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How To Grow Cantaloupe Indoors

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The Remedy for a Musty Smelling House Plant
Potting soil breaks down and becomes too spongy to drain — repot your plant according to its specific needs to prevent soil breakdown. If the plant still smells, or has visible fungus or mold on the surface of the soil, repot in fresh soil.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Philodendron
Cover the pots with plastic and place them in an area that receives bright, indirect light. To test root formation, gently tug on the cutting. Use a sharp sterilized knife to cut a 1-inch slit in the stem of the plant.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lilac Fragrance
Lilacs are one of the few flowers whose essence can be effectively extracted. You, or someone you know, probably loves the smell of lilac. Fold the muslin in half and place it over the funnel.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Pots
Maintain a temperature between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and no colder than 65 degrees. This will improve your chances of healthy bud germination.Place the cut seed pieces horizontally on a seed tray filled with a mixture of one part potting compost...
Santa Monica
How to Braid a Ficus Tree
Braiding the trunks of three young ficus seedlings together creates a look that makes the attractive plant even more interesting. The trees should be planted closely together in the center of the pot.
Santa Monica
Homemade Hydroponic Fertilizer
There are many commercial fertilizers, but making your own is less expensive and just as good as commercial fertilizers. Many people enjoy gardening without the use of soil and just use water, called hydroponic gardening.
Santa Monica
If I Cut the Wax Off a Store-Bought Lucky Bamboo Plant Will it Grow?
It will, however, produce new growth from above the node beneath the waxed end. Commercial growers manipulate the type and amount of light given the plant to prompt it to grow in a twisted, contorted fashion.The purpose of the wax on the lucky bamboo...
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed Indoors
When you look down at the avocado seed, it should resemble a plus sign, with a toothpicks sticking out in four directions.Place the avocado seed wide-side down into the water glass.
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
If you already have a distiller, you can distill tap water with it, but you probably will not want to spend money on this machine just for plant watering. Deciding which type of water to use on plants is a bigger issue with indoor plants than with outdoor...
Santa Monica
Money Tree Problems
Because they produce a sticky substance called honeydew, the first sign of scales is often leaves that feel sticky to the touch. Common problems with money trees begin with improper care and disappear when care improves, although pest infestations also...
Santa Monica
What to Put in the Bottom of a Large Planter
Fillers at the bottoms of large planters are used for promoting proper drainage and adjusting the weight at the bottom of the pot, whether too heavy or too light.Before you line the bottom of your planter with a filler material, consider the needs of...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Greenhouse More Humid
These will add moisture to the air and increase humidity. This will take some time, depending on how many plants you have, but it will raise the humidity in the greenhouse and provide individual plants with fresh water to encourage growth.Place plants...
Santa Monica
How to Drill Holes in the Bottom of a Plastic Pot
A 1/4-inch drill bit works for any pot that's six inches or smaller. Squeeze the drill trigger and firmly press down until the bit penetrates the pot. A single hole in the center is suitable for a pot that's six inches or smaller.
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings
These cuttings are easy to root and transplant. This usually takes two to four weeks. Spider plants are one of the most popular tropical plants to add to your home, because they are practically unstoppable even for those with a "black thumb." Cuttings...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Patchouli Indoors
It is still a key ingredient used in manufacturing cosmetics and aromatherapy products, chosen because of its distinguishable scent. Select a container that has drain holes in the bottom to allow the soil to drain sufficiently and a reservoir at the bottom...
Santa Monica
How do I Organically Get Rid of Bugs in a House Plant\'s Soil?
The oxygen will promote healthy root growth.Sprinkle diatomaceous earth onto the surface of the soil and in the pot's saucer. Avoid potentially harmful, chemical insecticides by using an organic method of insect control.Water the plants thoroughly using...
Santa Monica
Why Are My Houseplants Sticky?
To apply neem oil to houseplants, mix the oil at a rate of 2 tablespoons per gallon of water, put it in a sprayer, then spray the plant thoroughly. Keep insecticidal soap spray safely away from pets and children.
Santa Monica
Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton
Flip it upside down. Use this activity to show your youngster what happens to the seed underground after you plant it, but before the little seedling pokes its head through the surface.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Philodendron
You can prune the vines to keep plants tidy, which also promotes new foliage growth and makes the plants bushier. During the growing season, water thoroughly when the soil is barely dry to the touch -- enough to soak the root ball, but not so much that...
Santa Monica
Advantages & Disadvatages of Indirect Seeding
Additionally, the young plants are at risk of transplant shock when you transplant them into a new, less-controlled environment. For this reason, the success rate for indirect seeding is higher than direct seeding, and will therefore yield a greater crop.Indirect...
Santa Monica
White Mold on Ferns
Make sure any fungicide you use is recommended for fern plants, as this plant is very sensitive to many chemical solutions. If your ferns are outside, cool nights followed by warm days can make the problem worse.There are several steps you can take to...
Santa Monica
Can Urea Fertilizer Be Used in Indoor Plants & How?
Potted soils often have urea with ammonium sulfate incorporated into them, which slows the release of the urea. Urea is a naturally occurring substance that has a high nitrogen count.
Santa Monica
How to Use Plastic Pop Bottles to Water Your Indoor Plants
Refill the reservoir regularly to provide a constant source of water. If you intend to use the bottle for watering on a regular basis, submerging the bottle to the cut rim improves appearance.Fill the bottle with water.
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Plant-Leaf Polish
Commercial leaf-shine products can be expensive, and may contain harmful chemicals. Liquid dishwashing soap without degreaser. The foliage of houseplants can develop a dull appearance over time due to the build up of minerals from your water, or from...
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo?
Always plant lucky bamboo in a well-draining soil to avoid drowning the plant.The Flower Shop Network suggests that, when growing lucky bamboo in a container of water, change the water completely every two weeks.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bamboo Plants in Water
Lucky bamboo plants don't need a lot of water, and they will sprout roots wherever there's water -- if you fill the container all the way, roots will sprout all along the bamboo's stalk.Place the lucky bamboo in a draft-free location where it receives...
Santa Monica
How to Kill the Little White Worms in Houseplant Pots
Follow the package directions for application.Replace the top inch of the soil with new, sterile potting soil. Do not let the pot sit in standing water. Always inspect a new houseplant for the worms before bringing it into your house, where the infestation...
Santa Monica