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How To Make Condensed Milk

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Making a Living Wreath
Flip the wreath base over and add another layer on top. In winter, conifer greens and pine cones ring in the Christmas season, while dried flowers woven with grasses prolongs the bounty of summer.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
It seems critter-proof and the watermelon remains untouched. Compost is 'Black Gold' to gardeners and we are always on the hunt for easier and faster ways to break down our kitchen scraps and outdoor trimmings.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
The unit is well designed, completely free of BPA and does a great job. The elevated planters are prone to dryness and the compost will help retain moisture in the soil.A fresh pile of pulled weeds and yard trimmings is layered in the Toter and I'll continue...
El Segundo
How To Make Goat-Milk Soap
Place your pots on the stove. Don't heat the mixture above 230 F or it will splatter. Excerpt from the Popular Farming Series magabook Goats . The beeswax has a higher melting point than the other two, so you may want to start heating it sooner.
How to Make Soap with Milk
Only use your equipment for soap-making and not for food preparation, and avoid using any equipment made from aluminum. Yield: 4 pounds Materials 2 12-quart stainless-steel pots spoon for stirring soap mold (You can purchase these from a soap-making supply...
Silybum Milk Thistle Info: Tips For Planting Milk Thistle In Gardens
Here are some tips for planting milk thistle in gardens:You can grow milk thistle in gardens with most types of soil, even soil that is very poor. As milk thistle is often considered a weed itself, virtually no weed control is needed.
Trash to Treasure ~ Making a Planter from a Milk Crate
Pretty hideous wasnt it?By the end of that day, the "new" milk crate looked like this:A few days have passed and I need to move some coleus from my Ostrich Topiary because I want to move the topiary into a full sun position.
El Segundo
How to Make Sauerkraut
Simply skim off this “bloom,” which is not harmful because, according to Katz, it's impossible for food-poisoning organisms to grow in the acidic environment of the fermenting process.
Garden Myths Busted: Artiifical Light, Milk Spray, The Bottom of the Pot
I'm sure that we have all encountered the high intensity headlights that have been installed on automobiles during the past decade.Does exposing plants to this artificial high intensity lighting affect them?
El Segundo
How to Make Rosemary Potpourri
Gently mix together using your hands.Pour the potpourri into a decorative jar for display. Add 1 cup dried lavender, 16 whole cloves, and the dried strips of orange peel. However, its usefulness extends well past the landscape.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Terrarium
Prune plants as needed to encourage a fuller shape and maintain a small size. This article originally appeared in the January/February 2013 issue of Hobby Farm Home. Once your plants are where you want them, finish filling in with soil, creating an even...
How to Make Mandevilla Bloom
Stop fertilizing in fall and winter.Pinch back new flower buds when the buds are just emerging to promote a bushier plant. When bringing the plant indoors before the temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, use a pruning shears to remove at least...
Santa Monica
How to Make Hydrangeas Purple
If your garden plan includes purple hydrangeas, buy the right kind and prepare to get your hands dirty.Bigleaf hydrangea colors depend on the acidity of the soil.Don't just close your eyes and grab a plant in the garden store.
Santa Monica
How to Make Chewing Tobacco
As soon as you see flowers start to grow, you can start harvesting. Stir in a couple tablespoons of molasses to taste.Add shredded tobacco to mixture and stir until coated. Hang in a warm, dry place with proper ventilation.
Santa Monica
How to Make Orchid Fertilizer
Discard the grounds, keeping the liquid.Heat 10 broken eggshells in a 200-degree oven for 30 minutes to kill bacteria. The remaining water is a rich source of calcium for plants.Dilute 1 tsp.
Santa Monica
How to Make Lilac Sachets
Use the sachets yourself, or make them as gifts.Cut bunches of lilac blossoms from the plant, leaving enough stem to secure the bunch-like bouquet.Secure the bottom of the bunch, around the stems, with a rubber band and hang, upside down, in a dark, warm,...
Santa Monica
Teach Kids to Make Candles
With Candlemas, we can officially start thinking about light returning to the Earth; longer days, more sunlight and, yes, growing things in the dirt. Hot wax can be dangerous if the children can't or won't follow the safety rules.
How to Make Blue Roses
Blue roses do not occur naturally, and until only recently, they had never been successfully bred at all. This will make it easier for them to absorb the color, and you'll see results more quickly.Place the cut white roses in the vase of colored water.
Santa Monica
How to Make Homemade Paper
Lift the mold out of the water, wait for it to stop dripping, and ease it onto a piece of white felt or flannel fabric so the new paper is on the fabric and the mold can eventually be lifted off.
How To Make Herbal Sugars
Put each herbed sugar into its own bowl and stir it around a bit more to make sure it's well-blended. A handheld mixer would be useful if you have one. If you've chosen a leaf herb, like mint, remove the leaf from the stem for use.
How to Make Orchids Rebloom
In winter, you can use a full-spectrum grow light to provide additional light to help stimulate growth and new flower spike development. Monitor night temperatures -- the orchid should not be exposed to temperatures below 58 degrees F.Phalaenopsis, like...
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
It also encourages strong and healthy root development. Wood ashes are best used in soils where potassium is lacking, or in soils that are overly acidic.Homemade potash wood ash fertilizers are suitable for use in your garden, flower beds, around shrubs...
Santa Monica
How to Make Maple Syrup
Once you've collected a couple buckets of sap, start your fire. For those willing to commit the time—sugaring's biggest demand—the process proves interesting and the end product rewarding (and delicious).
How to Make Beeswax Salve
If you don't like the consistency of your finished salve, you can remelt it and adjust the ratios of beeswax to oil. More beeswax makes a thicker, more solid salve, while less beeswax gives the salve a creamier consistency.
How to Make Aerogarden Pods
An easy way to reduce the ongoing expense for new plantings is to make your own AeroGarden seed pods. These models require the longer seed pod basket. One type (the six-pod models) uses an air pump to constantly aerate the nutrient solution in which the...
Santa Monica
How to Make Roses Open
Soak cutting tools in denatured alcohol, too, and keep the cutting blades sharp. Leave the guard petals on each garden rose when you first cut it. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," poet Robert Herrick tells us, but he doesn't mention how to make them...
Santa Monica
How To Make Seed Tape
Step 5 Jessica Walliser Use a pen or marker to label the seed tape with its varietal name. Step 2 Jessica Walliser Dip the pointed end of the toothpick or wooden skewer into the glue just enough to get a small amount of glue on the tip.