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How To Cook Mustard And Turnip Greens

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Eat your greens! Dandelions are a dandy way to get super nutrition in a variety of tasty ways..
Add in a few cups of chopped dandelion greens until completely wilted. Try this: it's the very same dressing that my mom used to throw together many years ago.- any old kind will do - put in a pan with a tiny bit of oil (I use olive).
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Japanese Vegetables for Cool Weather Growing
I no longer serve it raw at this point, although I cut it and it will come again if we have a few warm days., an edible leaf chrysanthemum often called “garland chrysanthemum” or Chrysanthemum coronarium (syn.
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Turnips Are Cracking: What Causes Turnips To Crack Or Rot
Turnips are started from seed 2-3 weeks before the last frost of the season. Simply avoid water or fertilizer stress. Seeds will germinate best at 60-85 F. Mulch to cool the soil, conserve water and control weeds, and you should have crack free turnip...
Turnip Mosaic Virus – Learn About Mosaic Virus Of Turnips
Those holding the most promise tend to be heat intolerant.Practice excellent field sanitation to reduce the transmission of the disease. Destroy volunteer mustard and turnip plants.
Tips For Turnips Growing In Your Garden
They are easy and can be planted either in the spring, so you have turnips all summer, or in the late summer for a fall crop. Let's look at how to grow turnips.If you are planting a summer crop, plant the turnips early.
Bolting of Turnips: What To Do When A Turnip Plant Bolts
Therefore, proper planting time is important.One of the best ways to prevent the bolting of turnips is to practice proper planting. Bolting of turnips is common when the soil is void of nutrients, a problem that can be easily prevented with a little work...
Turnip White Spot Info : What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
These are gray to brown in spite of the disease name. Lesion edges darken as they mature while the center of the spot becomes pale and almost white. High humidity is also a causal factor.The disease is spread by wind and rain but may also be present in...
Growing Turnip Greens: Learn About The Health Benefits Of Turnip Greens
Plant seeds in spring or late summer when growing turnip greens. Wash your greens well to clear them of grit. The leaves and stems of the plant are packed with fiber and nutrients.Turnip greens are associated with southern cooking and are an important...
Harvesting A Turnip Root: How And When To Harvest Turnips
Make sure the location is dry or the roots will get moldy spots. In temperate zones, the turnip harvest is kept in the ground longer by piling mulch around the plants to protect the roots from freezing.Turnip greens are nutritious, versatile vegetables.
Cowpeas please! The History and Importance of the Cowpea Plant
We Southerners grow and eat our peas with a delight and devotion rarely seen anywhere, much to the curiosity of anyone north of the Ohio River. What we call Peas, and the rest of the world calls peas are two different plants
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Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Turnip – Treating Turnips With Alternaria Leaf Spot
Avoid planting cruciferous crops such as cabbage, kale, broccoli or mustard in the infected area for at least two or three years.Keep weeds in check. Many, especially cruciferous weeds like mustard andDestroy diseased plant parts by burning, or dispose...
Turnips With White Rust: What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
Because the sporangia may survive in the compost bin, it is best to destroy them.No registered fungicides are recommended, but some gardeners swear by formulas thatwith non-crucifers every 2 years.
Planting Mustard Seeds: How To Grow Mustard Seed Plants
As the mustard flower grows and matures, it will form pods. Since you'll be harvesting the mustard seed, there's no need to uselike you do with mustard greens. The pods will open on their own in one to two weeks and a gentle shake of the bag will shake...
Growing Chinese Vegetables in Cool Weather
I prefer to grow the white stemmed varieties in the winter, and save green stem varieties for spring and summer growing. It's nice just sauteed with a bit of garlic as a side dish with any meal, as you might serve spinach.Here's my basic weekday quick...
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Tips For Cultivating Wild Mustard Mustard As An Herb
The plant produces a pale semi-permanent dye and the flowers also a semi-permanent yellow/green arguably one of the best uses for the plant. Cattle growers tend to think of wild mustard as more of a plague since there is a general consensus that...
Wild Mustard Weeds – Tips For Wild Mustard Control In Gardens
You can use both physical and chemical strategies to manage or eliminate wild mustard in your yard or garden.) is an aggressive weed native to Europe and Asia, but one which was brought to North America and has now taken root.
Tiny Kitchen Gardens
I recently dedicated a small section of counter space in a corner of the kitchen as my "winter garden." I used a large tray to house the gardens which is 14" x 18" x 1" deep. The Shiitake Mushroom Patch.
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Planting Mustard Greens – How To Grow Mustard Greens
Growing mustards is something that may be unfamiliar to many gardeners, but this spicy green is quick and easy to grow. The less competition they have from weeds, the better they will grow.You should harvest mustard greens while they're still young and...
Sipping Cider Through a Straw: The Rise and Fall of the Drinking Straw
The piece of straw he was drinking it through kept getting mushy, and if he didn't use the straw, the nasty little shreds of mint would ruin the experience for him. Most Sumerians probably sipped their beer through a piece of natural, hollow, dry grass...
El Segundo
Ahhhhh, Cornbread (Cornmeal)
I eat it anyway, just because we enjoy arguing about it. They only moistened it with eggs at that time, whatever eggs were available, and then baked it into a thin, dense, flat bread that was easy to transport for long distances over a long period of...
El Segundo
Harvesting and Using Elderberries
We'd spend the day filling our buckets, and our stomachs with wonderful sweet goodness. (Editor's Note: This article was originally published on August 19, 2007. I remember as a child, summertime was the time that we all packed up in the car and headed...
El Segundo
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint but you will also improve your health and have a great looking yard. You simply slide the charged battery into the mower, and you're ready to go, or in this case, mow.These mowers are super lightweight and...
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Why Grow Garlic?
When the ground begins to warm in the spring, I remove the straw so the sun can warm the emerging stalks. Cover the top of the casserole tight with aluminum foil and then the lid (this creates an air-tight seal so the steam won't escape).
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Become an \'Invasivore\' in 3 easy lessons!
Most areas devastated by nonnative species will gladly help accommodate your wishes.Invite others to join you, or if you are foraging alone, at least tell others where you are going and what you intend to do.
El Segundo
The Creole Garlics
Creoles are also longer storing garlics than most.- A stronger Creole Garlic. Henk, and Christopher M. Harvests mid-late season - stores 7 to 8 months. Creole garlics were classified as silverskins although they don't resemble other silverskins in any...
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Umeboshi 梅の実 Plum
This cumbersome process is often left for food processing companies.Umeboshi products can be found in Asian markets and health food stores.The plums are said to have healing powers and are often used in Macrobiotic cooking and folklore medicines.In Japanese...
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Don\'t be Callous with your Malus
This means they can be readily used in cooking without too much of a pain to harvest. Yes, that colander measures 1 foot high and 1 foot wide, and within 30 minutes was filled to overflowing.It's hard to describe the fragrance while sitting under the...
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