With low-voltage lighting, you can achieve special effects through downlighting or uplighting methods.Downlighting is generally used for security purposes and produces a more natural effect as it comes from above, like the sun or moon.
Each type of lighting gets its name from the direction the light is angled.the element to be illuminated, it is down lighting.Many homes employ both outdoor lighting methods in the landscape, and both have their place.Outdoor down lighting works well...
DIY uplighting is a fast, relatively inexpensive way to change your backyard from run of the mill to magical. They can also get in the way of lawn mowing or even walking in the backyard.Experts advise that high-pressure sodium lamps are not a good choice...
Or you can do both! It's equally satisfying to me to try it both ways in the spring. When spring arrives, annual flower beds soon follow. At this time, flower bed projects take on an either/or choice: You can either start your seeds indoors or wait a...
The fact that leaves don't usually appear blue or red means that they absorb those parts of the light spectrum and use them to grow.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The effect of blue light on plants is...
A gazebo or carport doesn't provide adequate protection.Avoid open areas and objects that can conduct electricity like single trees, windmills, barbed wire or metal fences, bicycles, flag poles or clotheslines.
The shadows of architecturally unique plants are cast upon a house wall. A gentle breeze wafts through a beautifully lit backyard. For silhouette garden lights, use what is referred to as spread lights.
A small card on the pathway told us this feature would be easy to recreate, as the pavers were available as a kit.Look at the layout of pathways and patios in exhibits you find inviting.
Excessive, continuous runoff will cause problems, though. Ditto for trees that drop a lot of leaves.As mentioned previously, I like Russian sage for its bee-attracting qualities. Many of these plants live naturally by the salty ocean in bright sunlight...
Most every plant I am drawn to is for sun, so my plants for the Quixotic Garden thrive in full sun. Be a little wary of sun and water requirements, though, since you can't really be "foolishly impractical" if your plants are frying.
Remember that hybrids may not come back true to the parent. Not only are they beautiful, but butterflies appreciate the nectar-laden blossoms and can usually be found fluttering amid the flowers.
If your plant comes in a container, plant it any time when the. Not all wall covering plants are the same, however, so do your homework on what and how to plant. Be sure the structure is solid enough to hold up the mature vine.
Variety in flower beds can maintain garden color longer, attract different beneficial insects and pollinators, and also hinder some plant specific pests and diseases.Pastel gardens are usually designed in a cottage garden style, but due to the color's...
Read on to learn more.For luddites who treasure the peace and quiet of slow-paced, hands-on gardening, this may sound like a nightmare. During the design process, conceptual changes can be re-drawn in a fraction of the time it took for hand drawings changes.freestar.queue.push(function()...
The wabi sabi aesthetic grew out ofin Japan and involves an appreciation for the forms and changes of natural landscapes. This typically involves using not only plants but also stones and weathered manmade objects as design elements.One way to incorporate...
Landscape architects can work for both commercial and residential clients.A landscaper is someone who designs, installs and/or maintains a landscape but is not necessarily degreed, licensed or registered.– A landscape firm that only creates designs...
If you suddenly find yourself in the possession of a large mirror, count yourself fortunate. For avid bird lovers, using garden mirrors is a bit of a no-no. Shady or dappled light areas benefit greatly from mirrors in a garden.
Put it on the TO-KEEP List.For the third list, write down all the features you would love to add to your new landscape. This article provides information on things you need to know to make finding a landscape designer an easier process.The first step...
Whether you are using color in the garden with plants or more obviously on a trellis, fence or outbuilding, the addition of some bright tones will really perk up the garden space. Alternately, you may have very small structures available to add color,...
Planting some attractive greenery down stone stairs, nestling a few succulents between pavers, or even selecting some complimentary flora that can be popped in the edges of a patio, are all examples of pocket gardening.Dish gardens, containers and hanging...
Leave at least four leaves on the plant to support the corm for future planting.Cut the gladiolus spikes on a diagonal slant with a sharp knife under water in the sink.Fill a vase with lukewarm water.
The best plants for rock walls are, and plants that are drought resistant. Generally, they can thrive with small root structures and little water or nutrients.There are many plants that can grow well in the crevices of rock walls, so be sure to weed out...
A mandala garden is simply a garden space with plants that take on this design principle.Traditional mandalas were actually a square containing a circle which contained these patterns.
There are many accredited schools across the nation.When choosing a landscape architect, make sure he or she listens to you and offers ideas that are creative and align with your goals.
Use a small amount of sand in the bottom of the bag to help weigh it down and set votive candles or glow sticks (better choice) in the center. It will not only save you time and money, but will provide guests, trick-or-treaters, and passersby with an...
This is how you'll add water to the reservoir.Fill the hole with gravel, and then place the frame of your raised bed on top. Attach a 90-degree bend and a shorter straight piece to one end of the pipe, so that it reaches straight up higher than the final...
That said, a few basic guidelines will help make the process an easier one.First, map out your dry creek bed, making it follow an existing slope as it meanders through your landscape like a natural stream.