These symptoms occur within two to five hours due to the alkaloid colchicines contained in the autumn crocus bulbs.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The autumn crocus has a long history as a poison.
When you dig up crocus bulbs for propagation, be sure to dig far enough out so that you do not cut into the bulbs, and deep enough so that you can gently lift them out of the ground.Once lifted, you can gently separate the offsets for replanting elsewhere.
Take care not to overwater crocus or their corms will rot.When growing crocus indoors, be sure to provide at least four to six hours of sunlight. They grow well in many types of soil; however, you may want to add extra peat to the soil mix at first.
Roll the turf back into place and tamp it so it makes firm contact with the ground.crocus bulbs will provide a more natural appearance, you're right. Just imagine a lawn filled with blooms in colors such as bright purple, white, gold, pink or pale lavender.
After curing the corms, cut off the spent foliage, taking care not to cut into the corm.Many gardeners like to dust the bulbs with fungicide but this isn't necessary provided they have been cured dry and are in a well ventilated area.Place corms in a...
This is important to prevent the corms from sitting in a bog and rotting.will require some organic amendment to enhance nutrient content. Crocus requires a minimum of 15 weeks of chilling to break dormancy.
We're all familiar with crocus flowers, those dependable, early spring favorites that dot the ground with bright jewel tones. With its flashy, bluish-violet blooms, this is probably the flashiest autumn-blooming crocus.
The plants need sun to form flowers, so ensure the corms are planted where it is bright.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });If you are saying, “my crocus won't flower,” it may be time to take a look at...
Read on to learn about some of these less well-known crocus. Commonly, they are called snow crocus, as several bloom within days of the melting snow. Wrote an article introducing us to the Dutch hybrid crocus and the Tommie crocusThe more common Dutch...
These early bloomers are easy to grow and inexpensive, and part of the fall bulb display in just about every store. Plant crocus bulbs pointed end up in the fall. Inch flowers on about four inches of stem.
When they heard we'd be adopting a baby girl, my wonderful DG friends wanted to throw a shower. Not only did that let the bulbs plump up again, I am hoping we'll also have more bulbs (and more blooms) for next year.Celebrate the coming of spring with...
Looking for a way to extend the blooming season? 'The Giant' and C. 'Lilac Wonder', C. Gardeners generally associate bulbs with springtime displays of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocus.However, some bulbs actually begin to flower in fall, just as...
Daffodils, crocus, hyacinths- spring bulbs like these put on a glorious show for a few weeks a year. If you want more bulbs, you are better off giving the existing plantings good care and using sets that they produce by dividing them.
Thank you to gordo for the image.This can be planted from January to March most years. Thank you to scutler for the image.This wonderful heirloom can be planted from October to March and can live in most areas, year in and year out, without much trouble.
True saffron flavor has been described as bitter, yet savory.When used sparingly, quality saffron adds rich golden color, nutrition and flavor to foods, including traditional Spanish cuisine and risotto Milanese.
It is native to tropical regions of Central and South America. They are perennial and one of the last bulbs to be planted in spring--plant them too early and they will begin top growth and be at risk for a hard freeze.
There are some sunny yellow varieties too. I like it myself, but not everybody does. I sometimes place pots of bulbs for forcing in the cold room in our basement, which has a window open at all times.But I've recently been putting them in boxes, with...
Meanwhile, I hold on to my $1.79 package of seeds and dream of bloom time.Photo credits thanks to palmbob, doss, gardenmart, Kelli, and the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum.
Behind the house, just off the back doorsteps, a weed entangled herb garden can barely be made out. Of course, different zones will have their own unique plant life.Take your camera with you when you go to collect plants.
The blossoms are red with a white border. Stargazers are one of the most expensive flowers that florists sell, according to the Iowa State University Extension.Stargazer lilies add a pleasant fragrance to your home.Stargazer lilies grow in a variety of...
The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.Paperwhite narcissus can be fragrant or malodorous, depending on your nose.The scent of indole has been characterized as "musky," though some say its concentrated...
Some people like to use fine gravel from the pet store instead, but anything works as long as roots can get through.Don't forget to be kind to your bulbs. It doesn't take much to make this happen, just a vase with a water, a few pebbles; and a little...
The water should be completely replaced about every three or four days. They'll stand upright in a tall, narrow vase, but can also be placed in floral foam for added support in shorter, wider containers.
Plant windflower bulbs for flowers that require little maintenance and give a maximum return.Plant windflower bulbs in early spring, after the last frost in your area, to give them time to establish and grow for their spring flowering.
Store bulbs in a cool, dry place until it's time to plant them in the fall.Plant bulbs in the fall when the ground has cooled.Plant your daffodil bulbs, pointed end up, after the soil has cooled in the fall.
Allium and agapanthus flowers tower over garden beds or make eye-catching accents in sunny gardens. Onions and garlic are both members of the allium family, and the bulbs of garden allium have a distinctive onion-like smell.
Wear protective eyewear, gloves, pants and a long-sleeved shirt while handling the fungicide, and be careful not to inhale the mist. Keep children and pets out of the area until the spray has dried.