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How To Plant Caladiums

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Bringing Caladiums Out of Winter Storage
You might like to dip them in a fungicide solution, let them dry again, and then place them in a paper or mesh bags, or even in open trays. Dig and let them dry thoroughly. When spring approaches, she begins to water the pots of caladium tubers.
El Segundo
Caladium Care Indoors – Growing Caladiums As Indoor Plants
Humidity is crucial to Caladium houseplant care as the tubers are native to South American tropical forests and produce seasonal foliage during the rainy, warm season.Mimicking the plant's native conditions is key to successfully introducing the plant...
Tips For Growing Fancy Leaf Caladiums
But before you decide to grow fancy leaf caladiums, there are a few things you should know about them and their care.originated in Peru and around the Amazon Basin in Brazil. With well over a dozen cultivars, ranging from white through pink to deep, dark...
Caladium Plant Care: How To Plant Caladiums
Then cut off the foliage, place the tubers in a netted bag or box, and cover in dry. There are numerous varieties of caladiums found in either theor the strap-leaved cultivar. Their size depends on the variety.
Caladium Plant Problems – Caladium Plant Pests And Disease
Caladium plant problems range from those caused by improper cultural practices to diseases and pests.In order to start preventing caladium problems caused by improper cultural practices, learn how to take care of your plant.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Winter Care For Caladiums – Learn About Caladium Care In Winter
Don't try to remove any of the dirt from the roots yet. It helps to keep them in sand or sawdust to prevent them from drying out too much.after the last chance of frost, but you can start them indoors earlier in areas with short growing seasons.Caladiums...
Planting Caladiums – When To Plant Caladium Bulbs
If you find that winter seems to be lingering a little longer this year than normal, you will want to wait until all threat of frost has passed. The list below outlines the proper time for planting caladiums based onThe list above is a general guideline...
Caladium hybridizing - Making your own unique plant creation
I am confident that this is what the commercial Caladium hybridizers have experienced as well. Well, even though Caladiums have been hybridized for over 100 years, you can still come up with some that are your own unique creations.
El Segundo
Thai Caladiums - Will they rock the Caladium world?
The Thai royal household, to be precise, had these plants bred for their exclusive enjoyment and not for the horticulture market at large. The red color is incredibly intense and it is made even more so by the shiny leaf surface.
El Segundo
Growing Caladiums: A Bright Spot Of Color For Shady Areas
The tuber knows which side is up and will eventually grow in the right direction. By chewing on the stems and leaves, swelling and burning may occur in the mouth. Caladiums also benefit from regular feedings.
El Segundo
What Are Dormant Tubers?
Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to respond to your questions.)Tubers fall into two groups: root tubers and stem tubers.
El Segundo
Let Your Garden Tell You When to Plant
Your spring garden can speak to you. Warm-season vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash and melons can suffer greatly, if air temperatures drop below 50 degrees, unless you've protected the transplants with cloches or some other plant-protection...
El Segundo
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
Some of the most compact cultivars are ‘Million Gold', ‘Lemon Delight', ‘Melanie', and ‘Derby' which grow about 10 inches tall and are great for front of the border or for a bright groundcover.
El Segundo
Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
That's a hefty list to choose from, and I like to work with a couple of biennial vegetables every year. The challenge for many gardeners is finding a place with consistently cool temperatures, between 32° and 45°F (0°-7°C).
Win the War on Weeds!
Act fast! A little effort now will save you considerable trouble later on. Fight Back! Starting with a weedy garden can be intimidating, and demoralizing. To outwit weeds you'll need to wage a concerted campaign on several fronts, but it can be done,...
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
They will help suppress weeds and contribute to a well-structured soil once they've rotted down. Compost is always in short supply, so use it where it's needed most It's precious stuff though, so it's wise to reserve it for your hungriest or most treasured...
How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
Retaining wall blocks that mimic stone are easy to work with, and their uniform size simplifies bed construction. Plants and stone always look great together, so it is often a top choice for hillside beds less than 18 inches (45cm) high.
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
I have plenty of compost this time of year, but it likely includes plenty of weed seeds, which doesn't matter when it's sequestered more than 2 inches (5cm) below the soil's surface.
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
The peppers can then color up indoors, in the warmth, leaving the remainder to develop further. If it's too windy, much of the gas simply blows away, slamming the brakes on the ripening process.
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
They look like they've been used for shotgun target practice, giving the disease its alternative name of ‘shothole' (careful how you say it!). Cropping so prolifically can also cause branches to become so weighty that they actually snap under the strain.
How to Dry Chili Peppers
Thread the other end of the line through a darning needle then begin threading on your chillies. Cotton thread comes a close second. The thin walls of the fruits make them quick and easy to dehydrate, ensuring a ready supply of crinkle-dry chilies to...
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Balance and Speed Using a watering can? Now sink your pots into the water and simply walk away, leaving them to soak up the liquid for an hour or more. Some can even be fitted to water barrels, so you can make the most of any rainwater you've managed...
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
You can also protect plants against light frosts by wrapping the container in layers of corrugated cardboard or bubble wrap. Planting Second Crop Potatoes Second-crop potatoes take about three months to reach maturity.
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
I'm using a sharp pair of pruners for the job, but if the fruits are really close to each other you may find it easier to use scissors to get in between them. Additional thinning of tree fruits ensures there's less chance of fruits rubbing together, which...
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
A few pots of choice favourites placed inside will almost certainly seal the deal. Spray at a cooler time of the day and follow up with one or two more sprays a few days later. And if that's not enough, honeydew can attract diseases such as black sooty...
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Leave those zucchinis to swell into marrows and you'll inadvertently slow the initiation of new flowers and fruits. So encouraging these productive staples to carry on cropping for longer is the aim of the game.
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
When it comes to dealing with pests, a two-pronged organic approach is the most effective in the long term: protection and making the garden less appealing to pests. Naturally you don't want pests to destroy the crops that you've worked so hard to grow,...