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How To Grow Salad

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Salad Burnet Plant: How To Grow Salad Burnet
There are also old cosmetic and medicinal applications for the plant. Older plants should be removed because their flavor is not as good as the plant ages. The leaflets are oval and lightly serrated at the edges.
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Coleus
They are a perennial, after all.New gardeners and gardeners on a budget should give coleus a chance if they have a bit of shade. I like to use them on my east-facing front porch. Sprinkle the tiny seeds on damp potting mix, press them into it and keep...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
The more sunlight your area has, the more water they will need and they can even do well with several hours of direct sunlight each day as long as their moisture needs are met. They see fantastic combinations in magazines or on the web and feel that the...
El Segundo
Belgian Endive
In about 6 weeks the heads can be dug up and consumed.If you are a clever home gardener, you can grow them in a sizeable bucket: Put the roots in tightly packed, fill in with moist soil, and cover with a black plastic garbage bag.
El Segundo
Delicious Christmas Decorations
I save these ornaments and decorate my home with them every Christmas, but I've learned about another ornament which can't be saved from one Christmas to another, but can be eaten on the same day: the apple candle holder.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: The Alba Rose
It produces copious amounts of the palest pink blossoms that turn pure white as they mature. The hips are large enough to be harvested and since rose hips contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, many gardeners grow it for this purpose.
El Segundo
First Time Growing Radishes
The seeds are edible and can be used as a spicy addition to salads; although you might need some time to get enough of them out of the pods! I had to find the time to do that because I have too many plants with pods, far too many for my needs.It took...
El Segundo
Supreme Winter Salads
"Baby cut" carrots often have added sugar, so you may prefer to shred or chop up some big carrots for your salad.To add sweet crunch, try cutting matchsticks of other root vegetables such as rutebega or turnips.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
The little plants should shoot up quickly and to make a bushier display, pinch out the center growing tip when they are between six and eight inches tall. Zinnia seeds are cheap and they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.They are one...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
In realty, this was an excellent choice, because the fleshy leaves contain quite a bit of moisture which makes it hard for fire to catch and burn.This plant reproduces by sending out little fleshy runners that produce a baby plant at the end.
El Segundo
Backyard Fruit Trees... Think Your Space is Too Small?
Backyard fruit production is another step in providing abundant healthy foods right at our fingertips. To economize on space, multiple-fruit trees or single fruit trees grafted on dwarf rootstock may be grown ineither in a formal shape or free-form against...
El Segundo
What do I do With All That . . . Mint
If you're having Indian food on the menu, don't forget to turn some of your mint into chutney.It tastes very "green" but goes exceptionally well with kebabs and chicken tikkas.Use either a mortar and pestle or a food processor to grind the following ingredients...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Daylilies are some of the easiest plants to ship by mail because of their fleshy root system. Let them dry inside for about a week and store them in the refrigerator.Seeds germinate best when they've had about 3 weeks of the cool treatment in the fridge,...
El Segundo
Salad Burnet
For the longest time I thought it must be a deep dark family secret since I never tasted that cucumber flavor when I ate anywhere else. The next time I find burnet, I am going to pick as many new leaves as I can, and I am definitely going to freeze them.
El Segundo
How to Keep Tulips from Falling Over
If you use this technique you will never have a fallen tulip again.
Santa Monica
How to Keep a Rubber Tree Plant Outside
For best results, bring your summer camper indoors before you turn on the central heating. Wherever your plant lives, keep the soil moist and allow it to go almost dry before watering.
Santa Monica
Growing A Salad Bowl Garden: Learn How To Grow Greens In A Pot
Container grown salad greens are also less expensive than purchasing those boutique baby greens as well. It's super easy, fast, and economical. And, with a rapid return, mostmature from seeding in about three weeks.
When to Plant Tomatoes in Missouri
Heirloom varieties, those that have been cultivated for more than 50 years, have an old-fashioned taste, but typically take longer to mature -- often needing more than 80 days to flower, fruit and ripen.Newer, hybrid varieties have been developed over...
Santa Monica
How to Preserve Plumeria Flowers
After being picked, delicate plumeria flowers can be preserved for up to 24 hours by soaking them in water, or for up 48 hours by refrigerating them.Pick the plumeria flowers close to the bottom of the stem where they join the tree so as not to crush...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Homemade Rat Trap
The plan usually involves an expensive mousetrap that you may not be able to afford, or involves a messy mousetrap that causes a horrifying scene at cleanup. Ridding your home of rats requires patience and a plan.
Santa Monica
How to Make Sour Grapes Sweet
Eating sour grapes can set your "teeth on edge" and may even make your tummy upset. Working in batches of five or 10, drop the grapes in the egg mixture, blot them dry to remove the excess egg, then roll them in the sugar.Arrange the sugared grapes on...
Santa Monica
Can You Use the Leaves of the Ginger Plant?
Add them during the last five minutes of cooking to retain the texture of the leaves.Fresh and dried ginger leaves make a mild and delicious tea. For the fullest flavor, chop ginger leaves just before you use them.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Mushrooms in Buckets
The mushrooms will grow out of these holes. Mist the mushrooms that emerge from the holes so they do not dry out. You can use coffee grounds, sawdust, straw or a mixture of the items to form the media.Open the bag of mushroom spawn.
Santa Monica
How to Plant a \
Cherry type and indeterminate types can grow quite tall (long). In the following steps you will find a few extra tips that are not included in the product instructions that will guide you through the process.Decide where you will hang it.
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Real Roses Last Forever
Remove the lid and use a soft paintbrush to remove enough silica gel to enable you to access the rose. If you are picking the roses from your own garden, harvest them in mid-morning on a dry day.
Santa Monica
What Are the Functions of Urea?
It is the body's breakdown of proteins and ammonia. The nitrogen makes the urea water-soluble and easy to mix in soil. The rain helps mix the urea with the soil.Urea is not very combustible, so it can easily be stored.
Santa Monica
The Potato: The World\'s Most Versatile Food
Dehydrated potatoes play an important role in feeding the hungry throughout the world. Once these initial stems reach the surface and begin to photosynthesize, new stems form underground which in turn become potatoes.In the past, potatoes were harvested...
El Segundo