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How To Cut Romaine Lettuce

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About Semi-Hardwood Cuttings – Information On Semi-Hardwood Propagation
Place the pot in indirect sunlight. You may want to dip the stem injust prior to inserting the cuttings in the potting mix.Water enough to settle the potting mix around the stem. Cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse-like environment.
What Are Root Cuttings: Information On Taking Cuttings From Root Growth
Use a sharp knife rather than scissors or shears to avoid pinching the root.The root cutting technique depends of the thickness of the root. Avoid those that show signs of insects, disease or rot.The new shoots grow from the part of the root closest to...
Honey As A Root Hormone: How To Root Cuttings With Honey
This mixture should keep up to two weeks., you will need to first prepare your cuttings and potting medium. Did you know that honey may contain enzymes for promoting root growth in plants?
Root Stimulating Hormone: How To Use Rooting Hormones For Plant Cuttings
The new roots will form from this area.and plant the dipped stem cutting into the pot. One way to create a new plant identical to the parent plant is to take a piece of the plant, known as a, and grow another plant.
Romaine Lettuce
When to plant: Seed indoors 4 weeks before transplanting, or direct-seed in early spring when soil temperatures are at least 40 degrees F. Sow more seeds every two or three weeks throughout spring for longer harvests.
How to Grow Romaine Lettuce
When lettuce doesn't receive enough water, it tends to bolt. Plant early so lettuce is harvested before temperatures heat up. Seeds need to stay continually moist to germinate, so water after sowing and keep soil moist, but not waterlogged, until they...
Santa Monica
What Is Lettuce Mosaic Virus: Information On The Treatment Of Lettuce Mosaic
A second lettuce mosaic control method is the incorporation of virus resistance into the seed itself.Ongoing weed control and immediate plowing in of harvested lettuce are of importance in the control of LMV, as is aphid management.
What Causes Tipburn In Lettuce: Treating Lettuce With Tipburn
The brown spots merge and eventually form a brown fringe along the margin of the leaf.Generally young, maturing leaves in head and leaf lettuces become afflicted with tipburn. Read on to find out what causes tipburn of lettuce and how to manage tipburn...
What Is Escarole: Learn How To Grow Escarole In The Garden
Side-dress the escarole plants with compost midway through their growing season.Escarole is often blanched. The flavor of escarole is less bitter than other members of the endive family, very much akin to the taste of radicchio.
Lettuce Snail And Slug Control – How To Solve Lettuce Mollusk Problems
Though extremely easy to grow, leafy crops do have one very common issue – damage caused by slugs and snails. These trails, even when dry, usually have a silver appearance.There are a variety of ways, both organic and chemical, in which to rid the garden...
Lettuce Aphid Information – How To Control Aphids In Lettuce
Of course, if even one aphid gets under there, you could soon have an army sucking away on baby aphids and can either be purchased or you can plant flowering annuals near the lettuce crop to naturally attract them.
How To Grow Endive Lettuce
They will take root better this way, and make better plants.During the summertime, water your growing endive regularly so that it maintains a good green leaf.When you have endive growing, harvest the plants about 80 days after you plant them, but before...
How To Grow Arugula – Growing Arugula From Seed
What is arugula? Any size pot will do, but remember, the smaller the pot, the more watering. For those of you with container grown trees, plant your arugula as a tasty and attractive soil cover.
Growing Lettuce In The Garden – How To Grow Lettuce
If the, wait until it thaws. Lettuce prefers moist, cool conditions, and you don't even have to worry about chilly weather because the seedlings can tolerate a light frost.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
My Lettuce Seedlings Are Dying: What Causes Damping Off Of Lettuce
However, these organisms don't grow well if you provide your seedlings with healthy growing conditions.Too much moisture is the most common cause of damping off, as it makes seedlings much more susceptible to stem and root infections.
Harvesting Leaf Lettuce: How And When To Pick Leaf Lettuce
This means that while the entire head of iceberg is harvested, picking loose leaf lettuce is just that – picking leaves.So when to pick leaf lettuce? If you cut into or below the crown, the plant will probably die, so be careful.Again, leaf lettuce...
Picking Lettuce Heads: How To Harvest Lettuce
Fresh, homegrownlettuce may be washed with cool water and refrigeratedafter excess water is shaken off. Generally about 65 days after planting is when to harvest lettuce planted in the fall, while harvesting heads of lettuce from a winter planted crop...
Common Diseases Affecting Lettuce Plants: Tips For Treating Lettuce Diseases
Fungal lettuce diseases, such asor sclerotinia drop (white mold), are caused by soil borne fungi that thrive in cool, damp soil and are primarily lettuce seedling diseases. The few issues that do crop up are usually easily solved with simple organic solutions,...
How To Grow Lettuce In A Container
Seeds are sown when soils are not frozen, ½ inch deep and 4 to 12 inches apart. Make sure there are adequate drainage holes in whatever container you chose.The physical attributes for how to grow lettuce in a container are just the media and pots but...
Different Lettuce Types: Varieties Of Lettuce For The Garden
Plant at weekly intervals starting in early April and again mid August. These varieties of lettuce include: Blushed Butter Oak, Buttercrunch, Carmona, Divina, Emerald Oak, Flashy Butter Oak, Kweik, Pirat, Sanguine Ameliore, Summer Bib, Tom Thumb, Victoria,...
Cleaning Lettuce: How To Clean And Store Garden Lettuce
Some people prefer to simply rinse lettuce under running water, plucking off each outer leaf layer and gently rubbing them clean with their hands.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Others may find it easier...
Growing Microgreens: Planting Lettuce Microgreens In Your Garden
Place the container where temperatures are at least 60 F. The seeds are grown in small, shallow containers like seed flats that make it easier to harvest. If you wish to do so, you can wrap your seeds in a moist paper towel in a closed plastic bag until...
Lettuce And Frost: Does Lettuce Need To Be Protected From Frost
Severe damage causes necrotic lesions of the leaf veins and spotting of the leaf, similar to pesticide burn or heat damage.On occasion, the tips of young leaves are killed outright or frost damages the edges, resulting in thickening of the leaf tissue.
Growing Lettuce Indoors: Information On Caring For Indoor Lettuce
For best results, place the planters under a light for 24 hours a day.You can also cover your pot with a clear plastic bag and place it in a south-facing window. Select only high quality, loamy potting soil; organic is best and will offer the most nutrients.Place...
Regrowing Lettuce In Water: Caring For Lettuce Plants Growing In Water
Put the stem end in a shallow dish with about ½ inch of water.Put the dish with the lettuce stump on a window sill if there isn't too much disparity between the outdoor and indoor temps.
Why Lettuce Has Flowers: Tips For Preventing Bolting Lettuce Plants
(24 C.) and nighttime temperatures above 60 F. For some reason, when we don't want vegetable plants to flower, such as, we call it bolting instead of flowering. If you plant lettuce late and wish to avoid premature lettuce bolt, try using a shade cloth...
Mesclun Greens – What Is Mesclun And How To Grow It
Mesclun mixes may contain five to seven different varieties of greens and come with different flavor profiles such as spicy or bitter.Mesclun can be purchased as a seed mix or you can get the different varieties of greens that you prefer and make your...