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How To Make Sweet Plantains

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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pine Needle Basketry
She discusses harvesting, storing and preparing pine needles for weaving and even dyeing pine needles for colored projects. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter
Smaller pieces compost better, regardless what unit or method you use. The company graciously sent me a unit to use and review, so I'm sharing my experiences in a series of three articles.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Appalachian Basketmaking
While the roots of the designs can be traced to Scots-Irish or Germanic origins, materials are uniquely North American and influences attributed to Native Americans noted.This book isn't a ‘how-to' for beginners.
El Segundo
Making a Living Wreath
There are various ways to create a living wreath, but using succulent plants likeand Prometheum, which is a form of Crassula, makes a nice living wreath arrangement. You can create your own living wreath with succulents, sphagnum moss and a wreath base.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
I'm adding several new layers of yard trimmings and kitchen waste.Lawn trimmings are excellent compost material. Another big plus is that my lettuce-eating dog doesn't have access.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
The nutrients in compost will not burn tender plants and many gardeners like to incorporate into their containers as an easy way to add texture and add nourishment to pot-bound gardens.My Toteris starting to produce compost now and it is a lovely texture...
El Segundo
How to Make Sour Grapes Sweet
Wine grapes come in over 5,000 varieties each ranging in different colors, flavors and sweetness. If you have an egg allergy, you can use an egg substitute.Pour 2 cups of white granulated sugar in another bowl.
Santa Monica
Plantain Plant Care – How To Grow Plantain Trees
Unlike bananas though, which are eaten fresh, plantains are almost always cooked.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Plantains are grown from a super long 12- to 15-foot underground rhizome.
Sweet Potato Vine Winter Care: Tips On Winterizing Sweet Potato Vines
Read on to learn how.If you have space, you can simply bring the plants indoors anduntil spring. Keep the water level above the roots.If you decide to pot the rooted cuttings, place the pot in a sunny spot and water as needed to keep the potting mix lightly...
Sweet Cicely Care – Tips On Growing Sweet Cicely Herbs
Just water as needed to keep the soil moist, as sweet cicely generally needs about an inch of water per week.Fertilize regularly. The plant is easy to dry and retains its sweet aroma even when dried.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Information About How To Harvest Sweet Potatoes
This will buy you a few more days for harvesting sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes have delicate skin that is easily bruised or broken. Don't toss the freed potatoes into your carrying container.
Sweet Potato Scurf Information: Treating Sweet Potatoes With Scurf
However, like any plants, growing sweet potatoes can have its own challenges. Sweet potatoes should only be planted in scurf free recommended to ensure that sweet potatoes are not planted in the same area within a three to four year period.Crates,...
Sweet Potato Vine Division: Tips On Dividing Sweet Potato Vines
Dividing sweet potato vines to propagate new vines is easy, as the vines grow from fleshy underground tubers. Read on for tips on sweet potato vine division.Sweet potatoes grow year round in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11, but in cooler climates,...
Sweet Potato Black Rot : How To Manage Sweet Potatoes With Black Rot
The dark areas have a bitter taste and are not palatable. Exercise good care of plants and sanitation practices and most of the sweet potatoes should escape significant damage. Sometimes, the entire root rots.
Sweet Potato Plant Starts: How And When To Start Sweet Potato Slips
Sweet potatoes may seem like a relative of the common white potato, but they're actually related to, sweet potatoes are grown from small seedlings, known as slips. Once you have the slip in hand, place it in a glass or jar of water for about two weeks,...
Sweet Potato Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Sweet Potatoes
There are more than 6,000 different varieties of sweet potatoes worldwide, and growers in the United States can select from more than 100 different types.are versatile veggies that may be mild or extra sweet, with flesh of white, red, yellow-orange or...
Potato Vine Plant Leaves: Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?
For the big, sweet tubers. Once the sweet potato greens are tender, chop the leaves and use them in recipes or saute them with butter and garlic, then splash the hot sweet potato greens with soy sauce or vinegar and a dash of salt.Potato vine plant leaves...
Sweet Potato With White Leaves: Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Bumpy Leaves
It's unlikely to be a serious problem, but read on to learn how to cure a sweet potato with white leaves.The most common causes of white bumps on sweet potato leaves are edema,Edema occurs when the water distribution and intake systems in sweet potatoes...
Sweet Potato Rotting After Harvest – What Causes Sweet Potato Storage Rots
Other sweet potato rots. A number of bacterial and fungal pathogens cause storage rot of sweet potatoes. As the tuber is stored, the tissue surrounding the lesion shrinks and dries, resulting in a hard, mummified tuber.
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
This is a good time to mulch the plants as well.Water the soil around the plants often enough to keep it moist, applying the water slowly and deeply.Fertilize with half-strength liquid fertilizer twice during the growing season.
Sweet Potato Root Knot Nematode Control – Managing Nematodes Of Sweet Potatoes
Read on to learn more.Root knot nematodes of sweet potatoes are white to yellow and live amongst the storage roots. How then can sweet potato root knot nematodes be controlled? They overwinter as eggs in the soil and complete their life cycle in about...
What Is Sweet Potato Pox : Learn About Soil Rot Of Sweet Potatoes
The root has become popular as an alternative to traditionalDiseases of sweet potatoes, such as pox, cause millions of dollars in economic losses. The fibrous feeder roots will rot at the ends, interrupting plant uptake.
Sweet Thorn Information: What Is An Acacia Sweet Thorn Tree
Birds nest in them, and the flowers attract insects to feed the birds. The leaves, bark, gum and roots are used in a wide range of traditional remedies.) are highly ornamental plants that you can grow as a multi-stemmed shrub, or prune to a tree with...
Why Don\'t My Sweet Peas Flower – How To Get Sweet Peas Blooming
Are not blooming! It can be frustrating when you've done everything you can think of to help your flowers thrive, but they refuse to bloom. Bear in mind, though, that sweet peas don't like to be transplanted in hot weather.
Sweet Pea Problems: Reasons For Sweet Pea Flowers Falling Off
Even moisture helps prevent many problems with sweet peas.High nitrogen fertilizer results in lush foliage growth at the expense of the buds and flowers. To prevent a reoccurrence of bud drop next year, try delaying the planting date by about two weeks.When...
Sweet Potato Companions: Best Companion Plants For Sweet Potatoes
Depending on variety, sweet potatoes need between 100 and 150 days of good hot weather – above 65 F. Both are strong growers and fierce spreaders, and putting the two next to each other will only result in a fight for space in which both will likely...
Sweet Pea Seedpods: Tips On Collecting Seeds From Sweet Peas
Choose an heirloom variety for saving seeds. If the pods begin to split, you should pick them right away.Collecting seeds from sweet peas is easy. Line a flat surface, such as a countertop or cookie sheet, with newspaper and let the seeds dry for about...