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How To Make Saffron

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Growing Saffron Indoors: Care Of Saffron Crocus In The Home
While dormant, do not water the crocus.Remember, the corms will multiply each year, so eventually you may have more than you need. Space the bulbs 2 to 3 inches apart.Situate the saffron crocuses inside in a cold room of between 35-48 F (2-9 C.), where...
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pine Needle Basketry
Humans have used baskets for storing food and tools long before the dawn of history.Carbon dating places some examples around 12,000 years old. Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter
'Greens' are nitrogens and will be moist. Two buckets of 'browns' to one bucket of 'greens' is the proper percentage of material for this unit.The Toter has a wire divider and an aeration chamber.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Appalachian Basketmaking
Students of folk-life, historians and collectors will appreciate this detailed resource. However, there are detailed diagrams and descriptions of the various patterns and methods these artisans used.Historically, basket makers were the poorest of the...
El Segundo
Making a Living Wreath
Moving the wreath indoors in winter makes a great centerpiece or wall hanging and a reminder of the gardening year ahead. You can create your own living wreath with succulents, sphagnum moss and a wreath base.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
As most everyone knows, watermelon is like candy for raccoons and the little masked bandits have yet to raid the container. And the trap door area was dry, despite the frequent rain showers.I've been really pleased with the lack of odor and stability...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
So, we can take away two lessons from this incident; juicy fruit may attract ants and you must maintain proper moisture levels to keep your compost working.The materials in the composter compact as the wet items wilt and dry.
El Segundo
Saffron Crocus
True saffron flavor has been described as bitter, yet savory.When used sparingly, quality saffron adds rich golden color, nutrition and flavor to foods, including traditional Spanish cuisine and risotto Milanese.
El Segundo
How to Make Sauerkraut
“In hot weather it's very common for surface mold to develop,” Katz says. The hotter the weather or the less salt used, the more quickly the sauerkraut will be ready. “The vegetables have to be submerged under liquid,” Katz notes.
How to Make Rosemary Potpourri
Add 1 cup dried lavender, 16 whole cloves, and the dried strips of orange peel. Its attractive growth habit and scent make it ideal for use in the home garden. Run the pinched fingers down the length of the stem while holding it over the newspaper.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Terrarium
If your moss is damp but slightly stiff, spritz with water for pliability. If you're starting with dry moss, soak it for at least 10 to 15 minutes prior to use. Fog on the glass indicates overwatering, in which case, you should let the container dry out...
How to Make Mandevilla Bloom
Plants require enough sunlight to encourage blooming.Plant the mandevilla plants in a garden or in a container. Plant mandevilla plants in equal parts of garden soil, humus and coarse sand so the soil has good drainage.
Santa Monica
How to Make Hydrangeas Purple
Growing bigleafs in soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 may produce purple flowers, or it may result in flowers with both pink and blue blossoms.Test your soil pH first, to get a starting point, using a simple pH tester kit you can buy at the garden store.
Santa Monica
How to Make Chewing Tobacco
This may take up to two months. If you have too much tobacco to completely coat, make another mixture of apple and molasses.Put finished chewing tobacco into airtight bag to use immediately, or an oak cask to age further depending on your preference.
Santa Monica
How to Make Orchid Fertilizer
Discard the grounds, keeping the liquid.Heat 10 broken eggshells in a 200-degree oven for 30 minutes to kill bacteria. The remaining water is a rich source of calcium for plants.Dilute 1 tsp.
Santa Monica
How to Make Lilac Sachets
Harvest the lilacs for the project before they have begun to wilt, when the flowers are at their prime. Use the sachets yourself, or make them as gifts.Cut bunches of lilac blossoms from the plant, leaving enough stem to secure the bunch-like bouquet.Secure...
Santa Monica
Teach Kids to Make Candles
He or she then walks around the other table back to the first vat of wax. I give each child about a foot's worth of wicking and tell them to bend it in half, putting their finger in the bend so that the two ends dangle down.
How to Make Blue Roses
Your roses should be a blue color relative to the amount of food coloring you added to the water. Allow them to remain in the water for at least 24 hours for the best results. It's easier to make one large batch than several smaller batches.Add several...
Santa Monica
How to Make Homemade Paper
If you find success at creating homemade paper, craft it into value-added paper products you can sell on your farm. Cut a piece of window or door screen, stretch it over the frame as tight as possible and staple it to the frame.
How To Make Herbal Sugars
With leafy herbs, like mint, there's a subtle color change, but the more you add the darker it will be. The color will be more pronounced with herbs like rugosa rose and calendula.
How to Make Orchids Rebloom
If the orchid is a houseplant, when outside temperatures drop at night, open a window to pull in the cooler night air. If the orchid's leaves are dark green, it's not receiving enough light.
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
Wood ashes are also high in salts that may leach out in large quantities and cause plant damage. Tree bark also yields more ashes than the inner wood. In potassium-deficient soils, potash from wood ashes encourages your plant's development, helping them...
Santa Monica
How to Make Maple Syrup
Wipe off any drops from the rim of the jar, and seal it with a standard lid and ring. The syrup is ready to eat as soon as it cools, but we've found the flavors, as with pickling , are richer after curing in the jars for two to three weeks—if you can...
How to Make Beeswax Salve
Each essential oil has distinct properties. A little bit goes a long way, so use it sparingly. You'll save money, and your skin will be healthier and happier. This article originally appeared in the July/August 2013 issue of Hobby Farm Home.
How to Make Aerogarden Pods
This one package of weatherseal makes a lot of grow sponges.The stock AeroGarden nutrient tablets can be replaced by liquid nutrient solutions such as these liquid and powdered nutrients from the following third-party manufacturers (current as of February...
Santa Monica
How to Make Roses Open
When cutting flowers in your garden, have a bucket with you, and plunge each flower's stem in the bucket as soon as you cut it. Soak cutting tools in denatured alcohol, too, and keep the cutting blades sharp.
Santa Monica
How To Make Seed Tape
Step 4 Jessica Walliser When all the seeds are in place, run a thin line of glue down one side of the toilet paper, about 1 inch away from its edge. Step 3 Jessica Walliser Place the seed onto the toilet paper near its center line.