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How to Transplant an Oleander
Dig a hole twice the width and the same depth as the oleander's roots.Place the root ball into the hole at the same level it was growing before. Return the remainder of the soil to the hole and water again.Add a 3- to 4-inch layer of mulch around the...
Santa Monica
How to Get an Iris to Bloom
Too much nitrogen-rich fertilizer results in abundant and healthy leaf growth but few flowers. Plants suffering from the beginning stages of root rot may fail to flower or the buds may rot without opening.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate an Oleander
Remove seedlings gently from the plant pots and plant each seedling in a single 3-inch pot. Water the seedlings when the surface of the potting soil dries out. Plant each cutting in a 3-inch plant pot with drainage holes in free-draining potting soil,...
Santa Monica
How to Water an Anthurium
Proper watering is vital. Anthuriums cannot tolerate too much water or soggy soil.The modified leaf, or flower, of an anthurium plant.Check the soil moisture with your finger before each watering.
Santa Monica
An Introduction to Colourful Ireland
Indeed one cannot deny that green and its numerous shades is overwhelming in Ireland, from pastures to trees, clove leaves to grass, even cars and pubs often are dressed in olive, spring, jade, khaki, mint, almond, lime and many other variations on the...
El Segundo
How to Train an Oleander
Perform this pruning in early spring while the shrub is still young. Cut back to the ground all stems or growth that emerge parallel to the main stem or trunk each year to maintain the oleander's tree-like form.Rejuvenate or retrain an older, overgrown...
Santa Monica
How to Convert an Aquarium to a Terrarium
Remove any that appear infected. Add the base ingredients through a funnel of rolled paper to avoid dirtying the sides. Remove any filters, sand, gravel plant debris or other items from the aquarium, and wash the inside and the outside with hot, soapy...
Santa Monica
How to Care For an Anthurium
Planting anthurium seeds will take from two to five years to yield a flowering anthurium. Not enough light will cause slow flowering or no flowers at all.Anthuriums grow best at 60 to 85 degrees, with night temperatures ranging from 70 to 75 degrees and...
Santa Monica
How to Plant an Oleander Hedge
Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a native evergreen shrub of northern Africa and southeast Asia that can reach 20 feet tall. Oleander is a plant that thrives in warm climates and in bright sun although it can also grow in partial shade.
Santa Monica
How To Maintain An Electric Fence
Occasional checks like this can save you time and problems later. Do you get good voltage close to the charger, but less at the far end of the pasture? If not, you'll need to investigate why.
How To Grow An Organic Garden
Organic, in the definition of gardening, means to grow without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The tubes can be made easily from clean soda pop bottles; simply cut the tops and bottoms out and surround the young plants.Netting is used by...
How to Re-Pot an Anthurium
Tropical anthurium plants are most often grown as indoor plants, since outdoors they only survive in hot climates with mild winters. These plants flower almost year-round when properly cared for, thriving in warm rooms when supplied with adequate moisture...
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree
If you're unsure, pick a single fruit and place it in your kitchen. Pick too soon, however, and the avocados will never ripen. Carefully place the avocado plant in the hole, being extremely gentle with the tender roots; disturb the avocado's roots as...
Santa Monica
How to Bonsai an Orange Tree
Loosen the wire when the tree grows to the point that the wire is tight. Discard any soil that will pass through a sieve with holes in it that are the size of window screening. Plant the tree in a container with bonsai potting soil.
Santa Monica
How to Revive an Indoor Cactus
If you don't have succulent mix, you can combine 1 part sand with 2 parts traditional potting soil instead.Prevent future problems by waiting to water until the soil in the cactus feels bone dry.
Santa Monica
How To Make An Affordable Composter
You see a lot of information on the internet about the various compost bin types you can build. Trying to turn a large pile using a pitch fork will create a sore back and keep you from regularly doing this chore, slows the organic matter breakdown and...
How to Grow an Almond Tree
To calculate this amount, divide 1 ounce by 0.12, which is the percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer. Mix it into the soil and water it in thoroughly. Related to peaches and plums, almonds (Prunus dulcis), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant...
Santa Monica
How to Remove an Olive Tree
Use a chain saw to cut the olive tree trunk off as close to the ground as possible.Cut up the fallen olive tree into sizes that you can lift, place them in a truck and dispose of them at your local landfill.Spray the top of the stump immediately with...
Santa Monica
How to Trim an Oleander Bush
This evergreen shrub or small tree can be used as a hedge or screen, a container plant or as a lawn specimen. Tolerant of urban conditions, it's a good choice for use in parking lots or along streets.
Santa Monica
How to Prune an Umbrella Tree
Dwarf versions of the plants naturally grow to a maximum height of 5 feet, but pruning can also be used to keep the tree in a pleasing size and shape. Pruning also serves to maintain the health of the plant so that it continues to bloom for years.Plant...
Santa Monica
How to Germinate an Avocado Seed
Allow the seed to germinate for the next one to three months.Remove the plant pot from the plastic bag when the avocado seed sprouts. While a bit slower than sprouting in water, this method provides the soil the plant needs to grow beyond just a few inches...
Santa Monica
How to Start an Urban Beehive
“Hostile bees will cause problems with the neighbors and the law!” 4. “In my county, there are no ordinances regulating bees,” Warren says. Warren says to start out small by ordering 3 to 5 pounds of bees.
An Excuse to Set Up Shop
Read more of Rick's Favorite Crops » Tags garden , rick gush , shop , workshop The new space has more shelving and bench space than the old quarters, and it's a nice luxury to have ample space for all the tools to be stored separately, instead of using...
How to Make an Orchid Bloom
A stagnant atmosphere discourages healthy growth and bloom development. A plastic pot feels lighter when its potting medium is dry than when it is wet, and a clay pot feels dry to the touch when its potting medium is dry.
Santa Monica
How to Fertilize an Indian Hawthorn
Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) a species of small, broad-leaf evergreen shrub. Fertilize the shrub once a year—in spring, after the last hard frost has passed and the soil is workable.
Santa Monica
How to Prune an Oakleaf Hydrangea
A frosty coating on the faded flowers provides a winter display. Pruning dead and damaged wood can take place any time of year, but wait until the shrub has leaves if you aren't sure which parts died.
Santa Monica
How to Build an Outdoor Bar
Apply polyurethane finish to the wood, following the directions on the can.Apply silicone caulk to the top edge of the top frame, where the concrete top will rest.Set the concrete countertop onto the the frame so it overhangs the frame equally on all...
Santa Monica