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Basil, the King of Herbs
Pesto adds delicious flavor to grilled vegetables and salad preparations. They say picking basil after flowering causes a bitter flavor. Ornamental basils can be, but are not usually, harvested for eating.
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The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
With a huge plant like this, I have learned to be very creative when it comes to using rosemary. In my zone 8 garden, rosemary is an evergreen bush.The ‘ARP' cultivar is said to be the hardiest in zones 6 to 7.It can be used straight or mixed with other...
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Lavender, the Versatile Herb
The essential oil can be used straight for athlete's foot, bug bites and onburns. You can also pour the infusion into a spray bottle and use it to spray on your face while exercising or to refresh you on a hot day.
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Living High on Grits and Tomato Gravy
This will take about ten minutes if you use fresh tomatoes and five minutes for canned. Ah, to jab your finger into the side of a fat biscuit and then fill the resulting hole with syrup,.
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And thanks Terry, for unknowingly giving me the idea.Much of my own knowledge was verified through Wikipedia and through this website:, particularly the use of hominy in the southwest as well as its nutritional value.
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Greens, Pepper Sauce, and Cornbread: Southern Cuisine
And again, not just any cornbread will do; it must be made with the right cornmeal. We know that there are other greens, but it is these that we love best.Our greens are different from those purchased at grocery stores and farmers' markets.
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Stevia, Sweet Stevia
After they are dry, strip the leaves from the branches and store them in clean containers. Herb gardeners are anxious to include this plant in their gardens for its usefulness and novelty.
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What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
Try a spoonful on top of a serving of black bean soup. One Indian dish where you sometimes find cilantro is byrini, a fragrant rice dish with a sauce based on yogurt and spices. They are making "pestos" out of most anything pungent and green these days,...
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Now I ask you, what typifies the tropics more than a cold tropical drink served in a hollowed out coconut shell, with a little paper umbrella sticking out the top? You can wrap it in an old towel or bag and whack at it with a hammer.You can use a very...
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Get the most from your herbs I: Pinch, pinch, pinch!
Maybe you blanched at the price of fresh herbs in the produce section this spring, or you were seduced by a bright pot of basil at your local nursery, and you thought, "Hey! This year, I will grow my own herbs!" Now you've got leggy basil plants blooming...
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Sherry--What it is, How it\'s Made, and How to Use it
People have been fermenting wines in the Jerez region of southern Spain for millenia. Although the Koran forbids alcohol, local rulers varied in their enforcement of that rule. Basic definitions: wine is fermented grape juice, right?
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Glace (Candied) Fruit
Sugar may no longer be expensive, but candied fruit retains that feel of something special.You can see glace fruits on display in European style candy shops - but nothing beats the satisfaction of making your own.
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Cauliflower - a boring vegetable?
When I was growing up it was always served covered by a ?white sauce? And of course it is frequently paired with cheese sauce. The oldest record of cauliflower dates back to the 6th century B.C. Pliny wrote about it in the 2nd century after Christ.In...
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January is National Oatmeal Month
Purdue University Center for New Crops & Plants Products. Zell, Wikimedia GNU Free documentation LicenseProcessed oats: photo by Bill Ebbesen, copyright free through Wikimedia Commons, all usesQuaker Oats advertisement: public domain, expired copyright,...
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What to Do With All That . . . Dill
Dill and salt are mixed into sour cream, then the sour cream is added to the pan to make the sauce, which is then served over the cutlets.There are a number of different recipes available for dill and onion bread.
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Dill, parsley and lovage: the most used herbs in the Romanian cuisine
That's why I like to preserve these herbs during summer and have them on hand. Can you tell what I'll be sowing between the tomato plants and roses in my garden in the spring? The best time for preserving dill, parsley and lovage is when they are fully...
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Canola: Where Does it Come From?
Grease from a hamburger with bright orange greasy cheese and bright red ketchup? Plant canola (or other oilseeds, turnips and mustards) in your butterfly gardens, and let them flower.
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Eggplant: Growing Basics and Benefits
For this reason, many gardeners will harvest their eggplants very young. Benefits attributed to chlorogenic acid include antimutagenic (anti-cancer), antimicrobial, anti-LDL (bad cholesterol) and antiviral activities.Once picked, slice eggplants with...
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What to do with all that . . . oregano
Add five or six cups of tomatoes, a little red wine, and a spoonful of sugar. When your garden gives you an over-abundance of summer tomatoes, it is a good time to cook up a batch of pizza sauce and freeze it in one-cup portions to have on hand in the...
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There are Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun By the Pigs Who Search for... Truffles??
The truffle is an expensive, highly sought-after fungus about the size of a walnut, famous in French cuisine, and grows 15-20 inches deep among the roots of trees. Apparently dogs are not as likely to eat the valuable crop as are pigs.
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Butternuts, by the bushel
Winter squash stays on the vine until it's fully ripe. That would be silly! Winter squashes store well, so enjoy them one at a time, all winter. Last week I borrrowed the "smashed potato" concept and spoon--mashed the soft butternut with a hearty dollop...
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What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
Many people consider chives the easiest herb to grow. What can you do to make the most of all those chives? This may be because they start so easily from seed, and grow into dense grass-like clumps.
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The Summery Flavor of Lavender
Chopped lavender flowers.This goes especially well on a lightly sweet bread (such as Hawaiian-style rolls).A summer tea party just wouldn't be complete without a pretty piece of cake.You steep a tablespoon of lavender and two tablespoons of honey in half...
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20 Ways to Soup Up Your Soup
Pick an herb that was used in the soup recipe. For instance, balance a single sprig of an herb crossed with a piece of citrus zest on top of each serving. Roasted sesame seeds or pepitas (pumpkin seeds) add a nice nuttiness to boldly flavored soups.
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What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
Parsley is a biannual, which means that in the second year it will bolt and go to seed. But don't worry -- you can always find something to do with all that extra parsley. However, it is self-seeding, which means if it likes the area where you've planted...
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Belgian Endive
In about 6 weeks the heads can be dug up and consumed.If you are a clever home gardener, you can grow them in a sizeable bucket: Put the roots in tightly packed, fill in with moist soil, and cover with a black plastic garbage bag.
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The Subtle Saffron: Growing and Using
If you leave the stigmas attached to each other, moisture can be trapped inside the stigma. Commercial powdered saffron, although usually more expensive than threads, is often cut with turmeric and loses flavor quickly.Saffron is unique in the spice world,...
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