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How To Make Ghee From Butter

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Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter
I had banana peels, lettuce leaves, kale, potato peelings, eggshells, (crush them before adding) and coffee grounds, including the paper filters.I added a layer of brown yard waste over the wire divider and then my kitchen scraps.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Appalachian Basketmaking
Students of folk-life, historians and collectors will appreciate this detailed resource. However, there are detailed diagrams and descriptions of the various patterns and methods these artisans used.Historically, basket makers were the poorest of the...
El Segundo
Making a Living Wreath
You can create your own living wreath with succulents, sphagnum moss and a wreath base. There are various ways to create a living wreath, but using succulent plants likeand Prometheum, which is a form of Crassula, makes a nice living wreath arrangement.
El Segundo
Gifts From Your Garden; Easy Ideas and Crafts
This can be done with only one color, or a mixture of colors. Yes, sometimes that means we're sly like a fox, but we're also clever and creative. Most often they are pricey decorator pieces that most of us can only wish for.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
It is just around the corner from my back door and you don't even know it is there. It seems critter-proof and the watermelon remains untouched. Remember, whatever chemicals that are sprayed on your lawn, go into your compost, so if you're using the compost...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
The Toter Composter is a new tool on the market that gives us a different twist on an old process. Yep, I'm growing my own tea! Each planter got a nice layer of the new compost to act as mulch and release nutrients into the soil.I used the rest of my...
El Segundo
How to Make Clones From Tree Clippings
Use more sticks if necessary.Water the branch as needed to keep the soil moist. The cloned trees will be genetically identical to the tree they were taken from. Cuttings will take two to nine weeks to develop a root system, depending on the type of tree.
Santa Monica
How to Make Applesauce from Fresh Apples
My apple trees have an overabundance of fruit this year, and it was quite unexpected. We celebrate them in pies, cakes, sauces, jellies and cobblers. Before filling the bags, I write on the label space what the contents are, the date, and other important...
El Segundo
5 Ways to Make Money From Your Goats
Goat's milk has more calories and fat than cow's milk but it also has more protein (and the same amount of calcium). Establishing a goat dairy is a major undertaking. The price—and number of goats required—varies with the size of the project.
How To Make A Scarecrow From Farm Materials
Today, they're growing in popularity because their bare-bones construction offers an inexpensive and environmentally acceptable deterrent against pesky predators. Big, bright scarecrow eyes have a fearsome human quality that puzzles birds.
How to Make a Green House From Old Windows
An 8- by 10-foot greenhouse will give you enough room for 100 or more plants if you plan it carefully.Choose the site of your greenhouse. Make sure that the base of the floor is level and smoothed by pounding the dirt with a tamper.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
As the wood grows thinner you will have to prop it up by places wood blocks or other heavy material on each side of it to prevent it from falling over.Leave the slabs as they are for the most rustic look, or smooth them with a wood planer for a finished...
Santa Monica
Trash to Treasure ~ Making a Planter from a Milk Crate
So I decided that now was the time to transplant the coleus into the milk crate.I started out by cutting a square out of landscaping fabric that was the same size as the bottom of the milk crate.
El Segundo
Make Compost Tea From Chicken Manure
You'll need a good-size bucket filled with composted chicken manure, so start collecting. Your plants will love it, and you'll begin to appreciate your chickens' poop instead of looking at cleaning out your chicken coop as a dreaded chore.
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
Vegetable ghee serves as a substitute for traditional ghee, an important ingredient in many Indian dishes. It has a buttery, nutty taste that is somewhat milder than that of traditional ghee.
Santa Monica
Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Make a Peanut Butter Feeder from a Section of its Trunk to Attract Birds to Your Garden
But when your neighbors seethe birds flock to your yard, they'll see their tired old tree in a whole new light!Martha Sargent's No-Melt, All-Season Peanut Butter SuetI've had this recipe in my file for years.
El Segundo
How to Make Sauerkraut
Cover crock or container with lid or cloth, and set in secluded spot. This salt-and-water solution is used during the fermentation or pickling process to cure the cabbage. “It doesn't require sophistication at all,” Katz says.
How To Make A Tree Straight And Stop Trees From Leaning
Attach a rope or wire as a guy to the stake, but never attach it around the trunk of a tree. The roots must be replanted below grade level. The bark of a young tree is fragile and these will chafe or slice the bark.
Crafts With Gourds: How To Make Water Canteens From Dried Gourds
Check the gourd once a month till dry. Continue to drill small holes until you can break the cork opening out. Be sure to leave a few inches of stem on the each of the gourds.The best way in how to dry a gourd is to place it somewhere dry and cool.
Trash To Treasure: How To Make A Planter from An Old Pair Of Bluejeans
They fit perfectly in the size 9 jeans. It will only add to the worn look to the container.These unique planters will certainly draw lots of attention in your garden, but as with all organic creations, they have a lifespan.
El Segundo
Make Yummy Plum Sauce from Wild Plums
She puts it in 8-ounce containers and pops it in the freezer. In some places, wild plums taste sweet, and in others, they're sour. It thrives from southern Saskatchewan east to southern Quebec and Maine, then south to Arizona and Florida, and it grows...
Fruit And Vegetable Plant Dyes: How To Make Natural Dyes From Food
Read on to find out how to make natural dyes from food.Prior to the invention of Rit dye in 1917, people dyed cloth with aniline dyes primarily supplied by Germany, but the advent of WWII severed this supply leading to Charles C.
My First Bee Colony Split: How to Make 2 Hives From 1
This ensures that your bees start off good, and it gives you an opportunity to diversify the genetics of your beeyard. You'll need everything the first colony has. And who doesn't want more bees?
How to Make Rosemary Potpourri
Run the pinched fingers down the length of the stem while holding it over the newspaper. Rosemary is an herb that is know for its aromatic leaves and blue-gray foliage. Your leaves should be dry after three to four days.Peel one orange with a knife.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Terrarium
Based on the size of your container, pull apart moss into long strips that are 2 to 3 inches wide. While dry, forced air is more conducive to growing succulents and cacti, these plants can require more care.
How to Make Mandevilla Bloom
Plants require enough sunlight to encourage blooming.Plant the mandevilla plants in a garden or in a container. Plant mandevilla plants in equal parts of garden soil, humus and coarse sand so the soil has good drainage.
Santa Monica
How to Make Hydrangeas Purple
Both thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. To lower pH by one full point, add .2 pounds of sulfur or 1.2 pounds of aluminum sulphate per 10 square feet.
Santa Monica