You can do minimal pruning whenever you want to remove any dead or diseased branches. Anyone can handle this job, and anyone can figure out what the plant needs. Dutchman's pipe plants are quite hardy and can handle just about anything you happen to do...
While the Internet abounds with pictures colorful photos of Aristolochia pipevine plants, most people will never have an opportunity to see this rare plant in its natural environment.
The stems are ribbed with 12- to 19-inch thick ridges. However, the cactus is slow growing, so planting organ pipe cactus in a container for a few years is a fun way to grow this interesting plant.Organ pipe cactus grows well in well-drained, gritty soils.
The dead plants were pulled from the planter and nothing was left except the pine needle mulch. Thinking back on which annuals have been the highest performers, I immediately think of butter daisy.
Make sure that there is enough water so that all of the stems are submerged by at least a couple of inches. Make sure that you have a good workspace, enough room for the little ones to observe the process, and of course make sure that they can ‘help'.
They look especially lovely when paired with flowers of white or soft pastels like pink, peach or pale yellow or blue. Bells-of-Ireland is an old-fashioned garden favorite with a showy, quirky appearance.
As fall approaches, its greenish blooms take on a rosy tinge. The foliage is typical of most Zinnias and can get pretty leggy, but the bloom is what makes this one interesting. By itself, 'Envy' is not overly striking, but throw it into a patch of ‘regular'...
Blossoms have a stark white, slightly raised center trimmed by spring green petals and as they unfurl, the blooms showcase bright yellow stamens and more of the unusual green petals.
An old-fashioned favorite for a sunny exposure, the zinnia offers a huge array of flower colors that even includes chartreuse. Annuals with green flowers are something of a novelty, and can inspire garden interest all season long.
They are also rich in nutrients: rose hips are very high in Vitamin C; marigolds and nasturtiums also contain Vitamin C, and dandelion blossoms contain vitamins A and C. Research has shown that edible flowers have been used by the Roman, Chinese, Middle...
The plant variously referred to as a black-eyed susan, brown-eyed susan, brown betty, coneflower or gloriosa daisy was given its Latin name in 1740 by botanist Carl Linnaeus, who wished to honor his botany professor, Olaf Rudbeck.
Daffodils are grown from bulbs and emerge in spring as a welcome harbinger of warmer weather. Each month has a special representational flower. Some people are surprised to hear that birth flowers exist.
Mouse over the pictures for identification and picture credits.Most people grow salvias for their long-lasting color in the garden. Salvia is the largest genus in the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
The blooms arrive all summer and are fan shaped, and most commonly blue but also come in white and pink. These Aussie natives produce pretty blossoms that look like part of a rayed flower has been cut off of the bloom.
Thin these to about a foot apart. It likes well-drained, slightly acidic soil; and although the balloon flower plant will tolerate dry conditions, it prefers (and needs) plenty of moisture.
In fact, the less fertile the soil, the less leggy-looking the plants will be — just another reason that this is a good plant for the novice gardener.This is a pest and disease resistant perennial, but it does not grow as well or look as good when kept...
The flowers are usually blue to periwinkle, but sometimes take on tones closer to purple. Growing Pasque flowers as part of a meadow wildflower display, in containers or as part of a border, allows for an advance glimpse of springtime's promise and a...
Amiable Spouse. Members and visitors find much to admire as they meander through the show looking at the exhibits. Good, eh?Features red carnations enhanced by camellia foliage and SansevieriaSection B: "Encouraging Our Youth" --Designs may use fresh...
When grown in the right conditions, celosia can be a long-blooming, low maintenance plant, but it can also be susceptible to certain pests and diseases. To treat mites, spray all surfaces of the plant withfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
This plant is suitable for bed and border plantings or in containers. Looking for a new addition to the flower garden? Flowers may reach up to a foot or two in height above the lush gray to blue-green foliage.
This gilia has lacy green foliage, upright 2- to 3-foot stalks and round clusters of small, blue flowers. Given good care, these annual plants are also quite likely to Read on for more globe gilia information.This annual wildflower is native to southern...
This makes it hard to determine the exact source of allergy problems. Sneezeweed was hit with a double whammy by having the word “weed” combined with a reference to. Use them in the moist to wet soils along bodies of water.
The jewel tones of the blooms seem to give rise to such descriptive names.It is a clumping plant that prefers moist soil but can tolerate dry conditions. Is an annual plant often grown in the home interior.
Seeds of the Torenia wishbone flower need light to germinate; cover lightly or simply press them gently into moist soil.Location of the wishbone flower is important to its long lasting success.
Space the small varieties 6 to 8 inches apart, medium-sized types 12 to 24 inches apart, and large types 24 to 36 inches apart.Growing monkey flower in hot climates is a challenge.
The majority are grown in sunset hues with some sporting brilliant oranges, reds and yellows. Blanket flower is a short lived perennial that tends to reseed prolifically. Let's discuss how to winterize blanket flower.The daisy-like heads, with their zing...
Also known as umbrella plant, the skeleton flower is a marvel in foliar and flower form. Skeleton flowers are sensitive to sunlight and should be grown where protection from midday sun is complete.The ideal skeleton flower growing conditions are in, humus...