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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Appalachian Basketmaking
Craftspeople will find inspiration in the simple, but functional shapes.This book is a wonderful historical account of a dying craft and way of life. Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest.
El Segundo
Making a Living Wreath
Size and shape of the base may also be variable from circular to square to a cross or an 'X'; the only limitation is anchoring the moss to the wire. Remember that some of the succulents are fragile and the stems may break.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
It is also a free by-product of normal, everyday gardening and life. It seems critter-proof and the watermelon remains untouched. Over the past weeks, it has compacted and now takes up much less space.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
This incident caused me to let the material to get too dry. I did made a mistake a few weeks ago by adding fresh watermelon rind to the composter. The juice dripped down and attracted a huge colony of ants.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
But they just seem very reluctant to expose themselves by dashing out of a smoking tunnel into the fresh air above. And EFFECTIVE! I was amazed. Some places do want you to return a dead or wrong plant, perhaps because they've had too many customers try...
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
Watering is the key. And we know Amaryllis can lose its leaves and then put out new growth from the bulb. Try laying a few pieces of cut, raw potato around in the soil. I expect that Clivia, especially a ten to fifteen year old mature plant, can regrow...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
I liked the look so much that I started planting all my annual herbs in larger containers with a blanket of mulch over the top to hide the individual smaller containers. My advice is to concentrate on good soil and nutrients with responsible pest control.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
The most common and most trailing choices are the perennial Vincas, both major and minor, also called periwinkle. That will probably be faster for you than it would be for me. How tall is the wall or how far down do you hope things will trail?
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
You'll end up with a little less than 28 inches of bare ground in between them. Old manure and composted leaves make a great planting medium and many places will be grateful for you to haul it away.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
These are pots that contain a water reservoir that will release water to the soil as it starts to dry. If you can shelter the plants behind a parapet wall, upstairs room, bamboo screen, or the like, it can only help.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure. We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
It is possible that you may have a bit of leaf burn from the fertilizer, but it shouldn't amount to any lasting harm.As long as the tips of your branches remain alive, you should be fine.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
As time goes by, the ceanothus will crowd out these and a lot of the pitcher sage. The good news is, there are far more purple flowers than blue ones. Color is such a subtly finicky thing with some of us, myself included.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Answers: The term ‘winter protection' means to give your plant just a little help to survive a harsh winter. A few inches of mulch and maybe a large bucket covering that would insulate the roots enough to survive the winter.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
If you have a question you'd like us to consider, you may pose it in the. Many gardeners have learned to build layers of organics on the garden, which they then plant right into several months later; its called 'lasagne gardening.' You can find several...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure. Our writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions and answer them in an upcoming Ask-a-Gardener, one of our Saturday morning features.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
There are sticky traps you can get at a nursery or argicultural center that you can put in and around susceptible species to pick up on early infestations before they get out of control.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Should I give up on it, or what should I do? It has bloomed, but there are no roots, I put a miracle grow stick in it and it looks like it is dying. Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Scrolling up to "Search articles" I find the one I remember, by Jill M. An unpollinated squash will grow to about the size you indicate and then simply dry up and drop off. Many farms in Japan use this method because space is at a premium there.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
When a tiny plant only has a bit of a root the width of a sewing thread, it cannot possibly take in much water. They produced foliage, but never bloomed. I had this same problem as a young gardener when I transplanted some daffodils located at an old...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening knowledge! They do not like their roots standing in water and it tends to drain away quicker where the soil has been loosened.answers:...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Scraping the neck in a few places with your fingernail can help roots to form. Theforum blends newbie questions with experienced gardeners and no question is considered trivial. If the plant has a 1/2 inch neck, trim 1/2 inch from the bottom of the root...
El Segundo
What Is An Instant Garden: Tips For Making A Garden Overnight
Early that morning, I planted all of the gorgeous full-blooming annual flowers that I had purchased from the nursery in their pre-selected spots. After watering all of the plants in and spreading some finely chopped cedaron top of the soil, although you...
How To Start Your Flower Garden
Be aware of the quirks in your canvas before you plant and you'll save yourself a headache later on!The most amazing thing about the flower garden is that it's always changing. See ya' laterthere.
How To Build A Flower Bed – Starting A Flower Bed From Scratch
Before starting a flower bed, you need to plan ahead. Add about six inches of compost or rich soil on top with another layer of organic mulch (like straw) on top of this. Then carefully lift out or peel back the sod.
Garden Shape Design: Tips For Shaping The Garden
Put your garden shape ideas on paper first and then use containers to find and position your desired effect before placing anything in the ground.Remember, a boring garden is not the effect you want to achieve, so choose something pleasing and full of...
Cinder Block Gardening Ideas – Tips On Using Cinder Blocks For Garden Beds
Just do one layer. Keep reading to learn more about raised garden beds made from concrete blocks.Using cinder blocks for garden beds is especially nice because you can so easily pick your height.