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How To Grow Dill Indoors

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How to Get Rid of Mushrooms in Potted Plants
Remove the top 1 to 2 inches of the potting soil and discard. The most common mushroom found growing in houseplants is Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, also called the yellow houseplant mushroom.
Santa Monica
The Remedy for a Musty Smelling House Plant
Water thoroughly, then allow soil to dry out before watering again.Even if you do not overwater your plant, plants that are growing in poorly-drained soil, or pots with out sufficient drainage can still become too wet.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Philodendron
Remove the plant from the container and gently pull the roots into two or more sections, making sure each section has at least two shoots. Many can be rooted in a glass jar or vase of water, but will develop a stronger root system if you root them in...
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lilac Fragrance
Seal and store the jar. Seal the jars and shake them thoroughly. Allow these plates to set in a cool, dark area for two days.Remove the tape after two days and replace the lilac petals with 2 cups of fresh petals.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Pots
The sugar cane stalk should have at least 10 to 12 node buds, spaced about every 6 inches along the cane.Cut the cane into two equal sections that are 3 feet each using a hand saw.
Santa Monica
How to Braid a Ficus Tree
The stakes may eventually need to be replaced with taller stakes. Although larger trunks can be braided if they're supple, braiding will be easiest if the trunks are less than 1 inch in diameter.Use shears or garden pruners to remove any small twigs that...
Santa Monica
Homemade Hydroponic Fertilizer
Put these into your feeding reservoir as you did with the seaweed tea.Many gardeners often use sphagnum moss, rockwool or lava rock to hold the plants straight. From time to time, check your pH levels.
Santa Monica
If I Cut the Wax Off a Store-Bought Lucky Bamboo Plant Will it Grow?
Commercial growers manipulate the type and amount of light given the plant to prompt it to grow in a twisted, contorted fashion.The purpose of the wax on the lucky bamboo cutting is to keep fungus from infecting the cut-end.
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed Indoors
The roots should sprout within two to five weeks. Space the toothpicks out evenly around the center of the avocado seed. Change the water every few weeks and do not let it become murky or stagnant.Watch your avocado seed grow into a tree.
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
If you already have a distiller, you can distill tap water with it, but you probably will not want to spend money on this machine just for plant watering. A student publishing at The National Student Research Center conducted an experiment in which seeds...
Santa Monica
Money Tree Problems
New leaves will grow back in their place. Insecticides may control scale infestations.Mealybugs are related to scale insects and also affect money trees. Scales drain sap from the plant and their honeydew leaves the plant more susceptible to fungal infections.
Santa Monica
What to Put in the Bottom of a Large Planter
Old bricks broken into large chunks are also an option for weighing down the bottom of containers and keeping soil drainage effective. Packing peanuts are nearly weightless and provide ample draining space for your soil.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Greenhouse More Humid
As the water evaporates from below, the moisture will rise to the plants above, providing the added humidity they require.Use a small humidifier or cool mist vaporizer for a home greenhouse that is too dry.
Santa Monica
How to Drill Holes in the Bottom of a Plastic Pot
Any pot that's bigger than six inches will need a center hole and three evenly spaced holes around the bottom edge.Choose the appropriate drill bit based on the pot's size. Potted plants and flowers require good soil drainage, since oversaturated soil...
Santa Monica
Try some dill - it\'s the 2010 Herb of the Year!
Dill is a delicious and easy-to-grow herb. Ler cultivars, but the it's the one I have found most often available on the racks of the garden center. (Of course, some, like poision hemlock, should not be ingested, ever!) Like many of the others, dill is...
El Segundo
How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings
Spider plants will do well in almost any type of good soil, but one that is peat based is ideal. The best way to root spider plants is to plant the spiderettes in their own pots while they are still attached to the parent plant, suggests the Botany Department...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Patchouli Indoors
Add water as necessary. Add water until it seeps into the reservoir at the bottom of the container.Plant five seeds, one in the center and the other four seeds 2 inches from the center seed, to form a ring around the center seed, 1/4 inch deep.
Santa Monica
How do I Organically Get Rid of Bugs in a House Plant\'s Soil?
The lacerations the bugs incur will cause them to lose moisture and eventually dehydrate.Place the plants in a well-ventilated area and allow the soil to completely dry out. Use 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water.
Santa Monica
Why Are My Houseplants Sticky?
Scale, common pests usually found on the stem or undersides of leaves, are small and have a waxy covering that protects them. To prevent the soap from scorching the leaves, never spray when the sun is directly on the leaves, then use a damp cloth to clean...
Santa Monica
Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton
While the experiment works with just about any type of seed, children can enjoy eating their own radish, alfalfa and broccoli sprouts.Fill a clear plastic cup about one-third of the way with cotton balls.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Philodendron
In the winter, when philodendron's growth slows or stops briefly, water only enough to keep the soil barely moist. Tree philodendron typically maintains a full, upright shape, but when the older leaves naturally wilt and turn yellow before they die, you...
Santa Monica
Advantages & Disadvatages of Indirect Seeding
For this reason, the success rate for indirect seeding is higher than direct seeding, and will therefore yield a greater crop.Indirect seeding can potentially lead to greater expenses due to the cost of materials such as seedling trays, or possibly even...
Santa Monica
White Mold on Ferns
Reduce the moisture in the growing environment, allow plenty of air circulation and hose off the fern plant outside, if possible. Make sure any fungicide you use is recommended for fern plants, as this plant is very sensitive to many chemical solutions.
Santa Monica
Can Urea Fertilizer Be Used in Indoor Plants & How?
In the usual fertilizer ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, urea is 46-0-0. Urea contains high amounts of sodium which act upon a plant hydration system much like it does in humans.
Santa Monica
How to Use Plastic Pop Bottles to Water Your Indoor Plants
Refill the reservoir regularly to provide a constant source of water. If you intend to use the bottle for watering on a regular basis, submerging the bottle to the cut rim improves appearance.Fill the bottle with water.
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Plant-Leaf Polish
Wipe off any excess mayo with a paper towel. This will remove the mineral deposits or dirt causing the plant to look dull.Turn the cloth over and put a drop of mayonnaise on the cloth.
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo? recommends to avoid giving tap water to lucky bamboo because the salt and fluoride contents will damage the plant.According to the Flower Shop Network, "soil should be kept moderately moist," not "soggy or dry." Inspect the soil before watering...
Santa Monica