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How To Grow A Herb Garden

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How Do You Know When the Basil Plant Leaves Are Ready for Picking?
Harvesting the leaves at the right time ensures they have the most flavor and that you get an abundant crop.Basil is ready for its first harvest within six weeks of planting.Harvest basil once the plant is 1 foot tall and has at least four sets of fully...
Santa Monica
Is Lavender Poisonous to Cats?
Cats are unable to metabolize certain compounds, and the use of these oils could cause a build-up of toxic waste in the cat's body and result in liver damage. The plant has leaves covered with a silvery down and small, violet-blue flowers that grow in...
Santa Monica
What Can You Use Mint Leaves for?
Fresh mint is so easy to grow that, before you know it, you may soon have more mint than you know what to do with. Experiment to find the brew you like best. For a strong brew, steep the tea up to 10 minutes.
Santa Monica
How to Hydroponically Grow Ginger
Harvest the roots, wash and dry them, and store them. Immediately place the ginger plants on top of the growing medium, spreading out the roots. Water it well and regularly.Prepare the hydroponic system to receive the ginger plants.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Herbs Inside Aquariums
Using a soft cloth, clean the aquarium thoroughly. You can purchase miniature tools for container gardening, or use an old spoon or fork. Discard the soapy water and rinse well, and make certain to remove all trace of soap.
Santa Monica
Can You Use the Leaves of the Ginger Plant?
The best way to add them to any recipe is to cut them down to size. Add them during the last five minutes of cooking to retain the texture of the leaves.Fresh and dried ginger leaves make a mild and delicious tea.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Basil Plant
Once basil starts to bloom it will put all of its energy into flowering instead of growing leaves.Remove aphids with insecticidal soap, manually or with a blast of water.Water when the soil is dry.
Santa Monica
Cilantro Vs. Culantro
Culantro is the basis of sofrito, a blend of herbs and seasonings that forms one of the most important flavors of Puerto Rican cuisine. Unlike cilantro, culantro grows in shady locations where soils are moist.
Santa Monica
Diseases that Kill Rosemary Plants
But you can prevent most problems with proper care.Rosemary thrives in well-drained sandy or rocky soil as long as it receives at least six hours of full sun each day. ) is an aromatic herb native to the Mediterranean region, where it's widely used in...
Santa Monica
What Is Snipped Parsley?
If storing in the vegetable bin, dry the parsley with paper towels and store in a small paper bag or wrap it in dry paper towels and place it inside a perforated plastic bag to encourage airflow.
Santa Monica
Can You Sprout Flax Seeds?
Harvesting simply involves trimming off the sprouts at the base, just above the cloth. Make sure you mist them lightly, as the seeds are light and will easily roll away under too much pressure.
Santa Monica
How to Fix My Lavender Plant That Is Turning Gray From the Bottom
Replant the lavender in the improved soil. Lavender is one of the easiest crops to grow organically, according to the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, because it has few insect pests and few diseases.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Camomile
You can easily identify camomile by its foliage, blossoms and the scent of the plant.Examine the foliage of the camomile plants. Camomile has a long history as a calming herb with inherent properties for soothing a variety of maladies and calming a restless...
Santa Monica
How to Freeze Fresh Dill
This cools the dill quickly, preventing it from continuing to cook.Place the dill in freezer bags and and seal securely. Traditional methods of preserving dill include gathering several bundles and hanging them to dry.
Santa Monica
How to Thicken Laundry Detergent
Thickening your liquid soap detergent doesn't take much time, and the ingredients used are completely natural. Secure the lid on the bottle and shake it vigorously for two minutes.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lemongrass
Fill the jar with at least 8 ounces of vodka.Shake the vodka and lemongrass well and set aside for at least for a week for the oils and compounds to be released into the alcohol.Strain and use this extraction in exotic mixed drinks.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cilantro Hydroponically
Remove blossoms growth to prevent the plant turning bitter in taste. Cover the tray with a clear plastic bag or sheet of plastic wrap and place in a warm area with indirect light.Monitor the seed germination and spray the cubes with water three to four...
Santa Monica
Herbs With Blue Flowers
It is also a popular herb for medicinal purposes. Although many herbs are grown for medicinal and culinary purposes, many herbs are grown simply because they are durable plants and look good in the garden.
Santa Monica
How to Save a Dying Basil Plant in a Pot
Allow the soil to dry out before watering it again, but keep it near other plants to increase humidity, or mist the plant with water between waterings.Set the plant in a south-facing window that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day.
Santa Monica
Why Is My Rosemary Plant Turning Black?
Fungal diseases and mold will continue to spread on the plant and insects can even transmit the diseases to other plants in your home or garden.Keep rosemary plants healthy by caring for them properly.Insects can cause mold or mildew to grow on the rosemary...
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Herbs?
Another example of a plant that begins slowly then grows fast is the perennial lemon bergamot (Monarda citriodora). Begin harvesting basil when the plants are 6 to 8 inches tall. When you plant basil (Ocimum basilicum), look for seedlings after just four...
Santa Monica
Why Is My Dill Turning Yellow?
Excessive fertilizer causes yellow leaves or soft, mushy stems. However, rust and other fungal diseases, as well as aphids, may occasionally attack dill. Because the herb is an annual, any problems won't likely carry over to the next growing season.Plant...
Santa Monica
Dill Seed Vs. Dill Weed
To harvest dill seeds, cut the flowerheads from the plant just as the fruit starts to turn tan, leaving some of the stalk connected to the seeds. Dill, a native of the Mediterranean, belongs to the parsley family and has a long history of usage by humans.
Santa Monica
Is Lavender a Type of Sage Plant?
Lavender can also be used as an additive for culinary use in salads, desserts, jellies and wines, according to Purdue University.Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a woody herb with light green leaves that make excellent additives to meat dishes, according...
Santa Monica
How to Kill Aphids on Cilantro
To reduce the risk of fungal disease, spray the cilantro early in the day so it dries quickly., including the backs of the leaves where groups of aphids often feed. While both are commercially available, attracting them to the garden with plants is more...
Santa Monica
How to Preserve Mint Leaves
Shake off any excess water. Perhaps you have been out walking along a stream's edge and discovered the smell of mint wafting through the air. Turn off the heat and pour into bottles.
Santa Monica
Characteristics of Herbs
Underground mint stems, for example, tend to spread quickly. Other herbs may be used to make tea that has a medicinal purpose, such as soothing a sore throat or treating nausea. Many herbs exude an aroma that can be detected while they're still growing.
Santa Monica