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How To Grow Hyacinth Indoors

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The Remedy for a Musty Smelling House Plant
If the plant still smells, or has visible fungus or mold on the surface of the soil, repot in fresh soil. When repotting, check for slimy or malodorous roots — this is a sign of root rot, and usually means the plant should be discarded, unless most...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Philodendron
This prevents the wound from healing. These plants are sensitive to cold temperatures, but they can be grown as perennials in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lilac Fragrance
You, or someone you know, probably loves the smell of lilac. Seal the jars and shake them thoroughly. Distribute 2 cups of the lilac flowers evenly among the 10 plates, placing them carefully in the grooves of the lard.Place one set of plates on top of...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Pots
Moisten the tray contents thoroughly.Cover the seed tray with a clear plastic lid or plastic bag and place the tray in bright sunlight. This humidity- and heat-loving plant produces tall, edible canes and enjoys a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.5. If you live outside...
Santa Monica
How to Braid a Ficus Tree
The stakes should be tall enough to extend up to the bottom of the foliage.Cross one ficus branch over another, and begin braiding from the bottom of the trunks. Although larger trunks can be braided if they're supple, braiding will be easiest if the...
Santa Monica
Homemade Hydroponic Fertilizer
Many people enjoy gardening without the use of soil and just use water, called hydroponic gardening. From time to time, check your pH levels. Use a different container and combine making sure you mix the ingredients well.
Santa Monica
If I Cut the Wax Off a Store-Bought Lucky Bamboo Plant Will it Grow?
Commercial growers manipulate the type and amount of light given the plant to prompt it to grow in a twisted, contorted fashion.The purpose of the wax on the lucky bamboo cutting is to keep fungus from infecting the cut-end.
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed Indoors
Avocado trees take over a decade before they grow avocados, and indoor plants may never grow flowers or produce ripe fruit. Change the water every few weeks and do not let it become murky or stagnant.Watch your avocado seed grow into a tree.
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
The difference between distilled water and other types of drinking water is that distillation removes all the minerals of hard water, as well as chemicals found in tap water like fluoride and chlorine.
Santa Monica
Money Tree Problems
Because they produce a sticky substance called honeydew, the first sign of scales is often leaves that feel sticky to the touch. Unlike scale insects, mealybugs are soft-bodied and have long legs and antennae.
Santa Monica
What to Put in the Bottom of a Large Planter
Potted plants are a way to bring nature indoors or to organize an outdoor garden. Packing peanuts are nearly weightless and provide ample draining space for your soil. Opt for filler materials that are heavier than the top soil.All-natural or organic...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Greenhouse More Humid
As the water evaporates from below, the moisture will rise to the plants above, providing the added humidity they require.Use a small humidifier or cool mist vaporizer for a home greenhouse that is too dry.
Santa Monica
How to Drill Holes in the Bottom of a Plastic Pot
Squeeze the drill trigger and firmly press down until the bit penetrates the pot. Repeat the process for each hole.Rinse the pot with water, to remove any plastic shavings, before adding soil and your plant.
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings
Pat the soil down gently in the root area so you do not tear any as you go along. This usually takes two to four weeks. Make sure you use a plant container that has a drain hole; spider plants are susceptible to root rot if they sit in standing water...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Patchouli Indoors
Plant the other plants you have started in another container or give them away to family or friends.Place your patchouli plant in an area where it will not be in direct sunlight for more than eight hours at a time.
Santa Monica
How do I Organically Get Rid of Bugs in a House Plant\'s Soil?
Water again just at the point when the leaves start to droop. Bugs that escape to the top or bottom of the pot after the heavy watering with hydrogen peroxide will crawl over the diatomaceous earth.
Santa Monica
Why Are My Houseplants Sticky?
Alternatively, use the tip of a toothpick to remove the pests. Sap-sucking pests are often small and difficult to see, but the damage they cause is apparent. Keep insecticidal soap spray safely away from pets and children.
Santa Monica
Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton
The seeds begin sprouting in a few days. This becomes the top of the miniterrarium. The tops of your refrigerator or above a hot water heater are good locations.Remove the terrarium cover every day to make sure the cotton remains moist.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Philodendron
Because some species produce toxic chemicals, keep plants out of the reach of children and pets, and wear gloves when pruning. One of the hardiest species, cut-leaf or tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum, formerly Philodendron selloum), grows...
Santa Monica
Advantages & Disadvatages of Indirect Seeding
For this reason, the success rate for indirect seeding is higher than direct seeding, and will therefore yield a greater crop.Indirect seeding can potentially lead to greater expenses due to the cost of materials such as seedling trays, or possibly even...
Santa Monica
White Mold on Ferns
Reduce the moisture in the growing environment, allow plenty of air circulation and hose off the fern plant outside, if possible. Make sure any fungicide you use is recommended for fern plants, as this plant is very sensitive to many chemical solutions.
Santa Monica
Can Urea Fertilizer Be Used in Indoor Plants & How?
The formula decomposes with the assistance of micro-organisms and is therefore slower to release in winter. Nitrogen is ever present in the air but plants are not able to harvest the nitrogen from the atmosphere.
Santa Monica
How to Use Plastic Pop Bottles to Water Your Indoor Plants
Bottle is ideal.Remove the label with scissors or a sharp knife. Although you may be able to get a friend to stop by and water the plants, that requires giving someone else access to your home and arranging for keys to be exchanged.
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Plant-Leaf Polish
Rub the sides of the cloth together to spread the mayo thin.Rub the mayonnaise on the cloth into the leaves of the plant until they shine. Commercial leaf-shine products can be expensive, and may contain harmful chemicals.
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo?
Remember to keep water levels consistent over time.Lucky bamboo thrives in humidity. The Flower Shop Network advises that you mist lucky bamboo leaves and soil with water to maintain the plant in less humid environments.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bamboo Plants in Water
Lucky bamboo plants don't need a lot of water, and they will sprout roots wherever there's water -- if you fill the container all the way, roots will sprout all along the bamboo's stalk.Place the lucky bamboo in a draft-free location where it receives...
Santa Monica
How to Kill the Little White Worms in Houseplant Pots
Do not let the pot sit in standing water. Keep it in a well-ventilated, sunny spot. Small white worms in your houseplant's soil are most likely the larvae of the fungus gnat. This gnat thrives in moist, shaded areas and produce a maggot larvae that may...
Santa Monica