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How To Care For Roses In Pots

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Painting the Roses Red
Two excellent intoductions in the past decade are 'Red Scentsation' (1998, White) and 'Ralph Moore' (1999, Saville), the latter dedicated to Moore, the father of miniature roses, who was honored in 2000 for a lifetime of achievement as the first and most...
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Roses ~ In the Pink
So I am looking forward to clusters of these light pink, cupped, smaller blooms on a 2-foot by 2-foot bush this year.(2000, Carruth) is just amazing to me. I try to stick with those that will take zone 5 or lower winters when I can.
El Segundo
Orange You Lovely? Orange You Beautiful? A look at orange roses
Luckily for us, there are many orange roses included. The opening thumbnail is 'Orange Waves' (Clements , 2005), a shrub rose, lightly fragrant, with a mature height of about 3.5' and hardy to zone 6.
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Rose Rustling: Rounding Up Old Roses
Years ago my mother took cuttings from a couple bushes on an old farm my uncle had purchased. No, we rose rustlers don't make a practice of stealing other people's roses, as if they were so many mavericks! We just root cuttings of heirloom types--usually...
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The Yellow Rose of... Wheatfield
Mature size is about 5' by 5' and it is hardy to zone 4. I read that it is one of the hardier yellows (zone 6b-9b). Now that I have it in my garden I have to agree. I am especially drawn to full, many-petalled blossoms, so Austinsare my type of rose.
El Segundo
Purple Roses Majesty
Grows in zones 5 through 9.'Night Owl' (2005, Carruth) [l], large-flowered climber. An extra benefit is round orange hips in the fall. It is not in constant bloom but does repeat. 'Purple Heart' is also available as a tree rose, or standard, which is...
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Harvesting and Using Rose Hips for Tea
Rose hips, or rose haws are the fruit that forms from a pollinated rose. These irritating hairs are the source of the novelty itching powder, so should be removed.Many people wait until the hips are dry to sift out the hairs, but I wanted to make sure...
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Skyscape Roses
Later, when I visited the Biedenharn museum in West Monroe, Louisiana I was enthralled byclimbing telephone sized poles anchoring the small zoysia lawn in the ELsong Garden.I'd read about climbing roses in old English gardens from the classic old garden...
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Love Across the Miles
The levies broke and the rushing waters caused mass devastation to much of New Orleans and the surrounding areas. It is this love and feeling of peace that perfectly symbolizes this day so many call Christmas.No matter what you are doing today, I hope...
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Minnie and the Rose Cuttings
In the coming spring, when the temperatures are higher than 50F (10C) during the day, I remove the caps from the bottles to prevent overheating of the plant. I learned that years ago and have exercised it for many times, with great success.
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Ralph Moore ~ Father of the Modern Miniature Rose
Ralph Moore celebrated his 101st birthday on January 14, 2008, the same day he retired from 70 years of hybridizing roses, most notably miniatures. On April 30th it closes forever.
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I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
No, he never promised me. That's a huge part of what draws me to flower gardening. In searching for the Peace-related roses to purchase for this garden, I found there were quite a few descendents of the original 'Peace' rose, so I am collecting them in...
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Natural Security
Or, if one prefers a rose that can both climb and easily be trimmed into a lovely hedge, one option is to plant the Scotch Briar Rose. This will also allow for a good breeze in the area.
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All-America Rose Selections for 2008
Every year when the new rose catalogs begin to hit my mailbox one of the first things that I look for is the AARS symbol. The All-America Rose Selection (AARS) announced their 2008 winners: a Floribunda and Grandiflora won the honors for the upcoming...
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A rose garden in Baleyssagues
The ‘Jardin de Boissonna' is situated in a charming part of France (actually most places in France are charming of course...) more precisely in Baleyssagues, a tiny village near the small town of Duras, in the Lot et Garonne which is grossly the South-West...
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A Gift from the Heart, Across the Miles
I will be forever grateful for Ben's kindness in sharing it with me.What Ben does not know is that I had a personal connection to Hurricane Katrina myself. Miles and miles of it.“A tree, a little tree,” I thought when I could see a bit of limp foliage.
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Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
The floral patterns depicted here reflect the art work of great designers and remind us of a history in which flowers played a central part. It is a depiction of the, a shrub that grows into a dense thicket with tomato sized hips.First Lady Jacqueline...
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Growing Rugosa Roses
Water first, then fertilize. Cook until the mixture has thickened to jam-like consistency. Hips may be used whole or slightly broken. Tall ones grow approximately 5 to 6 feet tall and wide.
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How to Care for Roses
Each rose grower has his or her own favorite method. Some roses do require more maintenance than others, but growing roses is something even a beginner can do.Prune roses in early spring once the rose starts to show signs of new growth, usually in the...
Santa Monica
Quest for the Black Rose
Certainly it would provide a definitive contrast to white flowers. ROSES !!Here are the links to the other articles in my 'Roses of Color' seriesOrange You Lovely? The quest goes on with the rose breeders.
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Sean McCann: A Rosarian
They have also been collecting many roses that were considered to be lost (Sean gave away many of his earlier miniature hybrids.) Re-assembling the collection has been a labor of love (and some frustration) for Trish Walsh at Ashdown.
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Helen Hayes: the woman and the rose
But did you know there was a rose named in Helen Hayes' honor? Helen Hayes was born on October 10, 1900 in our nation's capital, Washington DC. Her career spanned a lifetime, as she did not stop acting until the age of eighty-five.
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My Favorite Climbing Rose, \
Does that sound like your average hybrid rose? So even more important than discovering that the blooms of 'Zephirine Drouhin' were a gorgeous clear pink was reading that they had a delicious "old fashioned rose" scent.
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My Rose Article
I felt well rid of them, but the others! How many different ways can one say ‘rose'?The first year that I was the owner of these bushes (or should I say, the first year that these bushes owned me?), I was mostly intent on keeping them alive.
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Mini Rose Rescue
I make the little moat around them and fill it with water, let it soak in and then repeat. Despite their tiny size, they are hardier than most tea roses. They come in a variety of colours just like the bigger roses.
El Segundo
Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
Roses are heavy feeders, if you're going to successfully grow roses you need to set up a regular fertilization program. This gives any new growth time to harden off before the first frost hits.Between these applications I make an alfalfa tea and apply...
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Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
It extends down the Rocky Mountains as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. The North Carolina Cherokee Roses were relatively well behaved, but the Alabama Cherokees are rampant invasive plants.
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