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What to Do With Drooping Tulips
They'll stand upright in a tall, narrow vase, but can also be placed in floral foam for added support in shorter, wider containers. Remove any leaves that will be below water level, so they don't foul up the water.
Santa Monica
Do I Have to Deadhead Lilies?
If you want the clump of lily plants to grow more robust, cut off the seed capsules so the plant energy goes into developing larger bulbs in the ground. In subsequent years, multiple large lily bulbs grow and produce more flowers than a lone lily bulb.Horticulturists...
Santa Monica
Do You Have to Deadhead Azaleas?
Don't prune azaleas later than just after flowering because this removes the buds that form the next year's flowers.Azaleas flower and grow best in moist, acidic soil and sheltered sites in dappled shade.
Santa Monica
Do Ferns Need to Be Pruned?
The only time you would ever need to prune out all the fronds is when you are faced with a monumental pest problem. Many people prune the deciduous ferns in fall so they are ready for the spring, but the old fronds provide protection for the crown.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Excess Cucumbers
If you use them within a month, there will be no need to go through the canning process; you can use the same canning pickling brine, and keep them in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
Santa Monica
My Post-Frost To-Do List
Once the pods crack open, I pick out the seeds and store them in labeled jars in the fridge. I then bring it inside, wash the leaves, and pack them into labeled freezer bags. Preserving Squash I've tugged out all my winter squash and pumpkin vines and...
What To Do About Ground Elder
It is variously called goutweed, gout wort, herb Gerard and bishop's weed, owing to the fact is can be used as a poultice to treat arthritic inflammation, is credited with healing the gout of St. Gerard and is often found in old monastic gardens.
What To Do When It\'s Too Cold To Garden
This is actually the perfect down time you've been waiting for. Fancy setups are not necessary; shop lights with standard fluorescent bulbs do the job quite well. The seed companies are onto this and time their catalog arrivals perfectly: just after the...
Why Do Pears Split – What To Do For Split Pear Fruit
The same goes for nearly any other fruit cracking.Split pear fruit is a condition that is caused by an irregular supply of water. First off, during hot, dry periods, keep the tree watered on a regular basis.
What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
What to do?You may be most familiar with cilantro from Mexican cooking, where it is a frequent star. Add a half cup of golden raisins and another handful of almonds, and saute until the raisins swell.
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
So what to do with the flavorful, fragrant stalks? The most obvious choice is to make a bowl of aromatic Thai soup.To make an easy Tom Ka Gai (coconut chicken soup), heat a little olive oil in the bottom of a pot.Toss in a couple of tablespoons of red...
El Segundo
What to do with all that . . . basil
Just puree the fruits, add a bit of sugar and the basil liquid and freeze according to the ice cream machine's directions.Basil flowers are not only pretty but edible and make a delicate addition to any salad.Once you get started cooking with basil, you'll...
El Segundo
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
Hang them in a well-ventilated, dark area and until thoroughly dried. Sampling the flowers before using them gives a better idea on how much to use in each dish.The small, pink or white flowers growing on the ends of oregano stems add color to the herb...
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Dill
A "fresher" tasting version of these dishes can be made using fresh dill and lemon juice.Perhaps the simplest dill preparation is scrambled eggs with dill. For a creamier result, also add a tablespoon of either mascarpone or cream cheese.Goat cheese is...
El Segundo
Why Do Humans Need Plants to Live?
This includes planks of wood from trees, straw for roofs and bricks, and leaves that can be used for roof materials and shelters. Stronger pain relievers such as opium, were harvested from poppy plants.
Santa Monica
What to Do When a Sunflower Dies
Verticillium wilt and sclerotinia head rot, however, wilt your sunflowers, form dead patches on the leaves or stems and may affect nearby plants. Never compost diseased sunflowers.Dried stalks snap in half to fit in your trash can, but green stalks resist...
Santa Monica
When Do Asters Flower: What To Do If Aster Plants Don\'t Bloom
If your aster plants don't bloom, don't worry, fixing an aster with no flowers isn't that difficult once you find the reason behind it.Growing asters is usually a pretty simple undertaking, until it isn't.
What To Do With Your First Bonsai
A very good choice for beginners. However, despite your best efforts, it begins to yellow and/or the leaves begin to fall off and pretty soon all you have is a dead plant in a pot.Here is a bit of information that may help you avoid this scenario, or...
What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
A little bit of the herb goes a long way, so even a small chives bed can feel like more chives than you will ever be able to use. When thinking about chives most people concentrate on the foliage (which look like grass blades).However, every part of the...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
But don't worry -- you can always find something to do with all that extra parsley. Parsley is a biannual, which means that in the second year it will bolt and go to seed. However, it is self-seeding, which means if it likes the area where you've planted...
El Segundo
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
If you suspect there are injuries, contact your local wildlife rehabilitator . Do not try to feed or give water to a bird. If you find a nest on the ground, it's possible that it was actually built there.
7 Sweet Things To Do With Honey
Tags beeswax , Farm Sprouts , Lists Now there's a summer job you can get behind, especially if it means fresh honey and lovely beeswax in your home. August is the time of year when we extract fresh honey from our hives, and your kids can join in on the...
How Long Do Lilacs Take to Grow?
But plant maturity more than age affects flowering, and the optimal size varies by variety. If you prune too late in the season -- summer, fall or winter -- you'll be cutting off the wood that would have produced next year's blooms.
Santa Monica
What to do with all that . . . oregano
Spread the potatoes onto a baking sheet, top with snipped oregano leaves and squeeze on some lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste, and add a teaspoon of oregano and a teaspoon of a mixture of rosemary, basil and parsley.Oregano pairs well with a variety...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
You eat it, of course. Fennel is a beautiful addition to the herb garden, but it does tend to spread if you let it self-seed. So what do you do to keep fennel from becoming a weed in your garden?
El Segundo
What to do with all that thyme
The plants spread horizontally, forming an attractive carpet. Use the ideas above as a jumping-off point. I especially like to add them to salads, where they add another layer of flavor.
El Segundo
Where Do I Cut to Trim Hydrangeas?
However, clipping off new growth may affect the following year's blooms. C.L. Fornari recommends pruning in the spring, just as the bush begins new growth, because gardeners can easily differentiate between dead and live canes at that time.
Santa Monica