If you're using powdered cayenne pepper instead, use 4 or 5 teaspoons of spice per 1 cup of oil. The salve should feel pleasant and gently warming. It probably goes without saying, but you shouldn't eat cayenne salve either! While products with capsaicin...
Any harvested branches can be loosely bundled and dried in your barn or garage with good air circulation. What You'll Need: 11-13 branches in 36-inch lengths 1 foot strong twine clippers bathtub Step 1 Cut the bottom portion of your willow branches into...
Leave more than you take. (I used two twigs with side branches to form an X on the base. In making this trug for my garden, I took a walk around our property and found quite a few options.
This is also a great way to add a little extra color and texture to the project. You can never have too many baskets, especially in the spring. Employ these simple, homemade baskets throughout the year to collect your harvest, gather eggs or do do numerous...
They can be grown in any temperate climate and have been used to carry water and food, store seeds, and create musical instruments and religious objects. This article originally appeared in the July/August 2012 issue of Hobby Farm Home .
Spread netting out on a smooth worktable and cover a 6-by-8-inch section with silk noil fiber , gently teasing it apart and distributing it fairly evenly. Williams Museum of Papermaking at Georgia Tech, paper was first made around 100 B.C. in China.
Let soak overnight Step 2 Patricia Lehnhardt Place a few stones or glass pebbles in the bottom of each cup. Turn the cups as the wheatgrass grows to keep it growing straight up, as it will grow toward the light.
Add the peppermint essential oil, and stir again. Homemade lip balm is a quick and easy project for all ages and makes a great stocking stuffer, too! This fun recipe uses chocolate chips and peppermint essential oil for added flavor and scent.
When you come to the end of the piece of raffia, pull the needle under to make three to four stitches and trim. Run the stitches along the previous row for 1 inch, omitting the rope at this time.
For example, as the oils, fats and other ingredients are being measured, double-check your child's work before it leaves the scale. Sometimes I'll see my kids checking on the soap as it dries on the racks after it has been molded.
Lay your fabric on an ironing board or another smooth surface. If the edges begin to lift, just pull out the iron and parchment paper and press it again to refresh it. From now on I'm going to be looking at the designs and colors of my shopping bags in...
Get the Look: Find starter plants at the farmers market, or dig up a small plant from your own garden. Lavender Printing Add color and perhaps some scent to your package by using herbs to color the wrapping paper.
Bring to a boil, cover, lower the heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Try these egg recipes from HobbyFarms.com: Crab-Stuffed Deviled Eggs Spinach Salad with Hot Bacon Dressing Smokey Eggs Salad with Toasted Pecans Chicken Empanadas with Guasacaca Sauce...
« More of The Craft Hub » Tags autumn , craft , decor , decoration , fall , Lists , pumkins , pumpkin Step 2 Insert the toilet-paper or paper-towel roll into the center of the jar.
What I didn't know then, but I'm sure my mother did, as she tried to launder the muddy clothes I gave her, was that dirt contained minerals that contained pigments that would color cloth.
Coreopsis Ink 1/2 cup dried coreopsis blooms (coreopsis tinctoria) 1 cup water 1 teaspoon alum 1/2 tsp. Even the black raspberry ink, which starts out as a blue, changes over the course of a couple weeks to a purple.
I even found her plant and seeds lists, which I incorporated on the artsy shallow dish to hold my seed packets ready for spring. Decorating Your Bowl Patricia Lehnhardt Here's where it's fun to get creative with your homemade bowl.
Melt soap in 3- to 4-inch chunks slowly until just melted. Find it on sale at Amazon , Barnes and Noble and wherever books are sold. I call these little bars “caterpillar bars” because they're made in a baking mold that has an elongated, curved shape—like...
Add the warm coconut oil, along with the remaining oils to your slow cooker, turned on low heat. However, it's a little trickier to find than other oils. Make sure it's in a safe place where pets and children can't reach.
Place the pan over a medium-low burner until the beeswax has melted. Stir thoroughly again for a few minutes. Sooth scrapes, rashes and hot spots with this simple three-ingredient balm.
Show your appreciation for your holiday hosts by arriving at their doorstep with a gift that's as useful as it is beautiful. « More of The Craft Hub » Tags culinary , decor , herbs
Spoon the hand cream into glass jars for storage. Substitute all or part of the liquid oil portion with other oils, such as rosehip seed, tamanu, jojoba, hemp, avocado or sweet almond.
Create your own natural paints that can be used for decorating fabric using this pigment-making technique. For the project below, I used weld, coreopsis, madder, Queen Anne's lace and walnut hulls.
(Note: Never pour the goat milk into the lye. Also make sure that kids and animals aren't underfoot. Also, depending on the additives you've included, you may need to be careful of high temperatures because the additives may burn or degrade in quality.
DIY Fly Sprays Many commercial sprays are available for livestock and human use but might not be considered safe across all species. Homemade Fly Paper If the thought of using standard, hardware-store fly paper has you backpedaling and reaching for the...
Even most store-bought soaps are made with lye. Never use it around children or pets. Modern times have brought about man-made substitutes to replace the wood-ash solution. For this reason, it's also a good idea to mix lye in your kitchen sink.
Whether the box ends up being sold to a customer or serving as a gift for your own mother, I hope you enjoy this fun springtime project. For Mother's Day and Easter, I decided to color my planters in purple and green pastels.