The staurolite crystal is often referred to as a "fairy stone" or a "fairy cross" by local residents due to its easily recognizable cross-like shape. Look particularly for broken rock.
When considering a farm sitter for hire, ask for a veterinarian's reference and a reference from a previous client. However, many farmers today can arrange family trips and vacations once thought impossible through the invaluable assistance of a farm...
You need to act early if you're interested in sourcing a pasture-raised turkey—as much as two to three months before the holiday if you're purchasing from a local farmer, March suggests, and two to three weeks ahead of time from other sources.
With experience under your belt, you might do this visual check without thinking much about it, but a novice chicken sitter won't know what to look for other than the obvious. Where Do I Find a Chicken Sitter?
If the nursery is open to renting space, ask to see the greenhouse.Check with local farmers in your community. Ask a professor in biology or horticulture whether the school rents greenhouse space to local residents.
Visit or call their offices and ask them to spread the word; they may be able to share your information in a number of ways, such as those listed above. Having a mentor as you kick off that journey with offers you an unparalleled opportunity to learn...
This article will give you a comprehensive (though not exhaustive) list of the best books, journals and internet sites to find information about the following groups of plants: cacti, agaves and their relatives (Nolinideae), aloes and their relatives,...
When this happens, different pigments which produce yellows and oranges are unmasked within the leaf. Many state parks and tourism departments offer tips or trips to view fall colors.
Especially if it makes your farming easier, you will be happy you took the time to find inspiration and regain enthusiasm. The days are still long and the weeds are loving the sunshine.
A Stanley 51 spoke shave caught my eye. While I like to pick up old tools , I don't fancy myself a collector. My goal is to add a reliable tool to my workshop, hopefully for less than a new tool of similar quality would cost.
Keep reading to learn more about three common ways to stake tomato plants.A tomato cage is probably the most common way to stake tomatoes off the ground. Frequently, people purchase a tomato cage at their local super store or hardware store.
Downy or pubescence oak is native to southern Europe and southwest Asia and is often found as a host tree in the wild. Truffles establish a symbiotic relationship with the roots of host trees, with each party receiving nutrients or minerals more efficiently...
Nature can produce miracles but it needs good raw materials with which to work. Take their advice on which online companies are trustworthy and provide the best bulbs. Here we have assembled a list of some the most trustworthy bulb suppliers and information...
What looks so interesting to me is that, when the time comes to plant the transplants into the garden, the fabric pot just peels open. There is no way I could afford to grow all my seedlings in Peel Away Pots, but I think I'll try them with a few tomatoes...
Interest in urban farming has increased in popularity in the United States and abroad in recent years. Having a support network not only helps delegate these tasks, but also brings together people with different strengths, allowing everyone to learn from...
Since these mushrooms grow wild and tend to grow where annual conditions are optimal, there is no one area designated as morel country. Look for morels near trees that attract the fungi, such as elm and ash, two of the 75 types of trees found in the national...
So far it is working fine under pressure. << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen Water bubbling up through the soil told us where and what the problem was. To make it even more interesting, I had laid the waterline alongside drain tile that carried water...
With a little effort, that once barren spot of ground could become the pride of your yard. Some of the most popular shrubs for shady locations include:The plants listed here don't constitute a comprehensive list, but they are a few of the most popular...
The death of a tree, as with the end of the growing season, rejuvenates other life—we just have to open our eyes to see it. Today I took a group on our monthly free medicine walk.
Both are small plum trees with beautiful white spring flowers.offers scarlet shoots and frothy white blossoms. If you are looking for shrubs for zone 3 gardens, read on for a few suggestions.Sometimes, trees are just too big and annuals are too small...
Add some large rocks or logs for decor and ground beetle hideouts.Maintenance of this beetle refuge should be a breeze. While the sudden discovery of a scurrying ground beetle may be a little unnerving, it is actually a valuable ally to the gardener.
Larger species can be nearly an inch in length, while species that develop within the egg of a host insect tend to be miniscule.When it comes to parasitic wasp identification, things get complicated.
“Those,” I thought to myself, “would delight the students and look great in the red brick planter.” I bought the tray of plants, took them to school the next day, and the students and I planted them.First we cleaned out the planter, added some...
In fact, rock tends to heat up and dry out the soil. Dyed mulches can be very aesthetically pleasing and make landscape plants and beds stand out, but not all dyed mulches are safe or healthy for plants.
Either purchase weed-free straw orUsing fall leaf mulch is a great idea because it's seedless and, if you have any trees around, completely free. If you haveor cool weather annuals, laying down a good, thick layer of mulch is highly advisable if you want...
It also warms up the soil in winter.Tea tree mulch is known to repel termites, but it's friendly tothat are good for your soil. As the mulch deteriorates, it mixes with the soil and improves its structure.
However, the intense colors of glass mulch never fade and this durable mulch lasts nearly forever. Some municipalities offer recycled glass mulch to the public free of charge. Let's learn more about using glass mulch in the landscape..