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How To Make Sweetened Condensed Milk

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Making a Living Wreath
Some wreath makers like to do a "dry run," laying out the succulents in a pattern to view their design.When you are ready to go, use a small pencil, chopstick or scissor blade to create a small incision into the moss to insert the succulent.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
I think the slow start is because I began this project at the end of a cold and dreary winter and the spring hasn't been much warmer. As most everyone knows, watermelon is like candy for raccoons and the little masked bandits have yet to raid the container.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
Since the oldest material is on the bottom, it is the first to turn to black gold.If you need a large amount of compost, it is probably best if you maintain a traditional pile, as the Toter isn't designed for producing vast amounts.
El Segundo
How To Make Goat-Milk Soap
Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Soap can be a little tricky to make; it's important to take the necessary safety precautions and to follow the steps closely. Slowly pour the lye/milk mixture into the shortening mixture, stirring constantly...
How to Make Soap with Milk
Make homemade soap from milk using this basic recipe from soapmaker Martha Enriquez of Pine Lane Soaps. Yield: 4 pounds Materials 2 12-quart stainless-steel pots spoon for stirring soap mold (You can purchase these from a soap-making supply store or website...
How to Sweeten Citrus Fruit
Prepare the citrus fruit for serving. Use this mix to water in the sulphate of potash.Allow your citrus fruit to ripen on the tree. Most varieties of citrus ripen well this way. Sour citrus fruit can also be used to infuse vodka.
Santa Monica
3 Alternative Sweeteners to Sugar
Provide consistent moisture and pinch the tips every 2 to 3 weeks to promote bushiness. Also keep in mind that all sweeteners, regardless of calorie count or glycemic index, should be used sparingly and, for individuals with restricted diets or other...
Silybum Milk Thistle Info: Tips For Planting Milk Thistle In Gardens
Milk thistle (also called silybum milk thistle) is a tricky plant. Place the flower heads in a paper bag in a dry place for a week to continue the drying process.Once the seeds are dried, hack at the bag to separate them from the flower head.
Trash to Treasure ~ Making a Planter from a Milk Crate
Then I kept on putting the moss up the sides until I reached the handles of the milk crate. A few tips of the coleus broke off, soI used a chop stick to poke some cuttings from the same plants into the sides of the milk crate.Here is the final result.
El Segundo
What Is Cold Sweetening – How To Prevent Cold Sweetening Of Potatoes
This process is called potato cold-induced sweetening.Why is cold-induced sweetening a problem? A potato that had the gene blocked ended up being a normal light colored potato chip.
How to Make Sauerkraut
Katz prefers glass and makes sauerkraut in a quart-sized canning or mayonnaise jar for demonstrations. “The vegetables have to be submerged under liquid,” Katz notes. Cover crock or container with lid or cloth, and set in secluded spot.
Garden Myths Busted: Artiifical Light, Milk Spray, The Bottom of the Pot
Recent research has demonstrated that high-intensity light sources, such as high-pressure sodium lamps, have the greatest impact on delaying leaf senescence and subsequent dormancy of landscape trees.Artificially prolonged light periods can interrupt...
El Segundo
How to Make Rosemary Potpourri
You may want to wear a pair of gardening gloves to avoid any splinters.Place three layers of newspaper in an area that is dry and dark. Your leaves should be dry after three to four days.Peel one orange with a knife.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Terrarium
You can grow many types of plants—from succulents to mosses—in a terrarium, but moisture-loving plants, such as mosses and ferns, benefit from closed containers or ones with small holes that retain moisture, resulting in higher humidity levels than...
How to Make Mandevilla Bloom
Perennial mandevilla vines are native to South and Central America. Proper soil is vital to blooming. Plant mandevilla plants in equal parts of garden soil, humus and coarse sand so the soil has good drainage.
Santa Monica
How to Make Hydrangeas Purple
Watch out for white cultivars and a few pink ones that do not change color no matter what you do to them.You'll see most bigleaf hydrangeas in "baby" colors -- blue or pink -- but careful adjustment of the soil can result in purple hues.
Santa Monica
How to Make Chewing Tobacco
This may take up to two months. There should be four or five different harvests. If leaves start turning yellow, harvest immediately.Cure the tobacco by hanging it to dry. If you have too much tobacco to completely coat, make another mixture of apple...
Santa Monica
How to Make Orchid Fertilizer
Filter out the powder with cheesecloth and discard it. Molasses will give the plant additional potassium for essential growth processes.Add equal amounts of coffee grounds water, eggshell water and molasses water to a 5-gallon bucket.Dilute the solution...
Santa Monica
How to Make Lilac Sachets
Use the sachets yourself, or make them as gifts.Cut bunches of lilac blossoms from the plant, leaving enough stem to secure the bunch-like bouquet.Secure the bottom of the bunch, around the stems, with a rubber band and hang, upside down, in a dark, warm,...
Santa Monica
Teach Kids to Make Candles
Apart from the lovely religious symbols surrounding this holiday, it also happens to be a rough midpoint between the beginning of winter and spring. They're eager and will be having fun, and they'll want to finish quickly.
How to Make Blue Roses
Using only food coloring, water and cut white roses, you can create blue roses that make a great alternative to traditional red and pink roses.Fill a vase approximately half full of water.
Santa Monica
How to Make Homemade Paper
Optional: When the paper is formed, but still wet, lay a pressed flower or leaf onto it and press to embed it into the paper. Remove any bubbles and continue to press out more water by placing the fabric with paper in a dry bathtub and pressing with a...
How To Make Herbal Sugars
We've found that herbal sugars will keep for at least a year. Step 3 Place one part herb and one part sugar in your blender with sugar. This method is best suited to sugars for tea and other hot beverages.
How to Make Orchids Rebloom
Orchids also require higher humidity than most homes provide. Some species may not bloom again until spring, while Phalaenopsis may begin developing new flower spikes from the nodes left on the trimmed flower spike and bloom again in eight to 12 weeks.
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
Hardwoods contain more potassium and create higher ash yields. This fertilizer was exported from the United States to Great Britain in such high demand that the era was dubbed "potash fever." The demand for wood ash fertilizers faded once other, cheaper...
Santa Monica
How to Make Maple Syrup
If you have sugar-maple sap at your disposal, transform it into delicious maple syrup for pancakes and more in three simple steps. Adding a splash of heavy cream will calm this, or if you want to keep the syrup pure, be ready to move the pot around or...
How to Make Beeswax Salve
Oils useful for moisturizing and mixing with beeswax are listed below. Other essential oils that might be problematic include angelica, bergamot, cumin, dill, tagetes and yuzu. If you add a solid, such as shea butter, at room temperature, it can affect...