They are generally tried and true plants of our mothers and grandmothers; because they had less time to spend on the garden and still loved having their homes look loved and cared for.
Press them lightly into the mix. If you are the type of gardener that can't abide surprises, these plants may not be for you. They produce vast amounts of seeds and the babies will sprout in unusual spots each spring.
Some varieties can tolerate more sun and there are actually ‘sun coleus' that thrive in brighter conditions. Most perk up right away once they've had a drink, but it does stress the plants when this happens often.Pinch the growing tips to shape your...
Many new gardeners are starting to plan their first adventure into our crazy, wonderful world. My front porch is in the full morning sun for several hours, but bright shade after about 10:00 AM.Caladiums look much more exotic and difficult than they really...
However, the same rose in my friend Kathleen's garden in upstate New York is much smaller. Check outfor instructions. Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus' is probably one of the most recognized, however a number of other notable works show roses with the same...
Clip the stems early in the morning and only take flowers that are just before their peak. Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging than their budding skills can handle.
Great for new gardeners, lazy gardeners and busy gardeners. They are generally very inexpensive and often a friend or neighbor will simply hand you a few 'chicks' if asked. This little succulent is native to the dry slopes of southern European mountain...
This way, you can watch over your seedlings and give them proper amounts of water and light. Daylilies are some of the easiest plants to ship by mail because of their fleshy root system.
Move the plant back outside during the day when daytime temperatures rise for a week or so before moving it outside full time.Prune a young rubber plant to eliminate multiple trunks and encourage scaffold branches -- branches one-half the diameter of...
Since most varieties of tomatoes will produce fruit until the first frost, the sooner you can move plants into the garden, the more tomatoes you'll harvest.For gardeners who like to sow their own seeds, start inside mid-March in a sunny window.
Blot them gently with paper towels. Plumeria flowers, also known as plumeria rubra and frangipani, are tropical flowers planted to scent gardens and are used in the making of leis because they are less prone to bruising.
The barbwire should replicate a swinging door.Glue a toothpick across the opening of the bottle. Rats infest homes and cause destruction to the areas of the house they live in. Place the toothpick high enough to stop the barbwire from swinging outward...
Place them on a tray and freeze them for at least three hours. Eating sour grapes can set your "teeth on edge" and may even make your tummy upset. Once you have plucked a bunch of sour grapes, you are stuck with them.
The ginger plant's leaves have the same flavor as its roots, but much less pungent. Have ginger tea on its own or enjoy it with a wedge of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Their collective flavor is too pungent to have on their own, but they give couscous...
Do not remove the lid from the bucket if you are using a lid. Create humidity by misting the bucket daily or by setting the bucket in a tub that contains about 1 inch of water. You can grow the mushrooms indoors or outdoors, as long as the mushrooms have...
Plants do not naturally grow in an upside down position so giving your young tomato seedling a few days to acclimate to the new conditions will help it adjust more quickly. It is best to have someone assist you by holding the ladder and handing you the...
Add the gel a little at a time, jiggling the container after each addition to settle the gel around the roses before adding more.Check the roses after three to five days. Cut the long end of the wire to the desired length, then wrap the wire with florist's...
For medicine, urea is used for dermatology, as a diuretic and in barbiturates.Humans produce 30 g of urea a day, mostly in their urine and small amounts through sweating. The nitrogen makes the urea water-soluble and easy to mix in soil.
Prior to GPS, growers would steer their tractors by sight. That's a lot of chips and dip! It is estimated that during the Super Bowl alone, 18 million pounds of chips are consumed in this country.
Turn the heat down to medium, or lower if necessary, to keep the liquid at a lightly bubbling simmer. Cook the peas for two hours or until they are tender and most of the liquid is absorbed.Pour the cooked peas into a colander and run cold water over...
Use the vine instead of the squash when handling the vegetable.Mix 6 parts water with 1 part household bleach, wipe the squash with the solution and allow to air dry. Squash is a common sight in many gardens.
The yeast feed on the sugar and produce CO2 as a product of respiration. Carbon dioxide gas -- CO2 -- can be used for enriching the growing conditions for plants. You can make your own CO2 generator with yeast and a sugar solution.
Turn the machine on to remove the excess air and seal the bag. Return the sealed bags to the freezer for up to one year. Usually, this requires five medium to large peaches. The soft texture of peaches will require them to be frozen before sealing.
Creating the ideal soil conditions will maximize the blueberry harvest and help the plants flourish. Unlike many fruit-bearing trees growing in the United States, blueberries offer the home gardener a chance to cultivate these delectable berries in small...
Additionally, the stem of false morels is solid and continues all the way to the top of the mushroom's cap. This honeycomb characteristic alone is enough to positively identify a morel mushroom, as no other species of wild mushroom has this trait.Cut...
It won't work for nonclimacteric fruit like cherries. The two types of fruit go through very different processes when they ripen, which is why methods used to ripen climacteric fruit doesn't work on cherries.Once picked, cherries stop ripening no matter...