For many people, a bracing cup of nettle tea is still a panacea for a wealth of health issues. Keep the growing stinging nettle seeds moist. Stinging nettle greens have been used for centuries to treat joint pain, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia.
The plant is recognizable by its thick stem and large leaves. It is common throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Use a hoe or shovel to dig out a patch of nettles that have become bothersome.Treat a sting first with cold, clean water.
It might have been that only an evening passed, and the next morning I heard my Aunt Bett talking quietly with Ninna in the kitchen. In those days there did not seem to be as much emphasis on proper diets for health purposes, so for a long time I probably...
And I am against using chemicals. Until this gardening year I killed ALL weeds, without mercy. In my mind, NO weed had any redeeming qualities. It will take some time, but in the meantime my good weeds will be working away in my garden, building highways...
Stinging Nettles are not popular plants, I have received many stings from them over the years. Not a simple matter and very few changes of nettle occurred without my getting a few stings along the way.The caterpillars grew and changed in appearance, so...
It is popular for the treatment of anemia and in support of reproductive health. Until then, I'm happy loving my native nettle, stings and all! At some point, this stingless nettle may very well jump the pond and show up in my backyard, and when that...
However, in the United States, many hazelnuts come from farmers in Portland, Oregon. If you don't have a nutcracker, use your shoe and a rock to crack the shell on the ground. It should be roughly round, yet lumpy all over.
Identifying oregano correctly will ensure that you have robust soups, sauces and other dishes.Dried oregano leaves are more flavorful than fresh oregano.Inspect the leaves. Oregano is a pungent, aromatic, intense herb.
German camomile plants grow to heights of approximately 20 inches. The center of the flowers is yellow, while the petals are white, resembling a daisy. If it smells faintly fruity, like apples or pineapples, you likely have a camomile plant in your hands.
Immature sizes and the complete absence of covering on some bulbs. For sorting and planting purposes, however, corms and tubers qualify as bulbs. We'll never know how many instant experts that now hard-to-find chart created.
Then I scrambled everything together until the eggs were thoroughly cooked (I added another tablespoon of oil to keep them from sticking), and enjoyed it with mint jelly-topped toast.
The berries are a little smaller than regular blueberries and grown at the ends of the branches. It is also dark-colored.Collect the juniper berries once you have identified all these parts of the juniper plant.
The scent of the sap is the distinctive smell of fresh cannabis.Check the cannabis leaves. Cannabis plants produce either male or female flowers -- not both on the same plant. A cannabis stem appears fuzzy or hairy, and it may leak a sap that has a strong...
Wine grapes are trained to grow on wires and other supports, whereas wild grapes climb fences, trees, shrubs and other vegetation. The upper surface of grapevine leaves is smooth and bright green, but the underside is a duller color and exhibits wooly...
The mature pecan has light brown bark when mature.Distinguish the black walnut tree by its unique nuts. Pecan nuts are a rich brown color, oblong and pointed on both ends. The nuts will split open to their base when they ripen.
Some varieties of raspberries will grow in southern states; however, they do not like the high summer heat and are more likely to be found in the northern states and Pacific Coast.
Use an apple-tree catalog or online resource to find pictures of individual fruit, and match it to what you see. These hardy trees are often found in the wild, as well, growing in deserted orchards or sprouting from seeds that have been dropped by passing...
For example, Cat's Claw is a twining, thorny vine that will wrap itself around a structure.Take note of any flowers or berries on the vine. If you cannot do so on your own, consult with a local nursery or your area's cooperative extension to determine...
Once you know that you're dealing with a grape plant, the next step is to determine which kind you have.Touch and review the leaves of the foliage on the vine. The Delight grape vine produces pale green grapes that are seedless.
They're small and grown mainly as foliage plants with tiny white flowers emerging low in the cups.The pineapple is a member of this genus. The center is often brightly colored in shades of red, yellow, pink or orange.These are often "air plants," which...
They have the same general tree shape as oranges but typically, about 2 to 4 inches across, and it has a very loose skin that makes it easy to peel.'Moro', get their name from the dark red color of the fruit as well as the occasional red spot on the outer...
The weakened tree is more prone to being attacked by fungi. Basidiomycetes exist as tiny thread-like filament under the bark of the tree. For example, Armillaria spp., Grifola frondosa, and Xylaria polymorpha affect the roots and butt of the tree.
Native Americans and African-American slaves also used sweet grass for weaving baskets. Note that sweet grass leaves do not have hairs.Notice how the sweet grass leaves curl as they dry in the sun, while other types of grass stay flat as they dry.Examine...
If you can see a thin layer at the end of the edge, it's a veneer, not mahogany.Observe the pattern and grain. These lines can be anywhere from 1/16 inch to an inch.Observe the color.
The second tallest locust, it reaches 40 to 70 feet tall. Often the dark brown pods are twisted. Growing from 40 to 80 feet tall, the trunk and larger branches bear stout, branched thorns up to 20 inches long that can cause serious injury.
Ohio buckeye trees have similar leaves, but the buckeye leaves are usually grouped together in a fan of five leaves and turn orange in the fall. Chestnuts used to be the main starch staple in Europe until the potato was introduced.
Yellow root thrives in the mountains, damp wooded areas and alongside streams. The color of the roots comes from berberine, an alkaloid presently used to treat gastrointestinal distress.