My neck of the woods, the Pacific Northwest, isn't a great place to grow this gourd. Related toand a staple of many Asian cuisines, snake gourds are most likely found in an Asian market, or you may want to grow your own.
In fact, teasel gourd is so popular in the Konkani region on the western coast of India that it is used in many of the ritual dishes of the local monsoon festivals.Teasel gourd, known as Kakroll or Phaagil in various dialects in India, is an egg-shaped,...
Baskett says in his book that "Cleaning gourds is messy, but not difficult." I guess his definition of difficult may be different from mine because I found the cleaning part to be a rather arduous chore.First, you have to scrub the moldy skin off that...
If using for crafting purposes, the gourds should be brown and dry, and the seeds should rattle inside. As a general rule of thumb, remember that you can never leave a gourd on a vine too long, but you can take it off too soon.
Artists can choose from traditionally inspired projects to contemporary and abstract pieces. Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. There is something to appeal to everyone.Different methods for staining, painting,...
Stick four seeds down in the soil and put the pot in a warm spot like your kitchen counter or on top of the refrigerator. Gentle starter fertilizer is helpful. If all goes as planned you'll have at least two or three full sized gourds per plant.
Can you think of a more recognized symbol of harvest and autumn? I do not know if this planting was deliberate or if perhaps this seed found its way here by some other force but I thought it fitting it was growing on Vine Street.
Warted gourds have stepped aside recently to make room for those with bizarre wings. The tiny variety called "spinning top" or dancing gourd is an unusual heirloom type. All gourds should be left on the vine until fully ripe.
People in tropical regions, such as Latin America, India, East Africa and Asia, use bitter gourd in medicine and food. The spongy flesh of the fruit varies in color, ranging from white to light green.
This task may take some time. A metal coat hanger works well. Swab the outside of the gourds with a 10 percent bleach solution to help prevent rot, then hang the gourd up somewhere cool, dry and well ventilated.
Measure seeds by the cup into a mixing bowl. All other photos are by the author. Adjust lids and process in a pressure canner. Boil for 2 minutes in water then fill jars with cubes and cooking liquid.
Then let dry overnight in a dry area.The interior of your maraca can then be filled with pebbles, dried beans or even rice. The rice is used uncooked, but the dried beans need to go in the oven for 20 minutes or so at 350 degrees F.
In warmer climates, add some patio pots filled with foliage plants.Where do you live, and when and how does your area show off for fall?Do you remember such decorating as you were growing up?Regardless of when the tradition began, the appearance of these...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration maintains probability data for the first and last frost and freeze of the season in every state. Rubbing the seeds between two sheets of medium-grit sandpaper helps break the coating on this shell.
Tags gourds , step-by-step instructions Inspired by the three-sisters garden, this Southwest-style bowl is perfect for storing dried peppers or other produce. The longer and hotter the season, the thicker the shell will be.
Troubleshooting Squash bugs and squash vine borers can be serious pests. Exclude them from young plantings with row covers. Frost tolerant Cannot tolerate frost. Feeding Drench plants with a liquid fertilizer when they begin to blossom and set fruits.
Different sizes will attract different birds. Drill a larger hole in the side for the entrance. While they are curing, they'll develop a black mold on the outside; don't worry, this is natural and not a sign that the gourds are rotting.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Make sure it doesn't touch the sides of the container. You'll need silica gel crystals -- available at craft supply stores -- and a microwave-safe container large enough to hold the cut tulip.
Pull off any leaves or excess foliage. Group the stems into small bunches and fasten them together snugly near the cut end of the stem with a rubber band.Unfold a paperclip and hook one end under the rubber band and the other end hook over the drying...
The hairspray helps to seal the cattail and prevent it from coming apart as it dries further. Set the stems upright in a vase or bucket.Spread newspaper on the floor around the area where you'll be working.
To harvest, simply grasp the base underneath the flower with fingers and give a quick tug. Carry a bowl or bag with you to hold the flowers as you collect them.. You will know they are ready when the flowers close slightly and the petals look dry.
The figs are dry enough when the fruit is firm on the outside. Store the figs in a dry, cool, dark place. Leave the oven door open 2 to 3 inches to allow moisture to escape and to keep the oven from getting too warm.
When making items out of palm branches, it is best for it not to be dry so that it is still pliable and able to be shaped. In the United States one of the most commonly seen uses is near the Easter holidays, for depicting Palm Sunday.
I label the jars and store them in the kitchen cabinet, and we enjoy the beans all winter long. Once they're fully dry, I put each variety in a sealed screw-top jar with a packet of silica gel to absorb any remaining moisture.
Ingredients 1 pound dried beans (red, kidney, pinto or similar) 1 small onion (optional) water to cover Preparation Wash and sort beans. Cut in half and add to pot. Place beans in 4-quart stock pot, and fill with enough water to cover beans by 2 inches.
Vacuum drying and high temperatures increase the darkening effect throughout the wood. Birch felled in winter, and stored for several weeks before air drying, produces a lighter wood.
Silica can take one week, while borax mixtures can take two to three weeks. Raised screens or drying racks also work well for air-drying. This method can take three weeks or more.Burying lilac blooms in a desiccant ensures colorful dried lilacs.