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How To Grow Chrysanthemum

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Mum Plant Repotting: Can You Repot A Chrysanthemum
Then fill around the root ball with potting soil, and water lightly to settle the soil.Place the newly repotted mum in indirect sunlight and water the plant only when the top of the soil feels dry.
Issues Affecting Chrysanthemums – Treating Mum Plant Disease And Pests
Most mums are extremely vigorous and have few pests and disease problems but there are a few issues affecting chrysanthemums of which growers should be aware. Give the plant a little shake and then check the paper for moving black or red dots.are soft...
Growing Chrysanthemum Flowers: How To Care For Mums
This plant material may also be rooted asfor additional mums for the garden. Some of the newer chrysanthemum cultivars do not need pinching, but most benefit from the practice.Other tips on how to care for mums include fertilizing in spring with a time...
A Short History of the Chrysanthemum
Reflecting the spicy scents and mellow colors of autumn, chrysanthemums are a beloved component of the fall landscape. Mentioned in the writings of Confucius, the chrysanthemum stands as one of the most revered plants in the Asian world.
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Indoor Mum Care: Growing Chrysanthemums Indoors
They can be quite difficult to get to re-bloom in an interior setting but in warmer climes should be planted outside where they can get the appropriate lighting and resume their normal bloom schedule.Potted mums are not the same as the hardy varieties...
Chrysanthemum Bloom Season: Encouraging Flowers On Mums
In most regions, mums will survive outside as perennials and bloom annually. Cut the top growth back to the next branching growth area and the plant will produce more stems and bigger, more profuse buds.The best time to pinch plants is around July 4th,...
Chrysanthemum Varieties – What Are Some Different Types Of Mums
Examples include Starlet and Happy Face.– Quill mums display long, straight, tube-shaped petals. Examples include Moonbeam and Pixie. To simplify the process for home gardeners, plants are often divided into eight distinct chrysanthemum plant types.–...
Treating Yellow Leaves On Chrysanthemum: Reasons For Yellow Chrysanthemum Leaves
Also called hardy garden mums, these popular bedding flowers are generally trouble free. If you see chrysanthemum plants turning yellow, check whether these “plant lice” are present.Fortunately, you can eliminate aphid-caused problems with chrysanthemum...
Overwintering Mums – How To Winterize Mums
Because many people think that mums (formally called) are at best a finicky perennial, many gardeners treat them as annuals, but this doesn't have to be the case. Keep reading to learn more about how to winterize mums.The steps for wintering mums start...
Growing Mums In Containers: How To Grow Mums In Pots
The plants bloom well into the fall, and as you get later in the season, containers of them spring up for sale everywhere. If you follow some simple rules of chrysanthemum container care, however, you should be able to enjoy their blooms throughout the...
Chrysanthemum Information: Annual vs. Perennial Chrysanthemums
If you aren't sure which one you purchased, the best thing is to wait until next spring and see if there are any renewing leaves poking up from the soil.Chrysanthemums were cultivated in China as early as 15th century BC.
Organic Garden Pest Control: Using Chrysanthemum For Pest Control
If this all sounds too intensive, there are commercial insecticides on the market derived from chrysanthemums. Simply pick the flowers when they're at their fullest and leave them undisturbed in a cool, dark place with good air circulation until they...
Chrysanthemum Lifespan: How Long Do Mums Live
It's a good question, and one that often comes up in the fall, when garden centers are full of beautiful, flowering pots of them. Keep reading to learn about the lifespan of mums.So how long do mums live?
Chrysanthemums - the Wilderness Years
A personal perspective on the poor old Chrysanthemum from the heady days of the 1950's to the wilderness years and beyond... Every respectable 1950's garden had tidy rows of both, staked, so that they stood to attention like soldiers on parade.
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Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
Students who finished their work early were allowed to weed and water the plants. A solid mass of bright yellow blossoms brightened the red brick planter and wall behind it. Smiles lit their faces when they realized the flowers were still there – still...
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Mum\'s the Word
It is also a symbol of autumn in the western world these days and they are part of many harvest displays at private homes and businesses.Cultivation of chrysanthemums spread to Japan sometime around the eighth century.
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Autumn Interlude
Scores of birds will grace your garden as they gorge on the bounty of seeds preparing for either a migration south of the cold winter ahead.As the summer colors fade, the world around you has taken on a completely different hue as the lush green deciduous...
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Choosing and Caring for Autumn Mums
You might pay a little more in a privately owned nursery, but chances are they've taken better care of their plants. Deadheading the spent blossoms will keep the plant looking fresh and might even extend its life.Some gardeners like to save their potted...
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Tips For Overwintering Potted Mums
Even a few green shoots will produce a full-sized plant after a summer-long growing season. (Finally, you can trim off that old foliage!) Save only the stolons showing green shoots, and plant them in a sunny location in rich, well-amended soil with good...
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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Tough Plants for Southern Gardens
It would make a great gift for a beginning gardener or one who was downsizing the amount of work they had to put into their property. They are generally tried and true plants of our mothers and grandmothers; because they had less time to spend on the...
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Cockscomb; Celosia argentea var. cristata
If you are the type of gardener that can't abide surprises, these plants may not be for you. They produce vast amounts of seeds and the babies will sprout in unusual spots each spring.
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Coleus
Coleus are available in a huge range of leaf colors and combinations, so you should be able to find the perfect ones for your gardening style! Some varieties can tolerate more sun and there are actually ‘sun coleus' that thrive in brighter conditions.
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
They like warm, damp, shady conditions during their growing season and dry conditions when they are dormant. They quickly became popular hothouse plants in Europe and breeders soon developed varieties with larger and brighter leaves.
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: The Alba Rose
According to many sources, Pliny the Elder's (23-79 AD) description of white roses may have very well been albas. The War of the Roses (1455-1487) for the throne of England, pitted the 'white rose factions' and 'red rose factions' against each other and...
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How to Dye Chrysanthemums
Swirl the cup or vase gently to incorporate the dye into the water.Cut fresh, white mum stems at 45-degree angles, 1 to 2 inches up from the bottoms, to encourage maximum water absorption.
Santa Monica
As far as I can see, the two countries in the world that grow the most chrysanthemums are Japan and Italy. I'm nuts for mums and I've finally figured out my own chrysanthemum gardening strategy: Next year, I'll grow some tall mums to take to the cemetery...
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Even if you don't pinch them, they will put on a great show, but this helps the plants stay compact and not as likely to fall over in hard rains.There are zinnias for every area of the garden...and containers too! From the tiny little fellows that make...
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