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Making a Living Wreath
Even dipping the cuttings in rooting hormone can be used.A few days before creating your living wreath, separate or clip the succulents. These will have to be watered more often than the succulents and will die back in winter.To build a living wreath...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
I could feel the heat of the cooking compost today when I held my palm to the side of the container. Unlike many of the other composters on the market, the Toter Composter is totally free of BPA's so is completely safe to use the compost in vegetable...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
The elevated planters are prone to dryness and the compost will help retain moisture in the soil.A fresh pile of pulled weeds and yard trimmings is layered in the Toter and I'll continue to add material as It is available.
El Segundo
How to Make Sauerkraut
If you use a different container, place a plate overtop of the cabbage to compress it. “In hot weather it's very common for surface mold to develop,” Katz says. Fermenting crocks typically come with stones to weight down the sauerkraut.
How to Make Rosemary Potpourri
The leaves should easily fall off onto the newspaper. Use your fingers to gently stir and redistribute the leaves each time you check them. If you cannot harvest enough fresh rosemary leaves, you can purchase more from a local greenhouse or grocery store.Spread...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Terrarium
Fog on the glass indicates overwatering, in which case, you should let the container dry out for one to two days by removing the lid or placing the container in a slightly warmer area before returning it to its original location and resuming waterings.
How to Make Mandevilla Bloom
During winter, reduce watering to once a week or so the soil dries slightly between waterings. Plants are often grown as an annual in colder climates, but with proper winter care, the plant can survive in any climate.
Santa Monica
How to Make Hydrangeas Purple
Watch out for white cultivars and a few pink ones that do not change color no matter what you do to them.You'll see most bigleaf hydrangeas in "baby" colors -- blue or pink -- but careful adjustment of the soil can result in purple hues.
Santa Monica
How to Make Chewing Tobacco
If leaves start turning yellow, harvest immediately.Cure the tobacco by hanging it to dry. If you have too much tobacco to completely coat, make another mixture of apple and molasses.Put finished chewing tobacco into airtight bag to use immediately, or...
Santa Monica
How to Make Orchid Fertilizer
Place the ground up shells in a jar with water and allow them to soak for five days. Some types grow in soil, while others grow on the sides of trees, taking their nourishment from the air and moisture around the trees, as well as from bits of decaying...
Santa Monica
How to Make Lilac Sachets
Harvest the lilacs for the project before they have begun to wilt, when the flowers are at their prime. These are typically small, decorative fabric pouches, filled with dried lilac blossoms.
Santa Monica
Teach Kids to Make Candles
Even if you're kids are all the same age, they're not all going to have the same attention spans. (I always use wick with wire in the center when I'm working with children because it will keep its shape much easier.) Then I have them form a line at the...
How to Make Blue Roses
Using only food coloring, water and cut white roses, you can create blue roses that make a great alternative to traditional red and pink roses.Fill a vase approximately half full of water.
Santa Monica
How to Make Homemade Paper
If the paper sticks to the mold, sponge off more water. Paper Preparation Fill a blender or food processor about half full of the recycled paper ripped into bits. Cut a piece of window or door screen, stretch it over the frame as tight as possible and...
How To Make Herbal Sugars
Sugar is an incredible preservative! Step 1 Forage in your herb garden for an appealing herb: mint leaves, lavender buds, rugosa rose petals, hibiscus blooms, basil, calendula. Step 2 Clean and section your herbs.
How to Make Orchids Rebloom
Others recommend trimming the flower spike to the base of the plant. The leaves should be a light greenish-yellow. However, avoid placing the orchid in direct sun; the leaves easily burn in sunlight.Orchids require regular watering, generally once a week...
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
Wood ashes contain oxides and carbonates that act as natural liming agents, causing the soil to be more alkaline. Do not allow wood ashes to come in direct contact with plant stems.
Santa Monica
How to Make Maple Syrup
For those willing to commit the time—sugaring's biggest demand—the process proves interesting and the end product rewarding (and delicious). The ideal setup for a small operation would be an outdoor fire pit with an awning—something in the open...
How to Make Beeswax Salve
Difficulty: Beginner Time: 1 hour or less Beeswax for Crafting Beeswax is a wonderful, natural ingredient you can use to make your own salves. Create a soothing balm for burns, sore muscles and dry skin by applying medicinal oils to beeswax.
How to Make Aerogarden Pods
Sales were strong, and AeroGrow eventually grew the AeroGarden line into 26 distinct models. AeroGrow International Inc.'s AeroGarden line of indoor home hydroponic growing systems is arguably the most popular mass-produced gardening kit in history.
Santa Monica
How to Make Roses Open
Cut a rose flower only after its sepals have opened and turned downward. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," poet Robert Herrick tells us, but he doesn't mention how to make them open.
Santa Monica
How To Make Seed Tape
Step 2 Jessica Walliser Dip the pointed end of the toothpick or wooden skewer into the glue just enough to get a small amount of glue on the tip. Keep adding seeds down the length of the toilet paper until the entire row is completed.
How To Make Flower Essences
It might also be effective for a person who is prone to cysts and soft tumors anywhere in their body. He suggests that this remedy shows a very quick result and provides supreme cleansing of the reproductive system.
Tips On Making Microclimates – How To Make A Microclimate
Large rocks or boulders absorb heat during the day and release it at night. Can you build ain that dry sunny place? You might extend your growing season by planting frost tender plants on the south side of your house using the sun and shelter of the building...
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
Don't arrange them in a row with the twine sides touching, creating a water-absorbing valley between bales. If fully outdoors, cover stacks of square bales (large or small) with tarps, securing the tarps with strong tie-downs.
How to Make Ginger Start to Grow Roots
Plant ginger in early spring.Allow the cut ends of ginger roots to dry so that the pieces don't rot after planting.Cut the piece of ginger root into 1-inch-long pieces, each having at least one "eye." The eyes are the structures similar to the eyes of...
Santa Monica
How To Make Your Own Topiary
If you are working on growing a small shrub, prune 1 inch off in areas where you need to fill in. This will allow the vine to crawl up the form and cover the a common choice for a vining plat topiary, though any plant that vines can be used,...