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How To Make Butter From Milk

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Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter
Air is an important part of composting and you should leave some space for it to circulate. Composting instructions encourage you to dampen the pile if you feel that you don't have enough moisture.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Appalachian Basketmaking
Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. It is an in-depth study into the culture and peoples who craft these wonderful works of art. Anyone wanting to create a complete library of traditional crafts should include...
El Segundo
Making a Living Wreath
This base can be a specialized living wreath ring that resembles the skeleton of a Bundt cake pan, a double wire ring or a rearranged coat hanger. Some wreath makers like to do a "dry run," laying out the succulents in a pattern to view their design.When...
El Segundo
Gifts From Your Garden; Easy Ideas and Crafts
Move your botanicals around until you are pleased with the design. More than three colors can be distracting since the ones you use will blend and create shades and tones. It is best to limit your color selection to two or three colors.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
I've added kitchen waste and another layer of brown, dry material. We've had a great deal of rain lately, and the Toter Composter prevents waterlogging. I let this batch slightly dry before raking them.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
The juice dripped down and attracted a huge colony of ants. If the system is too dry, the process stops. By sharing what I've discovered, I think gardeners can make an informed choice as to which direction they prefer to go.
El Segundo
Trash to Treasure ~ Making a Planter from a Milk Crate
It all started last week when Allison said that she'd been thinking about using a milk crate as one of those many holed planters... They are too expensive and I'd rather recycle what I already have laying around the yard..
El Segundo
How To Make Goat-Milk Soap
If your soap won't immediately separate from the molds, place them somewhere cold for about two hours. Wear clothing that covers you completely, including rubber gloves, ventilation mask and goggles.
How to Make Soap with Milk
Only use your equipment for soap-making and not for food preparation, and avoid using any equipment made from aluminum. Whenever you make soap at home, follow safety guidelines: Wear long sleeves, an apron and safety goggles, and work in a well-ventilated...
How to Make Clones From Tree Clippings
Place the cut end of the branch into a jar of water.Fill a medium-sized plastic flowering pot three-quarters full with seed starting medium. The cloned trees will grow at the same rate and have the same pest resistance as the parent tree.
Santa Monica
How to Make Applesauce from Fresh Apples
In modern times, who has not taken a perfect apple to the teacher? Now you have a large bowl of fresh applesauce. Mash your bags flat and stack on a cookie sheet. That consisted of a sharp knife, and a large bowl containing salt water, a large stockpot,...
El Segundo
From Raw to Pasteurized: 6 Milk Considerations
“If it spoils in a day or two, you might have a problem,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Get educated from all of the sources to make your decision. Pasteurized debate have convincing reasoning for their arguments.
5 Ways to Make Money From Your Goats
A University of California report estimated startup costs in excess of $240,000 to run a herd of 500 goats on 55 acres. Goats require less space than cattle, and their meat is leaner than other red meats.
How To Make A Scarecrow From Farm Materials
Step 3: Build the Frame Rhoda Peacher Sharpen one end of the anchor pole with a hatchet, and pound it 2 feet into the ground to give your homemade scarecrow a sturdy backbone. Birds are perceptive with their sharp eyes and high vantage points.
How to Grow Watermelon From Seed With Milk
Milk and watermelon may not be a common combination in the diet, but they are good friends in the garden. There should be one mound for each plant you intend to plant.Cover each mound with black plastic to around 1 foot out from the base of the mound.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Green House From Old Windows
Knowing the building codes regarding your project will help you plan appropriately from the start. These will allow you to attach the walls of your greenhouse firmly to the foundation.
Santa Monica
Silybum Milk Thistle Info: Tips For Planting Milk Thistle In Gardens
Here are some tips for planting milk thistle in gardens:You can grow milk thistle in gardens with most types of soil, even soil that is very poor. Seeds can also be caught in the wind and carried easily on clothes and shoes, spreading it to neighboring...
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
Set the log lengthwise on a ground mount such as other wood for round and oval slabs.Cut the end of the log evenly across while facing the side of the trunk for a circle slab. Pioneers did the work with an ax and adz, but a chain saw provides a faster...
Santa Monica
Make Compost Tea From Chicken Manure
Because chickens eat a diet high in calcium to ensure strong eggshells, their manure contains higher amounts of calcium than manure from other livestock species. You can loosely cover it once it's diluted or just store it in a covered area.
Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Make a Peanut Butter Feeder from a Section of its Trunk to Attract Birds to Your Garden
Thanks, Martha!Melt the lard and peanut butter, and stir them together. The birds loved sheltering in it all winter, but next summer we did not love running over those sharp fallen needles with our bare feet -- ouch!My father came up with a different...
El Segundo
How to Make Sauerkraut
“We all need live nutrition,” says Sandor Ellix Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012).
How To Make A Tree Straight And Stop Trees From Leaning
Attach a rope or wire as a guy to the stake, but never attach it around the trunk of a tree. The exposed roots must be undamaged and relatively undisturbed.Remove as much soil as possible from under the exposed roots and gently straighten the tree.
Crafts With Gourds: How To Make Water Canteens From Dried Gourds
Once the gourd is relatively cleaned out, put a handful of sharp stones into the gourd and shake it around to loosen additional material.Melt beeswax and pour it into the water canteens.
Garden Myths Busted: Artiifical Light, Milk Spray, The Bottom of the Pot
When the first autumn frosts arrive, these green leaves die and the trees lose the resources that normally are scavenged during senescence. Each of us will draw our own conclusions.
El Segundo
Trash To Treasure: How To Make A Planter from An Old Pair Of Bluejeans
These cheerful planters are easy to make, and will bring a smile wherever they are hung. Now, make a loop with the short cord, bringing the remaining end up next to the first one. You have now created what is known as a Hangman's Knot.
El Segundo
Make Yummy Plum Sauce from Wild Plums
The fruit we ate was from wild, native-American plum trees. Wild plums are disease-resistant and cold- and heat-hardy. In some places, wild plums taste sweet, and in others, they're sour.
Fruit And Vegetable Plant Dyes: How To Make Natural Dyes From Food
Vegetable plant dyes (or fruit) have been around since ancient times and are enjoying resurgence today, as more and more of us try to filter out the use of synthetic products. The internet has some wonderful lists with specific names of a fruit or vegetable...