement to the garden An Evening Outdoor Retreat What remains of the warmer evenings may be enhanced with a little lighting. Make your own flower pot beer cooler – no tools required! And how about this ingenious idea to...